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After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:
amSTARt presents:
Record Release Show (Hand 11/ Broken Silence)
Doors 21:00, Start 22:00 | AK 10 EUR
Makigami Koichi - vocal, theremin, cornet, shakuhachi
Mita Freeman – guitar
Sakaide Masami - bass
Shimizu Kazuto - piano, synthesizer, bass-clarinet
Sato Masaharu - drums
Doors 21:00, start 22:00
Franz Baermann Steiner (1909-1952) envisioned a solution for post-World War II Palestine as a bi-national state for Jews and Arabs along the lines of an Indian caste-system.
Sander Kalverda's talk will unearth the roots of these ideas from Steiner's earliest explorations in western and eastern mysticism in Prague as a lead up to their flowering when Zionism got paired with his anthropological studies in Oxford.
doors 19:30 | start 20:00 | 5 EUR
Japan 2008
Regie/Drehbuch: Daisuke Tengan
Produzent: Yasushi Minatoya
Kamera: Takumi Furuya
Musik: Yoko Kumagai
Darsteller: Tomorowo Taguchi, Sarara Tsukifune, Ryo Ishibashi, Shiro Sano
160 min
Out of Now
präsentiert von dem Kollektiv: possible.movement
doors - 20:30h / start - 21:00h
Meggie Schneider zeigt eine Auswahl ihrer Filme:
Restraum (2010, 19 Min)
Begegnung (2013, 6 Min)
Our Pride and Glory (2009, 13 Min)
Mikrokosmos (2002, 14 Min)
Scenes from Mirage – Hotel Polonia (14 Min)
#1 _ GRÜN
#2 _ Ina Ynoki
Opening act: Marta De Pascalis
Live electronics
Vernissage of Ragnar Persson's exhibition:
TRANSFORMED REALITY - Documents Pertaining to
the Murder of Robert Risberg in Uddevalla 13/05/96
The exhibition features the artwork Ragnar has contributed to the book of the same title which he created in a collaboration with the author Pär Thörn.
The vernissage is the prelude for tonight's main programme A TRUER REALITY
Vernissage from 17:30 - 20:00 | admission free
cross-genre presentation of the book:
REALITY IS TRANSCRIBED, PUT INTO WORDS, BECOMES DISTORTED AND PART OF A NEW TRANSFORMED REALITY - Documents Pertaining to the Murder of Robert Risberg in Uddevalla 13/05/96 by Ragnar Persson (artwork) & Pär Thörn (text)
reading: Pär Thörn | exhibition: Ragnar Persson
concert: Vinyl Horror: „Dark Matters“ (premiere)
+ talk & discussion with the artists & party afterwards with Fog Puma!
reading & talk in English
doors 21:00 - start 21:30 - 7 EUR
Second day of Ragnar Persson's exhibition:
TRANSFORMED REALITY - Documents Pertaining to
the Murder of Robert Risberg in Uddevalla 13/05/96
The exhibition features the artwork Ragnar has contributed to the book of the same title which he created in a collaboration with the author Pär Thörn.
The exhibition is part of yesterday's programme A TRUER REALITY and is open again today throughout the afternoon and evening.
Opening times: 15:00 - 21:30 | admission free | facebook
Das Online-Projekt Baltic Sea Library ist zum zweiten Mal zu Gast bei Lyrik im ausland, diesmal mit Juris Kronbergs (Schweden/Lettland), Klaus-Jürgen Liedtke (Deutschland) und Sergej Moreino (Russland/Lettland).
Alle Lesungen im Originial und in Übersetzung ins Deutsche.
Geöffnet ab 19:30 Uhr, Beginn um 20:00 Uhr.
amSTARt presents:
+ DJ Gold
Doors 20:00, Start 21:00
Tarentatec und Pranke kommen aus gewachsenen Strukturen und wissen was sie tun. Dringlichkeit, die den Breaks und Rythmuswechseln Gegenwärtigkeit verleiht.
John Zorn steht genauso Pate wie Fugazi und die Dirty Projectors. Und es wird sich vor Fela Kuti verneigt. Kann man nicht erzählen. Muss man live sehn.
FAKE mistress
DJs: Mo Loschelder & Martin Dieselhorst they were electric before you were
9€/ no pre-sale!
Hijokaidan (afternoon concert-for real!) - legendary japan noise
+ splicing the cinematic self: the allusive films of Oliver Pietsch
+ DJ Cambodian Knives
plays Love Trap x Sling Bass x Drama Twerk x Dirty Skew
Paradox & Parallels präsentiert -
[...,] von agata siniarska
diese Performance ist ein Kampf zwischen Leben und Tod, wo die Grenzen zwischen Science Fiction und eine soziale Wahrnehmung nun optisch Illusionen sind.
female trouble: Cross Pollination
Cross Pollination ist (wieder) einmal ein Ereignis in dem female trouble kollektive Performance praktizieren. Es ist eine Praxis von Scores, die drei Körper lesend, schreibend und tanzend, ansammelt und um-formuliert. Miteinander, durch gegenseitige Zuneigung, in Echt-Zeit.
türen: 20:30h / beginn: 21:00h
Lucio Capece – soprano saxophone, bass clarinet, objects, Christian Kesten – voice, objects
Korhan Erel – electronics
Lucie Vítková – 2 accordions, voice, Neele Hülcker – keybord, electronics
Clicks Inside My Dream Short Films by Margaret Rorison
Gowanus Haze (2012) 5 min
PULL/DRIFT (2013) 9 min
The Waiting Sands (2013) 5 min
Funes el memorioso (2015) 2m
The Birds of Chernobyl (2012) 7m
vindmøller (2014) 3 min
A Document for Hope (2015) 8m
Freedom, Flight-Flies From a Distance (2015) work in progress 3m
EMBRYO HUNTS IN SECRET (Japan, 72 min, 1966), Koji Wakamatsu
HERRMANN (Germany, 13 min, 2013), short film by Gerd Reda,
Ein Abend mit Lesungen von Natalia Azarova (Text) und Hendrik Jackson (Text und Bild), unter Teilnahme von Petr Kolpakov (Musik).
