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After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:



Wednesday April 13, 2011
Start: 21:00

Eine Welt aus Hack: Vialka / Krapoola

Vialka ist ein Turbo Folk Micro-Orchestra. Die beiden sympathischen Nomaden, die Französin Marylise Frecheville und der gebürtige Kanadier Eric Boros reisen gemeinsam rastlos um die Welt, beobac

Friday April 15, 2011
Start: 21:00

Trio Hayward/Shirley/Borel
Robin Hayward - tuba
Derek Shirley - double bass
Pierre Borel - saxophone

Louis Laurain solo
Louis Laurain - trumpet

Bernd Klug solo

Wednesday April 20, 2011
Start: 20:00

VON DER SCHÖNHEIT EIN STÜCK WEGGESCHNITTEN - Neue Texte und Bilder von Sigrun Zinser

Thursday April 21, 2011
Start: 21:00

ANY (angela nina yeowell) uses a sampler, pick ups, flea market instruments, and a few different microphones to give voice to that which she does not understand.

music for 6 electric guitars is

Wednesday April 27, 2011
Start: 10:00
End: 20:00

The workshop Mauertag im April is aimed at all those who are curious about the Berlin wall and its metaphors in the world.

Presenting the following projects:

- Virtuelle Mauer / ReConstructing the wall by T+T.
- Former East / For

Start: 20:00
End: 21:30
The SPLITTER ORCHESTER, the subtle beast of a 24 piece improvising outfit returns tomorrow night. 
During 2011, we're presenting 8 public rehearsals/presentations @ WABE. 

Friday April 29, 2011
Start: 21:00

Hilary Jeffery, trombone
Magda Mayas, clavinet & piano
Clayton Thomas, double bass
Tony Buck, drums

Saturday April 30, 2011
Start: 21:00

Niños Consentidos (verwöhnte Kinder) has been held continuously in Buenos Aires, Argentina, since 2006, and in Barcelona since June 2010. From the very beginning the festival was intended as an open space for artists of any discipline with

Tuesday May 3, 2011
Start: 20:00

Want to participate in ausland? Come to trockenschwimmen - a place to talk and teach.

Wednesday May 4, 2011
Start: 20:30

Arnold de Boer - guitar, voc, synth

The Inconvenience
Rico Repotente - guitar,
Christopher Cantillo - drums,
Joe Williamson - vocals, bass

Thursday May 5, 2011
Start: 10:00
Start: 5 May 2011 - 10:00
End: 8 May 2011 - 23:59

The programme for SPOR festival 2011: TOUCH ME is launched. 

Friday May 6, 2011
(all day)
Start: 5 May 2011 - 10:00
End: 8 May 2011 - 23:59

The programme for SPOR festival 2011: TOUCH ME is launched. 

Start: 21:00

RED Trio
Rodrigo Pinheiro - piano
Hernâni Faustino - doublebass
Gabriel Ferrandini - drums

mascadian freeplay
Mathias Maschat - piano
Sebastian Maschat - drums

Ingo Reule

Saturday May 7, 2011
(all day)
Start: 5 May 2011 - 10:00
End: 8 May 2011 - 23:59

The programme for SPOR festival 2011: TOUCH ME is launched. 

Start: 21:30

doors: 21.30
starts: 22.00

Mario de Vega - modified electronics, turntables

Bill Kouligas - analogue synth, tape manipulation and electronics

Sunday May 8, 2011
End: 23:59
Start: 5 May 2011 - 10:00
End: 8 May 2011 - 23:59

The programme for SPOR festival 2011: TOUCH ME is launched. 

Wednesday May 11, 2011
Start: 21:00
End: 23:30


110511 : EVOL & Goodiepal

Saturday May 14, 2011
Start: 21:00

Crys Cole - no-input mixing board, contact microphones
Seiji Morimoto - electronics

Im Zusammenspiel der beiden Künstler in einer minimalen Duo-Konstellation treffen die unterschiedlichen künstlerischen Positionen und In

Wednesday May 18, 2011
Start: 20:00
The SPLITTER ORCHESTER, the subtle beast of a 24 piece improvising outfit presents 8 public rehearsals/presentations @ WABE in 2011. 

