No longer uptodate!

After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:



Sunday September 14, 2014
Start: 14:30
End: 15:30

ausland invites french improviser, filmmaker, painter Jean-Luc Guionnet for one week of concerts, lectures, performances, exhibitions, and film screenings done by or otherwise curated by mr. guionnet in and around ausland.

:: FINAL CONCERT!! featuring jl guionnet, solo organ

Start: 20:00

METABOLISM A film by Stefanie Gaus und Volker Sattel
Germany 2014 / 41min / HD

Sprachen: deutsch
Land: Deutschland, 2006
Dauer: 28 min
Regisseur: Stefanie Gaus
Drehbuch: Stefanie Gaus
Kamera: Volker Sattel

Friday September 19, 2014
Start: 20:30


Dominik Eggermann
: generative software, sound/visuals
Jörg Hasheider: video installation, concept
Stefan Wolf: 4 ipads, sound/visuals

Tuesday September 23, 2014
Start: 21:00

Konzert Minimal plays:

Catherine Lamb - material/highlight (2013/2014)
Lucio Capece - New composition
Konzert Minimal: Lucio Capece, bass clarinet Johnny Chang, viola Hilary Jeffery, trombone Cat Lamb, viola Hannes Lingens, accordion Mike Majkowski, bass Koen Nutters, bass Rishin Singh, trombone

doors 20:00

music starts 21:00

Friday September 26, 2014
Start: 20:30

Berangere Maximin presents her new programme/album 'Lovesick' (sound objects, microphonics, digital chimeras, voice) ///

2nd set:
Duo - Berangere Maximin (laptop, voice, sound objects) + Magda Mayas (prepared piano)

Doors 20:30h, Start 21:30h

Saturday September 27, 2014
Start: 21:00

amSTARt & Vagabond Village present:

SAFI (Noisepunk, Berlin)
Mondo Fumatore (Psychopop /Noise, Berlin)

Doors 21:00h, Start 22:00h

Sunday September 28, 2014
Start: 20:00

Sabine Ercklentz ‒ Trompete, Elektronik
Andrea Neumann ‒ Innenklavier, Mischpult
Beate Kunath ‒ live-Kamera
Anja Weber ‒ Kamera / Videoeschnitt bei Pionierinnen der Klangforschung

Asi Föcker ‒ Stimme, Gitarre, Piano, Text und Geräusche

Doors: 20:00, Beginn 21:00

Thursday October 2, 2014
Start: 21:00

Doors 21:00h, Start 22:00h |


Iku Sakan is a musician, improvisor and DJ from Osaka, Japan currently based in Berlin, Germany

Solhorn is a solo project of danish artist Michael Mørkholt.


Since Schickert’s 1975 debut Samtvogel and 1979’s Überfällig (on legendary German rock labels Brain and Sky repectively) he has only released work sporadically in limited editions, though he has remained active, producing music for film and theatre and working with a number of groups.



Friday October 3, 2014
Start: 20:30
End: 23:59

Plants and empire works with the sound of signals produced by plants, picked up from plants, transformed and generated by plants and is constantly researching new ways of developing plantsound

a.melodie consists of self-made synthesizers that are then hooked up to an array of different plants.

Sunday October 5, 2014
Start: 20:00

Jan Volker Röhnert stellt seinen neuen Lyrikband "Wolkenformeln" vor, der frisch im ersten Programm des neugegründeten Verlags edition faust erschienen ist.

Aus diesem Anlass lesen außerdem als Gäste:

Ulrike Almut Sandig & Ron Winkler!

Moderation: Tom Schulz

Geöffnet ab 20:00 Uhr, Beginn um 20:30 Uhr.


Wednesday October 8, 2014
Start: 20:00

amSTARt presents:

DONNA REGINA (Karaoke Kalk)
-with their new album "Holding the mirror for Sophia Loren"-

MOLLY NILSSON (Dark Skies Association / Night School Records)

plus: DJ Strobocop

Doors 20:00h, start 21:00h | VVK @ koka 36 | AK 10 €

Thursday October 9, 2014
Start: 20:00

Music of/for Minorities
The Gong Orchestras in Cambodia and Laos

A new monthly series at ausland presents rare recordings of ethnic music made by Laurent Jeanneau (F). Jeanneau has travelled extensively since 1999 to the remotest corners of Asia, compiling an extraordinary collection of ethnic music recordings.
Each evening will focus on a specific musical practice and will include the narratives, photos or videos of the musicians. Jeanneau will tell us the story of each recording and
he'll answer your questions. Join in for the new listening sessions at ausland!  

Friday October 10, 2014
Start: 21:00

Katsura Yamauchi / Seiji Morimoto

Sunday October 12, 2014
Start: 21:00
End: 22:00

von raudio aasland #14: Zwischen den Sportplätzen. Jetzt wird 21 Tage zu spät zum 43.Geburtstag gratuliert!

Monday October 13, 2014
Start: 20:00

You want to help with running ausland? Or you have some experience as sound engineer or light designer/technician and would like to practice your skills at ausland? Or you just would like to be part of one of the longest-running collective venues in Berlin? Then drop by!

Saturday October 18, 2014
Start: 20:00

Gaëlle Rouard, a film-maker alchemist specialising in the precipitation of silver on film, shows her films manipulating the two 16mm projectors live.