Es sind gleich zwei Premieren:
- Zum ersten Mal liest in Berlin die russische Lyrikerin Natalia Azarova ihre aktuellen Texte mit neuen Übersetzungen ins Deutsche. Die Lesung ist auf Russisch und Deutsch mit Leinwandprojektionen. Begleitet wird der Auftritt durch die eigens dafür geschriebene Komposition von Petr Kolpakov.
- Außerdem präsentiert Hendrik Jackson im Bild, Video und mit neuen Texten seine aktuellen Eindrücke aus Sibirien!
Alessandro Bosetti – voice/electronics
Kenta Nagai – guitar, fretless guitar
Tony Buck – drums
Andreas Willers – electric guitar
An evening with Laurent Jeanneau aka Kink Gong,
who will play his field recordings from Tanzania as well as his own remixes
more info about the original LP on sublime frequencies
more about Kink Gong's remixes
starts punctually!
Circle Line Project 15
Circle Line Project (Berlin): Theo Nabicht, Mario Verandi, Seth Josel, John Eckhardt, Eric Schäfer
Apartment House (London): Anton Lukoszevieze
von Joke Lanz und Thomas John Bacon
doors at: 20:30h / start: 21:00h
Of breath/Of mind/Of spit/Of sight/Of sound/Of healing/Of lucidity/Of hands/Of time
Considering our place in the perceived presence from a series of momentary actions.
amSTARt presents:
Loretta (Cat’n’Guyen) - Jana (The Dropout Patrol, Soft Grid)
- Theresa (Golden Diskó Ship) - Benjamin Augustin (visuals)
Wavig-melancholischer Dream-Pop. Elegant und schön.
Christian Wallumrød - Drum Machine / Keyboard
Frederik Wallumrød - Schlagzeug mit Elektronik
Magda Mayas - Klavier
Tony Buck - drums
doors 20:00 / beginn 21:00
The turntablist Pedro Lopes will develop a unique work based on acoustic techniques for experimental music using gramophones: acoustic turntablism.
During these days Ausland will be the place for Pedro's public performances and residency which involves a lot of hand-cranking, broken needles and the constant mechanical noise of gears and clutches that drive those gramophones.
The turntablist Pedro Lopes will develop a unique work based on acoustic techniques for experimental music using gramophones: acoustic turntablism.
During these days Ausland will be the place for Pedro's public performances and residency which involves a lot of hand-cranking, broken needles and the constant mechanical noise of gears and clutches that drive those gramophones.
In the frame of his residency at ausland Pedro Lopes will demonstrate his musical idea of turntable percussion, which he has been developing for the last years.
A turntablism solo that lives in between the realm of freely improvised music, percussion sounds and DIY instruments – an acoustic/analog exploration of sounds that often sounds electronic, a way to re-think the role of the turntable as an instrument vs. music player device.
On December 20th, Pedro will present the direct result of his residency at ausland. Featuring his experiments with a new format: gramophones as musical instruments.
The turntablist Pedro Lopes will develop a unique work based on acoustic techniques for experimental music using gramophones: acoustic turntablism.
During these days Ausland will be the place for Pedro's public performances and residency which involves a lot of hand-cranking, broken needles and the constant mechanical noise of gears and clutches that drive those gramophones.
The turntablist Pedro Lopes will develop a unique work based on acoustic techniques for experimental music using gramophones: acoustic turntablism.
During these days Ausland will be the place for Pedro's public performances and residency which involves a lot of hand-cranking, broken needles and the constant mechanical noise of gears and clutches that drive those gramophones.
The turntablist Pedro Lopes will develop a unique work based on acoustic techniques for experimental music using gramophones: acoustic turntablism.
During these days Ausland will be the place for Pedro's public performances and residency which involves a lot of hand-cranking, broken needles and the constant mechanical noise of gears and clutches that drive those gramophones.
The turntablist Pedro Lopes will develop a unique work based on acoustic techniques for experimental music using gramophones: acoustic turntablism.
During these days Ausland will be the place for Pedro's public performances and residency which involves a lot of hand-cranking, broken needles and the constant mechanical noise of gears and clutches that drive those gramophones.
Following the event on Dec. 16th, in the frame of his residency at ausland, Pedro Lopes will present a second concert, this time with gramophones. A fully acoustic event!
On December 20th, Pedro will present the direct result of his residency at ausland. Featuring his experiments with a new format: gramophones as musical instruments. A strange acoustic instrument, predecessor to the modern turntable, one of the first playback devices and that does not use electricity. The audience will also have a chance to experience some of the methods and play the gramophones used during the residency.
The turntablist Pedro Lopes will develop a unique work based on acoustic techniques for experimental music using gramophones: acoustic turntablism.
During these days Ausland will be the place for Pedro's public performances and residency which involves a lot of hand-cranking, broken needles and the constant mechanical noise of gears and clutches that drive those gramophones.
Diskussion mit Crauss. und Swantje Lichtenstein
Als Gesprächsgast: Ricardo Domeneck
Moderation: Asmus Trautsch
Geöffnet ab 20:00 Uhr, Beginn 20:30 Uhr