Part concert, part public research event, the group will spend the afternoon preparing an hour of music for your listening pleasure/curiosity/confrontation. 
The concert starts punctually at 20:15 and we charge 5 euro.

Start: 22:00
End: 23:59

im Radio in Berlin auf 88,4 Mhz und auf

Call In Show zu SoS Kulturarbeit und Kultur und Arbeit jenseits davon. Im ausland und im Rest der Welt. Konzertaufnahmen und Programmtips!

Thursday May 19, 2011
Start: 20:00

Zusammengeschnittene Audioaufzeichnungen von Lena Mahler.

Das Trauma erfährt seit geraumer Zeit eine Konjunktur. Die alltagssprachlichen Verschiebungen hinterlassen auch in den vermeintlich harten Wissenschaftsdiziplinen ihre Spur

Saturday May 21, 2011
Start: 20:00

Lyriklesung auf Russisch und Deutsch mit den Autoren und Übersetzern Alexander Galper (Brooklyn/NY), Alexander Filyuta, Bert Papenfuß, Steffen Popp (alle Berlin) und einem Überraschungsgast (St. Petersburg).

Sunday May 22, 2011
Start: 21:00

flausland - Flügelreihe im ausland


Andrea Ermke - Minidiscs & Mischpult
Tuesday May 24, 2011
Start: 20:30
End: 23:59

valby vokalgruppe was formed as an experiment into what it is possible to do with the voice and with voices together. They have arisen mainly from a fascination with congolese pygme singing, but also minimalistic patterns and melodies have found their

Wednesday May 25, 2011
Start: 20:00
End: 23:00

Christophe Bourdoiseau und das "Trio Scho" präsentieren: Französische Chansons über Paris und Berlin

Saturday May 28, 2011
Start: 14:00
End: 19:00

  NOT TOUCHLESS - workshop on buliding an amplifying a CrackleBox by using the electrical conductivity found in foods, plants, human body and household materials
With :: Natalia Borissova Ru/De


Sunday May 29, 2011
Start: 20:00
End: 23:00





Wednesday June 1, 2011
Start: 21:00

"An evening for a big ensemble divided into small portions"

Brendon Dougherty, drums
Christoph Irmer, viol
Chris Heenan, alto sax, contrabass clarinet
Olaf Hochherz, electronics
Andy Graydon, electronics

Thursday June 2, 2011
Start: 21:00

amSTARt + delikolder präsentieren:





Krautrock mit abenteuerlustiger Punk/DIY-Attitüde.

Saturday June 4, 2011
Start: 13:00
End: 22:00

Ein Workshop und eine partizipative Installation mit selbstgebauten elektronischen
Klangerzeugern. Die Geräte werden von Obst und Gemüse mit Spannung versorgt und gesteuert.

Start: 19:00

Minikonzert der im Workshop gebauten Instrumente

Tuesday June 7, 2011
Start: 20:00

Want to participate in ausland? Come to trockenschwimmen - a place to talk and teach.

Friday June 10, 2011
Start: 20:00
End: 20:44

Nach dem Trockenschwimmenworkshop "Fresh Music for Rotten Vegetables" werden die Instrumente nun international vernetzt! stream heute nicht hier, sondern unter


Saturday June 11, 2011
Start: 21:00
End: 23:00


110611 : Angélica Castelló / Lucio Capece

Sunday June 12, 2011
Start: 20:00
End: 21:00

As the original "Sportschau" celebrtes is 50th Birthday these days we present a radio show about Sport and Music, a DEFA soccer Musical Film, the Squat-Soccer-World Cub and Muay Thai.

As always you are welcome to call us during the show in the Studio: 030.39787105


Start: 21:00


Svein Magnus Furu - saxophone
Stine Janvin - voice
Are Lothe Kolbeinsen - guitar
Guro Moe - bass
Andrea Neumann - inside piano
Tanja Orning - cello

Jon Rose: "Palimpolin&quot

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