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"Eck an Car is a chain of events that circumvents the process of change." Puppetmaster (Brian Kiel), Trained Chimp (Big Daddy Mugglestone), and Ex-Cop (Ian Douglas-Moore) each play part in shaping the audio and visual events that cycle through their stations.
A live performance by Brian Kiel, Big Daddy Mugglestone, and Ian Douglas-Moore
"Eck an Car is a chain of events that circumvents the process of change." Puppetmaster (Brian Kiel), Trained Chimp (Big Daddy Mugglestone), and Ex-Cop (Ian Douglas-Moore) each play part in shaping the audio and visual events that cycle through their stations.
"Eck an Car is a chain of events that circumvents the process of change." Puppetmaster (Brian Kiel), Trained Chimp (Big Daddy Mugglestone), and Ex-Cop (Ian Douglas-Moore) each play part in shaping the audio and visual events that cycle through their stations.
"Eck an Car is a chain of events that circumvents the process of change." Puppetmaster (Brian Kiel), Trained Chimp (Big Daddy Mugglestone), and Ex-Cop (Ian Douglas-Moore) each play part in shaping the audio and visual events that cycle through their stations.
"Eck an Car is a chain of events that circumvents the process of change." Puppetmaster (Brian Kiel), Trained Chimp (Big Daddy Mugglestone), and Ex-Cop (Ian Douglas-Moore) each play part in shaping the audio and visual events that cycle through their stations.
"Eck an Car is a chain of events that circumvents the process of change." Puppetmaster (Brian Kiel), Trained Chimp (Big Daddy Mugglestone), and Ex-Cop (Ian Douglas-Moore) each play part in shaping the audio and visual events that cycle through their stations.
"Eck an Car is a chain of events that circumvents the process of change." Puppetmaster (Brian Kiel), Trained Chimp (Big Daddy Mugglestone), and Ex-Cop (Ian Douglas-Moore) each play part in shaping the audio and visual events that cycle through their stations.
"Eck an Car is a chain of events that circumvents the process of change." Puppetmaster (Brian Kiel), Trained Chimp (Big Daddy Mugglestone), and Ex-Cop (Ian Douglas-Moore) each play part in shaping the audio and visual events that cycle through their stations.
ECK AN CAR final performance,
The Sacred Travelers ::> Molam music from Thailand meets Afro-Krautrock
PXPRD ::> Electro-Acoustic Soundscapes
Bröckel ::> Absurdist Performance Troupe
T. H. Bröckel / M. M. Bröckel / R. H. Bröckel
Big Daddy Mugglestone ::> Raw Capella Sexual Alchemy
Fett the 7" Smasher ::> hits the decks
"Eck an Car is a chain of events that circumvents the process of change." Puppetmaster (Brian Kiel), Trained Chimp (Big Daddy Mugglestone), and Ex-Cop (Ian Douglas-Moore) each play part in shaping the audio and visual events that cycle through their stations.
recordings and impressions from the Counterflows festival at ausland with music from Kim-Doo-Soo, Carla Bozulich, Josephine Foster, Michael Hurley, Decoy + Joe McPhee
a radio show at
"Eck an Car is a chain of events that circumvents the process of change." Puppetmaster (Brian Kiel), Trained Chimp (Big Daddy Mugglestone), and Ex-Cop (Ian Douglas-Moore) each play part in shaping the audio and visual events that cycle through their stations.
"Eck an Car is a chain of events that circumvents the process of change." Puppetmaster (Brian Kiel), Trained Chimp (Big Daddy Mugglestone), and Ex-Cop (Ian Douglas-Moore) each play part in shaping the audio and visual events that cycle through their stations.
Piezzo, Little Amps and Performance
a workshop about performance and acoustic toys & gadgets
by Ariel Efraim Ashbel - Director, Maya Dunietz - Composer and Performer and Yair Reshef - technological art & invention. please register till May 7th under: ruth at, price 15 €
Über Funny van Dannens radikale Naivität. Vortrag von Magnus Klaue.
Geöffnet ab 19:30 Uhr, Beginn des Vortrags um 20:30 Uhr.
An evening with solo sets by TSEMBLA and ANDREA BELFI.
Tsembla is the musical work of Swedish artist Marja Johansson based in Turku, Finland. Her music blends concrete sound modifications with acoustic and electronic instrumentation into extraordinary beautiful and haunting music that rides on waves of warped melodies, rhythms and mutating textures.
Andrea Belfi has been playing drums since the age of 14. He studied art in Milan and has been working in experimental music since 2000. In his live set, Belfi faces the audience with an essential drum set, surrounded by synthesizers, a loop station, some contact microphones, an harmonica and two small-size speakers.
