No longer uptodate!
After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:
EAVESDROP FESTIVAL - exploring how digital cultures have fundamentally altered our experience of both music and the world
Opening at 19:00 with Norwegian artist Silje Nes’ site specific installation especially created for the EAVESDROP festival. It explores the blurred boundaries between human-made creations and natural living processes.
Martyna Poznańska (PL/DE)
Golden Diskó Ship (DE)
Jessica Ekomane (FR/DE)
JD Zazie will close the night behind her turntables
EAVESDROP FESTIVAL - exploring how digital cultures have fundamentally altered our experience of both music and the world
Giulia Vismara (IT)
Browser Ensemble
Du Champ (IT/DE)
Biblo (TR)
Sigourney Skywalker will close the night behind her turntables
Am 19. November 2017, 20:30 Uhr werden in ausland Lea Schneider und Athena Farrokhzad ihre Texte lesen und ins Gespräch kommen. Cia Rinne stellt an diesem letzten Abend von auslandSPRACHEN in diesem Jahr beide Autorinnen und Übersetzerinnen vor und führt mit ihrer Moderation durch den Abend.
-two duo concerts-
Marcia Bassett + Samara Lubelski
Heidrun Schramm + JD Zazie
Special guest: Shelley Hirsch
opening solo set
Doors 20:00, concerts 20:30.
Eco's echoes - Sounds and environment
No Plug Sound Machine and The awful plastics
The last Outbound of 2017 presents two ways of approaching environmental issues through sounds.
Doors 20:00 | Start 20:30 | Donation 6 ≤ 9€
Supported by Initiative neue musik berlin e.V.
Musicians in Dialogue with Iconic Recordings from the Past
Eve Risser in dialogue with Charlie Haden's Montreal Tapes: Liberation Music Orchestra (1989)
Anaïs Tuerlinckx + Olga Nosova in dialogue with Alice Coltrane's Journey to Satchidananda (1971)
Lisa Ullén + Tisha Mukarji + Fernanda Farah in dialogue with Rodgers & Hart's Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered (1940)
Gefördert durch die Senatskanzlei Kulturelle Angelegenheiten, Künstlerinnenprogramm
Unmeasurement from Plus Ou Moins Cirque
a performance of spatial and acrobatic experimentations
showtime: 20h00
Blavatsky Society
a performance-presentation from an art collective with a distrust for rational knowledge
doors will open at: 18h
Cristina Maldonado Residency
01.12 - 07.12.2017
_for public events, please check the website closer to the date_
Hanna Hartman – objects
BI & KA: Biliana Voutchkova – violin; KA (Cornelia Müller) – piano
Jennifer Allum – violin; Dimitra Lazaridou Chatzigoga – zither; Ute Kanngiesser – cello
- ausland birthday party -
DJ Chez Mieke, DJ Zelda Panda + DJ Elle - from 21:00 on till late!
EILMELDUNG +++ Das ausland hat zum dritten Mal in Folge seinen Fünjahresplan maßlos übererfüllt +++ Informierte Kreise: Ein Ende ist nicht in Sicht +++ Nach den "Massenspielen" und "CC No1 - Corruptive Climate" jetzt bereits zum dritten Mal öffentliche Betriebsfeierlichkeiten zum Jahrestag +++ Erwirtschaftete Überschüsse sollen in Freibier investiert werden +++
In 2017 PIA continues its mission of adventurous experimental pop music: an ingenious mix of danceable music and radical practice.
On Sat. 16th, commissioned by PIA, The Dutch MC Zulu Green meets 3 musicians who vanguard the Neue Musik scene in Berlin for a unique blend of experimental hip-hop. Followed by WJM for turntables performance.
Zulu Green - Vocals
Anthea Caddy - Cello
Marta Zapparoli - tapes, reel to reel, electronics
JD Zazie - electronics, turntables
+ WJM: Turntables
Doors: 20h00 | Start 21:00 | 7€ | Fb event
Supported by Musicboard Berlin
In 2017 PIA continues its mission of adventurous experimental pop music: an ingenious mix of danceable music and radical practice.
On Sunday 17th, come to hear powerful performances by singer-songwriters Asi Föcker and Jolly Goods. Followed by a happy set by Zelda Panda at the turntables.
Asi Föcker - Guitar and vocals
Jolly Goods:
Tanno Pippi - vocals, guitar, piano, and organ.
Angy Lord - drums, percussion, piano and backing vocals.
Doors: 19h00 | Start 20:00 | 7€ | Fb event
Supported by Musicboard Berlin
Radio show about "No Plug Sound Machine and The awful plastics" who played at ausland in November 2017.
Listen to the show on from 9.30 - 10.30 PM