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After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
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Thursday December 14, 2006
Start: 21:30

phill niblock - die kompletten werke für gitarre(n), mit video
gespielt von seth josel, gitarre(n)
Sethwork (2003, 21')
Yam almost May (2001, 24')
Guitar two, for four (1996, 30')

Friday December 15, 2006
Start: 21:30

the conclusion of a system of things
Henning Lundkvist (SWE/Malmö) - manipulated sounds and tapes

sound project by Marta Zapparoli (IT) aKa Penelopex / fin

Saturday December 16, 2006
Start: 22:00

Waxflowers present THE SAMPLEDELIC ROCKERS (nl)
"banging beats, humour and live mpc action!"

+ ausland (with you on the floor) presents:
semdikráska (nele konopka///maos rache/k&k/u.a.)

Thursday December 21, 2006
Start: 21:00

Der verliebte Polizist, Fourier und die Köchin. Le policier amoureux, Fourier et la cuisinière. Formation HO zeigt ein Stück über Leidenschaft und Mechanik. Nach Texten von Charles Fourier und Interviews » Wir möchten

Saturday January 20, 2007
Start: 22:00

People From The Mountains (a little workplace of different music)
+ "Pull yourself together.Why struggle?if you can play music instead" a piece by Maria Anisegou(cello) and Olga Tzikouli(dance,choreography)

Friday January 26, 2007
Start: 22:00

?Alos - "One girl cooking music" - Live Performance
Antoine Chessex - tenor sax (solo)
Dave Phillips - field recordings (solo)
DJ Sudd

Saturday January 27, 2007
Start: 21:00

Zeremonien und Rituale
Neue Musik für Traversflöte

Zeitgenössische Musik für (historische) Traversflöte, Naturhorn und Kontrabass.

Zwei Uraufführungen für Trio (Hans-Jürg Meier, Basel, und Markus Wettstein, Berlin)
drei Solowerke (Urs Peter Schne

Sunday January 28, 2007
Start: 20:00

Grenzgänger Literaturbühne: Der Mann im Jasmin - Das Kopfleuchten der Unica Zürn mit Kathrin Erbert und Thorsten Föst, Musik Gersom Herold

Thursday February 1, 2007
Start: 22:00

*Kirsten Ketsjer the rock band (yoyooyoy/dk)*Kadillac Lobster the cover band *clemplem + monolulu (

Friday February 9, 2007
Start: 22:00

eiskalt : Ilse Lau (Bremen) + Phô (Norwegen.. )+ THE KNÄUL - dj the team speaks of : antoine chessex, dj heizung, roberta panda (roberta de niro) & frau enke

Sunday February 11, 2007
Start: 21:00

Jeremy Woodruff (compositions)
Erik Drescher (flute)
Sabine Vogel (flutes)

gefördert durch die Initiative Neue Musik Berlin e.V.

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