Lain (drone/noise) is a solo of nord modular and analog filter
Plaistow (post-jazz) is Johann Bourquenez, piano / Cyril Bondi, drums / Vincent Ruiz, doublebass
Here forms are neglected, there is a will to get out of style and decency, a will to adopt an attitude both offhanded and intense.
Philipp Rahlenbeck (visuals): Visual Piano
The International Nothing
Kai Fagaschinski – Klarinette, Komposition
Michael Thieke – Klarinette, Komposition
Helmut Lachenmann: Salut für Caudwell - für zwei Gitarristen (1977)
Barbara Romen – Gitarre
Gunter Schneider – Gitarre
Gefördert durch die Initiative Neue Musik Berlin e.V.
Movie and discussion about Ruanda genocide with Ruanda Connection Berlin
Lyrik im ausland präsentiert diesmal Lesungen und Performances von Ernesto Estrella Cózar, Simone Kornappel und Pär Thörn. Alle drei Autoren verbindet, dass sie mit dem lyrischen Vortrag und/oder der Form bzw. dem sprachlichen Material des Gedichts selbst auf experimentelle Weise im engeren Sinne umgehen, und so sind wir neugierig auf einen vielseitigen und spannenden Abend.
Lesungen auf Deutsch, Englisch und Spanisch / Geöffnet ab 20 Uhr, Beginn um 21 Uhr.
Christopher Williams: double bass solo
Olaf Hochherz: electronics
Yan Jun: electronics
Hannes Lingens: drum
Felicity Mangan: found australian native animal sounds cd, play back devices, hand made speaker (tin can, magnet, coil, 40W power-amplifier)
Seiji Morimoto: modulated buzzers, objects
N.K.: Electronic and Computer Music Series:
doors open at 21h00 / concerts start at 21h30 sharp
3 solos
JÉRÔME NOETINGER - improv electroacoustic
JOHN WALL - improv electroacoustic
GEOFF MULLEN - improv electroacoustic, ambient
Entstellte Subjekte und das politische Unbewusste der Globalisierung nach und gegen Fredric Jameson. Vortrag von Thomas Ebke. Geöffnet ab 20 Uhr, Beginn um 21 Uhr.
Liz Allbee: trumpet
Matthias Müller: trombone
Roy Carroll: computer, loudspeakers
The Dogmatics:
Chris Abrahams (Sydney) | piano
Kai Fagaschinski (Berlin) | clarinet
Unter dem Titel auslandsberichte - denn im ausland begegnet man den dreien recht oft, zum Beispiel als Thekendienstleistende oder Veranstalter - treffen sich Ian Douglas-Moore (Prosa - in English), Tobias Herold ("Ausfahrt" - Lyrik) und Stefan Roigk ("Vom Sagen Hören" - Sound-/Sprachcollage) heute ausnahmsweise mal nicht dort, sondern zu e
Im hundertsten Jahr nach Erscheinen von „Eine Ohrfeige dem öffentlichen Geschmack (Пощечина общественному вкусу)", dem zentralen Manifest der Futuristen, einer avantgardistischen Bewegung in Russland, die auch heute noch aktuell bleibt, lesen Sergej Birjukov und Valeri Scherstjanoi ihre Lieblingsgedichte aus dem Kontext des Futurismus sowie eigene Experimente.
Michael Ammann, phonetics, filter, uko & surround sound
Michael Barthel, vocals, tapes & electronics
raudio aasland auf reboot fm - stefan roigk - FROMBERG (mix)
Die Agentur für Informationspolitik (AIP) lädt Autoren zu einem literarischen Abend ein. Das populistische Phänomen der allgemeinen Verunsicherung, einer zugespitzten Orientierungslosigkeit wird von den Berliner Autoren aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven beleuchtet.
Geöffnet ab 20 Uhr, Beginn um 21 Uhr.
ausland is happy to host the first musical encounter of Bertrand Gauguet (fr) on the saxophones with Robin Hayward (de) on tuba.
In this tonal meeting the two musicians aim to explore the border between pitch and noise.
+ Lucio Capece solo: One melody, three spaces
Soprano saxophone, wireless speaker, tunebugs, cardboard boxes, PA, Spectrum, ring modulator.
NK: Electronic and Computer Music Series
Doors 21:00 - Concerts 21:30 SHARP!
8 euros
LIONEL MARCHETTI / improv electroacoustic
GERT-JAN PRINS / improv electroacoustic
JD ZAZIE / records, turntables & mixer
Hobocombo is a Moondog tribute band, featuring:
Andrea Belfi (drums, percussion and voice)
Rocco Marchi (guitar, synth and voice)
Francesca Baccolini (double bass and voice)
... plus Berlin special guests:
Simon James Phillips (piano)
Nicholas Bussmann (cello)
Christopher Williams (double bass)
Johnny Chang (Violin)