Sunday October 19, 2014
Start: 20:30


Pierre Borel - sax
Derek Shirley - bass / synth
Hannes Lingens - drums & objects

plays with

Stefan Thut (CH) - cello

funded by INM and Kulturamt Pankow

Wednesday October 22, 2014
Start: 20:00
End: 23:59

General Public steht am Scheideweg und lädt deshalb zum Gespräch und zur Diskussion:
Es geht um nichts weniger als um die Befragung der eigenen Position und Rolle und darum, wie sich ein Weitermachen inhaltlich und räumlich-strategisch denken lässt. Soll General Public einen neuen Ort finden? Ein Ladenlokal oder ein Büro? In der Stadtmitte oder an der Peripherie?
In Erwartung auf eine angeregte Diskussion mit Freundinnen und Freunden, Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
The Members Of General Public –
Christina Barrios-Gomez, Oliver Baurhenn, Ursula Böckler, Jeremiah Day, Georg Graw, Heimo Lattner, Cornelia Lund, Holger Lund, Marie-José Ourtilane, Wolfgang Mayer, Jahn Rohlfs, Michael Schultze, Remco Schuurbiers.

Eintritt frei.

Thursday October 23, 2014
Start: 20:30

Makiko Nishikaze: compositions for clavichord solo

Sven-Åke Johansson / Liz Allbee / Pierre Borel / Joel Grip

Radu Malfatti: shoguu
Radu Malfatti / Lucio Capece / Cat Lamb / Johnny Chang

Friday October 24, 2014
Start: 21:00

10 years ago,...

Andrea Ermke - minidiscs & mixer
Chris Abrahams - dx7
Marcello Busato - drums
Arthur Rother - guitar
... formed the band Sink - tonight, they'll celebrate their anniversary with - what else? - one of their outstanding concerts! + Zelda Panda!
Doors 21:00h, Start 21:30h.
Sunday October 26, 2014
Start: 20:30

Attila Faravelli / Enrico Malatesta / Nicola Ratti

Attila Faravelli, Enrico Malatesta and Nicola Ratti, three active figures in the new italian electro­acoustic scene (playing as a trio under the name Tilde and some of the promoters of Auna, an electro­acoustic music festival conceived as a research/exchange moment between italian­based artists) will present at Ausland three solo acts after a brief talk/presentation about Attila’s project Aural Tools.

Doors 20:30h, Start 21:00h.

Thursday October 30, 2014
Start: 21:00
UMLAUT Festival für Gegenwärtige Musik 2014

Thursday Oct 30th - Saturday Nov 1st


Friday October 31, 2014
Start: 21:00

UMLAUT collective celebrates 5 years of happy existence in berlin, Thursday Oct 30 - Saturday Nov 1st.


Featuring :::


Vermulscht / Delius & Lillinger / Ganzfeld / Sonic Essence / Shuichi / The Still / Die Hochstapler / Grip & Suzuki / III^

Saturday November 1, 2014
Start: 21:00

UMLAUT collective celebrates 5 years of happy existence in berlin, Thursday Oct 30 - Saturday Nov 1st.


Featuring :::


Vermulscht / Delius & Lillinger / Ganzfeld / Sonic Essence / Shuichi / The Still / Die Hochstapler / Grip & Suzuki / III^

Wednesday November 5, 2014
Start: 20:00

Buchpräsentation: Martina Jakobson (als Herausgeberin und Übersetzerin des Buches) liest aus "Reglose Hirsche", einer zweisprachigen (Dt. / Russ.) Auswahlsammlung aus dem lyrischen Werk von Arsenij Tarkowskij (ersch. Edition Rugerup, 2013) und stellt das Buch im Gespräch mit dem Lyriker und Übersetzer Alexander Filyuta vor.

Geöffnet ab 20:00 Uhr, Beginn um 20:30 Uhr.

Thursday November 6, 2014
Start: 18:00

Increments by Kovács/O’Doherty

Start:  18.00h 

A durational installation combining sound, space, and movement.


Friday November 7, 2014
Start: 18:00

Increments (Day II) by Kovács/O’Doherty

Start: 18.00h

A durational installation combining sound, space, and movement.

Sunday November 9, 2014
Start: 20:30

While House / process #3

a collaboration of The Instrument and Maya Weinberg 

Doors: 20.30h

Start: 21.00h

Wednesday November 12, 2014
Start: 20:00

Digital in Berlin presents:

Ela Stiles (Sydney / Bedroom Suck Records)

+ pre- & aftershowparty: Lucrecia Dalt /// Chez Mieke !

Doors 20:00h - concerts 21:00h

Thursday November 13, 2014
Start: 20:00

Music of/for Minorities
Vocal Polyphony in China and Vietnam

A new monthly series at ausland presents rare recordings of ethnic music made by Laurent Jeanneau (F). Jeanneau has travelled extensively since 1999 to the remotest corners of Asia, compiling an extraordinary collection of ethnic music recordings.
Each evening will focus on a specific musical practice and will include the narratives, photos or videos of the musicians. Jeanneau will tell us the story of each recording and
he'll answer your questions. Join in for the new listening sessions at ausland!   




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