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« March 13, 2015 - May 12, 2015 »
03 / 13
Start: 20:30

Filme von Dagie Brundert...
...*1962 in Westdeutschland, 1984 nach Berlin gezogen, zunächst fotografische Arbeiten, dann mit Super8. Studium an der Hochschule der Künste, Abschluss 1991. Bis heute zahllose experi-mentelle Filme unterschiedlichster Länge, von ganz kurzen bis abendfüllenden. Zwischendurch Gründung des Comic-Verlages ‚Der Jochen’, des Filmkollektives ‚FBI – Freie Berliner Ischen’ (mit Ramona Welsh und Pamela Homann) und Arbeit als Grafikerin in der Berliner Medienlandschaft.
Geöffnet ab 20:30 Uhr, Filmstart 21:30 Uhr.


03 / 14
Start: 21:00

(Berlin - Tapete Records / Sonar Kollektiv)
+ Hanno Leichtmann
+ special surprise guest

(Berlin/UK - Big Dada)

...aftershow: Digital in Berlin & friends!

Doors 21:00, Start 22:00.

03 / 15
Start: 20:00
End: 23:00

Rogelio Sosa (electronics)
Mario de Vega (objects / electronics)
Felicity Mangan (handmade speakers)

doors 20:00, start 20:30

03 / 16
03 / 17
03 / 18
03 / 19
Start: 20:00

Ein Abend mit Lyriklesungen von Moritz Gause, Kinga Tóth und Eugene Ostashevsky.

Geöffnet ab 20:00 Uhr, Beginn 20:30 Uhr.

03 / 20
Start: 21:00

- animals acting human # 3 -
... an evolutionary concert night with:

Berlin premiere & tape release concert: "Osvensk Stämning" (Unswedish Atmosphere)

Ian Douglas Moore: electric guitar
Paul Roth: saxophone

- Doors 21:00h, start 22:00h -


03 / 21
Start: 20:30

Tiziana Bertoncini / Thomas Lehn

Ritwik Banerji / Liz Allbee / Hilary Jeffery / Maxine

Luka Ivanović / Lukatoyboy: Outing for walkie-talkies


03 / 22
03 / 23
03 / 24
03 / 25
03 / 26
03 / 27
Start: 20:00

An interdisciplinary performance in gothic style based Edgar Allan Poe’s classic tale of decay, demise and doom. Lindy Annis (concept, text version; the Narrator ) / Nicholas Bussmann (sound and atmospheric composition; Roderick Usher) / Lucile Desamory (visual concept and realisation; Madeline Usher)

Please note: We can no longer accept reservations for the premiere. Please reserve tickets for the performances on either the 28th or the 29th.

Tickets: 12.00 / 9.00 €

doors 20:00, start 20:30

03 / 28
Start: 20:00

An interdisciplinary performance in gothic style based Edgar Allan Poe’s classic tale of decay, demise and doom. Lindy Annis (concept, text version; the Narrator ) / Nicholas Bussmann (sound and atmospheric composition; Roderick Usher) / Lucile Desamory (visual concept and realisation; Madeline Usher)

Limited admittance! Please reserve tickets at:

doors 20:00, start 20:30

Tickets: 12.00 / 9.00 €

03 / 29
Start: 20:00

An interdisciplinary performance in gothic style based Edgar Allan Poe’s classic tale of decay, demise and doom. Lindy Annis (concept, text version; the Narrator ) / Nicholas Bussmann (sound and atmospheric composition; Roderick Usher) / Lucile Desamory (visual concept and realisation; Madeline Usher)

Limited admittance! Please reserve tickets at:

doors 20:00, start 20:30

Tickets: 12.00 / 9.00 €

03 / 30
03 / 31
Start: 21:00

"THE WHISPERING OF THE GODS is, I believe, the most powerful Japanese film I have seen during 2005." (Donald Richie)
2005, 107 min | Dir. Tasushi Ohmori


04 / 1
04 / 2
Start: 20:00

Adam Bohman (amplified table, objects, text)
Anthea Caddy (amplified cello)

Tasos Stamou (prepared zither & handmade electronics)
Andrea Parkins (acc/electronics)
Magda Mayas (p)
doors: 20:00, start: 21:00


