No longer uptodate!

After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:



Thursday December 4, 2014
Start: 20:30

Third concert of the series: The Something Between The Nothing - OBLIQ with guests

This time with a set by obliq+Takako Suzuki, lights by Nathalie Ponneau und  Ruth Waldeyer
and a solo set by Hannes Lingens


Pierre Borel - sax
Derek Shirley - bass / synth
Hannes Lingens - drums & objects

doors 20:30

performance 21:00

Wednesday December 10, 2014
Start: 20:00

Music of/for Minorities
Mouth Organs in Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and China

A new monthly series at ausland presents rare recordings of ethnic music made by Laurent Jeanneau (F). Jeanneau has travelled extensively since 1999 to the remotest corners of Asia, compiling an extraordinary collection of ethnic music recordings.
Each evening will focus on a specific musical practice and will include the narratives, photos or videos of the musicians. Jeanneau will tell us the story of each recording and
he'll answer your questions. Join in for the new listening sessions at ausland!  

Friday December 12, 2014
Start: 20:30

Almost - Keith Hennessy + Jassem Hindi 

Doors: 20:30h

Performance: 21:00h

Saturday December 13, 2014
Start: 20:00

Magda Mayas - clavinet
Michael Zerang - drums
Michael Thieke - clarinet

Doors 20:00, Beginn 21:00

Sunday December 21, 2014
Start: 18:00

Letraton Nr. 9 für Innenklavier, Mixer und Tape
performt von Andrea Neumann

Hörbilder (Ergebnisse aus der ausland Residenz)
eine Performance von und mit Antonia Baehr und Valérie Castan und William Wheeler

Tuesday December 23, 2014
Start: 16:00
End: 23:00

The Ambassadors of Alltagskammer present:  

Villa Kuriosum's Winter Collection - Vernissage

Exhibition opens: 16:00

Vernissage event: 19:00

Wednesday December 24, 2014
Start: 11:00
End: 23:00

The Ambassadors of Alltagskammer present:  

Villa Kuriosum's Winter Collection - Demonstration

Start: 11:00h



Friday December 26, 2014
Start: 16:00

The Ambassadors of Alltagskammer present:  

Villa Kuriosum's Winter Collection - Blac Blob Sound workshop

Exhibition opens: 16:00

Saturday December 27, 2014
Start: 16:00
End: 20:00

The Ambassadors of Alltagskammer present:  

Villa Kuriosum's Winter Collection

Exhibition opens: 16:00

Start: 20:00

The Ambassadors of Alltagskammer present:  

Villa Kuriosum's Winter Collection - Concert and Live Show

Show at 20:00

Sunday January 11, 2015
Start: 20:00

Olaf Rupp - git
Rudi Fischerlehner - dr

plants vs. animals
Liz Allbee: tr, Christina Ertl/plants and empire: plants, electr, Melodie Fenez/a.melodie: plant synth, Felicity Mangan: fieldrecordings, Ute Wassermann: voice and birdwhistles

Doors: 20:00, Beginn 20:30


Wednesday January 14, 2015
Start: 20:00
End: 23:59

Music of/for Minorities
Autobiographic Songs of Women in Laos, Vietnam and China

A new monthly series at ausland presents rare recordings of ethnic music made by Laurent Jeanneau (F). Jeanneau has travelled extensively since 1999 to the remotest corners of Asia, compiling an extraordinary collection of ethnic music recordings.
Each evening will focus on a specific musical practice and will include the narratives, photos or videos of the musicians. Jeanneau will tell us the story of each recording and
he'll answer your questions. Join in for the new listening sessions at ausland!  

Saturday January 17, 2015
Start: 21:00

amSTARt presents:

Golden Diskó Ship: "Invisible Bonfire" (Spezialmaterial Records)

- record release show -

+ Silje Nes - solo

Silje Nes is a Norwegian multi-instrumentalist/singer/songwriter based in Bergen & Berlin.

DJs: Spatz Habibi

Doors 21:00h, Start 22:00h

Friday January 23, 2015
Start: 20:30

TEAQ - The Electro-Acoustic Quartet
Stefan Schultze – prepared piano
Simon Rose – baritone and alto saxophones
Richard Scott – modular synthesisers
Cole Ingraham – self designed ipad instrument and live coding

Monday January 26, 2015
Start: 20:00

-Szenische Lesung mit Angelika Meier-

Veranstaltung bei facebook

Wednesday January 28, 2015
Start: 20:00

Pilotveranstaltung in der neuen offenen Diskussionsreihe zur Lyriktheorie & Poetologie.

Mit Bertram Reinecke, Tobias Roth und Lea Schneider.
Moderation: Asmus Trautsch

Geöffnet ab 20:00 Uhr, Beginn 20:30 Uhr 

Thursday January 29, 2015
Start: 20:30

Matthias Müller
- trombone
Michael Thieke
- clarinet
Michael Vorfeld
- percussion

Christopher Williams
- double bass
Roy Carroll
- computer, loudspeakers

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