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Summer Break / Sommerpause
raudio aasland #46: Nicht am Standort (uma noite no galeto)
Gespräche über Orte, über Menschen des Ortes und was alles vor Ort passiert.
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Nassenheide is a small village located 40 km north of central Berlin. A sometimes busy traffic junction determines the local soundscape: The main railway line from Berlin to the ports on the Baltic Sea cuts across a local road which is a byway for trucks driving from east
to west, maybe headed towards Hamburg or Rotterdam.
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Nassenheide is a small village located 40 km north of central Berlin. A sometimes busy traffic junction determines the local soundscape: The main railway line from Berlin to the ports on the Baltic Sea cuts across a local road which is a byway for trucks driving from east
to west, maybe headed towards Hamburg or Rotterdam.
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Summer Break / Sommerpause
Summer Break / Sommerpause
An experiment in direct mind interface
The theater of the mind amplified and fully immersive, Cartesian Theater allows the performer to accompany their own brainwaves as if they were sitting inside their own head and for the audience to explore the soundscapes and visual compositions created. Harmonies, determined by the size and shape of ausland itself, intermingle with fluctuating rhythms of brainwaves accelerated to hearing range.Through concentration, breathing, meditation and excitation the performer controls the composition, and as tones and colors fluctuate brainwaves are stimulated controlling the performer... /// developedby Big Daddy Mugglestone and Apocryphal Productions, + special guests. Doors 19:30, start 20:30
Carl Stone ist ein Pionier der Live-Computermusik. Seit über 40 jahren webt er organische Loops aus bei jedem Durchlauf leicht anders verfremdeten Samples und führt sie live auf.
Gil Kuno verzerrt elektronischen Geräte, gerne auch Radios.
Carl und Gil spielen zwei Solos, und dann spielen sie ein Trio mit Elliot Sharp an der E-Gitarre.
Carl Stone is a live computer music pioneer. He weaves samples in organic loops - in each iteration, the sample is slightly modified.
Gil Kuno distorts electronic devices, such as radios.
The will play two solo sets. Afterwards, Elliot Sharp will join for a trio.
Plant Mankind
Ein Performance rund um Utopie im ausland
geöffnet ab - 20:30h
beginn um - 21:00h
amSTARt präsentiert:
Oska Wald
Jimmy Trash
Big Daddy Mugglestone
+ DJ Sigourney Skywalker!
Doors 21:00, start 22:00.
PIA 1:
machinegun rhymes, bass and clever wordplay
stripped down and highly energetic guitar music
the queen of vinyl crazyness
funded by Musicboard Berlin GmbH
doors: 21:00
concerts start: 22:00
Ein Abend mit Lyriklesungen von
Daniel Falb, Karla Reimert und Rike Scheffler.
Geöffnet ab 20:00 Uhr, Beginn 20:30 Uhr.
Camera Obscura/Lucida - Ablinger & Beuger
Konzert Minimal & Dedalus
Peter Ablinger: Neue Komposition (UA)
Antoine Beuger: ashbery tunings for 10
Short Film
an animation film. 18 minutes. made in 10 days. by 5 people, with 2 cameras, 1 laptop, no budget.
from lea lanoe, camille rocher, pierre borel, myle chabert, alex dumont (production kk19>>)
Kazehito/Lopes duo
Kazehito Seki, voice
Pedro Lopes, turntables
Alexander Brener, Barbara Schurz
Funny and mysterious presentation of the great apocalypitcal picture book of the same name by Alexander Brener and Barbara Schurz, rhapsode and minnesänger.
Pedesis: Biliana Voutchkova – violin, Tom Arthurs – trumpet, Markus Pesonen – guitar
Ouroboros: Chris Heenan – contrabass clarinet, Adam Pultz Melbye – feedback system, Michael Vorfeld – percussion and self-designed string instruments
amSTARt presents:
FARFARA (Berlin / Istanbul)
Impro-Kraut-Psychedelik mit Gitarre, Bass, Synths und Drums. Der Missing link zwischen Muse und Slint.
Audio-visuelles Projekt von Kubilay Mert Ural. Offene Gitarren-Kompositionen.
Doors 21:00, Start 22:00.
Lecture-Performance mit Musik: Singend, spielend und 'tanzend' werden die Hintergründe zu ausgewählten Pop-Songs erzählt.
mit Rike Schuberty, Frank Junker, Silke Saalfrank
Doors: 20:00 / Start: 20:30
Japan 1999
Regie: Rokuro Mochizuki
Drehbuch: Haruhiko Arai
Vorlage: Mangetsu Hanamura (gleichnamiger Roman)
Produzenten: Hiroshi Hanzawa, Taketo Niitsu, Yutaka Tsunoda
Kamera: Koichi Ishii
Musik: Koji Endo
Darsteller: Eiji Okuda, Kazuki Kitamura, Takami Yoshimoto, Keiko Oginome, Takashi Saito.
114 min
Sex, Gewalt und Sehnsucht, ein Road Movie über Basic Instincts