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After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
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Daichi Yoshikawa Solo
Contact mic, Yamaha MSP3, MSP5, HS7, Mackie mixers, metal objects and small percussions to make acoustic feedback
Hsiao Li-Chi solo
Chaining: electronics and muscle sensors
Duo Lazaridou-Chatzigoga/Dörner
Dimitra Lazaridou-Chatzigoga: zither
Axel Dörner: trumpet
Ectoplasm Girls
- concert -
Nadine & Tanya Byrne
Doors 20:00, Start 21:00.
Doors 20:00, Start 21:00 「星の影」[Hoshi no Kage]
Concert | Performance
Tukico aka Hoshiko Yamane
Hiromi Sunaga
Saori Hala
In Kooperation mit dem Verlagshaus Berlin:
Zwei Lesungen mit Projektionen aus den Büchern
Text: Thomas Podhostnik / Illustrationen: Lilli Gärtner / Visuals: Silvia Bräsel
Text: Alexander Graeff / Zeichnungen & Visuals: Andrea Schmidt
Geöffnet ab 20:00 Uhr, Beginn 20:30 Uhr.
A collaboration initiated by Jessica Ekomane with a.mélodie and Silje Nes
"Move nimbly with light rapid steps" is a 4 hour reactive sound installation. A territory of permanent feedback, a state of perpetual tension and saturation.
FILTER is a new series on conceptual sound art by Zona Dynamic. Each edition is a temporary collaboration between 3 artists channeled into a one-night sound scene.
die Reihe. Beiträge zu auditiver Kunst und Kultur
Michael Vorfeld: Glühlampenmusik | Konzert
Im Anschluss: Prof. Dr. Sabine Sanio (Masterstudiengang Sound Studies, UdK Berlin Career College) im Gespräch mit dem Künstler.
Geöffnet ab 19:30 Uhr, Beginn 20:00 Uhr | Eintritf frei
James Birchall (guitar/electronics)
Sarah Faraday (synths/vocals/amplified objects)
Sarah Faraday (Banjo, bass guitar, electronics)
Rough Fields
James Birchall (Field recordings, processing)
Amine Mesnaoui – piano
Paul Lovens – drums, percussion; Johannes Bauer – trombone; Louis Rastig – piano; DJ Illvibe – turntables
Biliana Voutchkova: violin
Her constant research as a creative artist spans the widest possible range of sound and movement and extends her sonic, physical and technical capacities evolving into the development of a highly individual artistic musical language.
Johann Bourquenez: piano
As much inspired by the minimalism of Steve Reich as by the electronic deconstructions of Squarepusher.
Doors at 20:30, starts at 21:00
Czerniawska | Fügemann | Vogel | Cao
Lena Czerniawska - live drawing
Elisabeth Fügemann - cello
Sabine Vogel - flute
Lan Cao - prepared piano
Dörner | Thieke | Vorfeld | Gordoa.
Axel Dörner - trumpet
Michael Thieke - clarinet
Michael Vorfeld - percussion
Emilio Gordoa - vibraphone
Asi Föcker - voc
Anthea Caddy - cl
Andrea Ermke - synth, field rec
The Receptacles
Joe Williamson - vocals, bass
Anton Toorell - guitar
Dennis Egberth - drums
door: 20:00, start 20:30
lecture and open talk by and with Eric Wong (Hong Kong) and Olga Nosova (Moscow) about their observations to the (underground & experimental) music scenes of their home towns, how the music reflect the musicians’ identities, and how their societies, histories, and systems influence the music. Plus special guest Alexei Boriosov!
Trio concert:
Alexei Borisov (guitar/voice)
Olga Nosova (drums/voice/electronics)
Eric Wong (guitar/electronics)
Doors 20:00, Start 21:00.
two solo piano sets:
Arnold Kasar
(Sonar Kollektiv)
Catherine Lorent
Doors 20:00, Start 21:00.
Sharif Sehnaoui - g
Michael Thieke - cl
Andrea Neumann - inside piano, elec
Michael Vorfeld - dr
Neele Hülcker - ASMR-objects + elec
door: 20:00, start: 21:00
FILM AIN'T DEAD - 16 and 35mm films from LaborBerlin e.V
Gesamtlaufzeit 89 Minuten in 2 Blöcken geteilt
DOOR 20:00 START 21:00
Half an’ Half
Karen Power, John Godfrey, Danny Mc Carthy, Mick O’ Shea, Irene Murphy, Katie O’ Looney, Rishin Singh, Cathy Milliken
Improvisation and Soundart from Ireland
Alessandra Eramo
(Solo for voice, text and recorded sounds)
Michael Barthel
(solo for voice, tapes & electronics)
Doors 20:30, start 21:00
Anna Schimkat
solo concert
Torstein Lavik Larsen - trumpet
Fredrik Rasten - guitar
Jan Martin Gismervik - drums/percussion
Adrian Fiskum Myhr - double bass
Doors 20:00, Start 21:00
FLUID MESHES sound installation/performance by Gil Delindro
Coming from previous work TAO, this piece starts on the microscopic observation of circular processes in water, but meshes it with an ongoing manipulation, driven by the performer attempt to interact, re-create and contaminate that cycle. The interaction ends when the totality of a cycle is completed and no transformation remains. A symbolic reflection on time perception and imperceptible organic mutations.
Berlins Literarische Diasporas - der Blick von außen
Ein Abend mit Lyriklesungen von
Jelena Saslawskaja, Simone Kornappel und Márió Z. Nemes.
Geöffnet ab 20.00 Uhr, Beginn 20:30 Uhr.