04 / 3
04 / 4
04 / 5
04 / 6
04 / 7
04 / 8
04 / 9
04 / 10
Start: 20:00

Ute Wassermann - voice, birdcalls
Kazuhisa Uchihashi - daxophone, guitar
JD Zazie - electronics, turntables
Michael Zerang - percussion

doors: 20:00, beginn: 21:00

04 / 11
04 / 12
Start: 20:30
End: 23:59

Duo Nakajima/Chino
Rie Nakajima: kinetic devices and found objects
Shuichi Chino: piano

Daichi Yoshikawa Solo
Contact mic, Yamaha MSP3, MSP5, HS7, Mackie mixers, metal objects and small percussions to make acoustic feedback

04 / 13
Start: 20:00

You want to help with running ausland? Or you have some experience as sound engineer or light designer/technician and would like to practice your skills at ausland? Or you just would like to be part of one of the longest-running collective venues in Berlin? Then drop by!

04 / 14
04 / 15
Start: 20:00
End: 23:59

Felicie Bazelaire (FR) performs "The Misfit" for solo cello, Yuri Leiderman (UA/DE) presents a lecture and short film, and Magda Mayas (DE) performs solo on prepared piano. 

04 / 16
Start: 20:00

Ein Abend mit Lyriklesungen von Tone Avenstroup, Helena Sinervo und Asmus Trautsch.

Geöffnet ab 20:00 Uhr, Beginn 20:30 Uhr.

04 / 17
Start: 20:30

Shelley Hirsch – voice
Joke Lanz – turntables

Olaf Rupp – guitar
Instead of the duo with Theo Nabicht Olaf Rupp will be playing a solo guitar performance.

04 / 18
Start: 20:00
End: 23:59

Ernesto Estrella will perform "The Insider"

Gilles Aubry will perform "Nice Rain – a soundscape of intentions"

This Concert is Part of the festival FASE 2015!

04 / 19
04 / 20
04 / 21
04 / 22
04 / 23
04 / 24
Start: 20:30


A unique first meeting between three Berlin based artists.

Performance, dance, music, experiments, texts and improvisation.

Doors at: 20:30

Start at: 21:00

04 / 25
04 / 26
04 / 27
04 / 28
Start: 21:00

"[.] I'm gonna throw some words out there and you can make your own decision: Swimming Pool. Meteors. Water. Diving. High school drama. Water. Dolphins. Ancient computers made of stone. Lots of girls in swimsuits. Water. The zodiac. Computer stores. Space. Other confusing things. There you are. I hope that helps. WATER." (Justin Day,

1995, 117 min | Dir. Ishii Sogo

04 / 29
Start: 20:00

Boris Hauf – baritone saxophone, piano
Martin Siewert – guitar
Christian Weber – bass
Steve Heather – drums

Doors: 20:00, Beginn: 21:00

04 / 30
05 / 1
Start: 21:00

Baby Dee

Victor Herrero solo

Princessin Hans

Tickets will be available only at the door - be there early!!!!

Door opens 20:30

05 / 2
05 / 3
05 / 4
05 / 5
05 / 6
05 / 7
Start: 20:00

amSTARt präsentiert:

Die Zimmermänner
Rica Blunck
Timo Blunck
Detlef Diederichsen
+ special guests

+ DJs Alex Bechberger & Markus von Schwerin

Doors 20:00, Concert 22:00 | VVK @ koka 36

05 / 8
Start: 20:00
End: 21:00

Emitter Micro Festival

Day 2

Frank Bretschneider - A/V performance
Andy Graydon - Film screening
Kasia Justka - A/V performance

more info available at

05 / 9
Start: 18:00
End: 22:00


Saturday 9th of May 2015

Start: 21:00

Jan van Hasselt & Marc Richter

GLOBO - Rio, ThyssenKrupp und die Ökonomie der Bilder

Jan van Hasselt liest aus seinen Drehtagebüchern, zeigt Filmskizzen und Material, das in den letzten Jahren entstanden ist. Es geht um ein Stahlwerk, einen Maniokkringel, einen Maler, jüdische Aussiedler und einen armen und einen reichen Batman. Livemusik von Marc Richter.

Doors 21:00, Start 21:30.

05 / 10
Start: 21:00

Sounds from Hong Kong and a conversation with Yang Yeung. Yang is the founder of Soundpocket, a not for profit organisation dedicated to the listening culture of Hong Kong.


05 / 11
05 / 12
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