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« April 22, 2023 - June 21, 2023 »
04 / 22
Start: 20:30

Jörg Hufschmidt: Klangperformance, Zeichnung, experimentelle Musik
Ingo Reulecke: Tanz
Ulrike Schoeller: Film, Performance
Joachim Zoepf: Bassklarinette, Sopransaxophon

04 / 23
04 / 24
Start: 16:10
Start: 24 Apr 2023 - 16:10
End: 3 May 2023 - 23:59


Natalie Giannopoulos (video artist) and Maria Karamoutsiou (performer)

04 / 25
(all day)
Start: 24 Apr 2023 - 16:10
End: 3 May 2023 - 23:59


Natalie Giannopoulos (video artist) and Maria Karamoutsiou (performer)

04 / 26
(all day)
Start: 24 Apr 2023 - 16:10
End: 3 May 2023 - 23:59


Natalie Giannopoulos (video artist) and Maria Karamoutsiou (performer)

04 / 27
(all day)
Start: 24 Apr 2023 - 16:10
End: 3 May 2023 - 23:59


Natalie Giannopoulos (video artist) and Maria Karamoutsiou (performer)

04 / 28
(all day)
Start: 24 Apr 2023 - 16:10
End: 3 May 2023 - 23:59


Natalie Giannopoulos (video artist) and Maria Karamoutsiou (performer)

04 / 29
(all day)
Start: 24 Apr 2023 - 16:10
End: 3 May 2023 - 23:59


Natalie Giannopoulos (video artist) and Maria Karamoutsiou (performer)

04 / 30
(all day)
Start: 24 Apr 2023 - 16:10
End: 3 May 2023 - 23:59


Natalie Giannopoulos (video artist) and Maria Karamoutsiou (performer)

05 / 1
(all day)
Start: 24 Apr 2023 - 16:10
End: 3 May 2023 - 23:59


Natalie Giannopoulos (video artist) and Maria Karamoutsiou (performer)

05 / 2
(all day)
Start: 24 Apr 2023 - 16:10
End: 3 May 2023 - 23:59


Natalie Giannopoulos (video artist) and Maria Karamoutsiou (performer)

05 / 3
End: 23:59
Start: 24 Apr 2023 - 16:10
End: 3 May 2023 - 23:59


Natalie Giannopoulos (video artist) and Maria Karamoutsiou (performer)

05 / 4
Start: 19:30
End: 21:00

Residency 1 showing: 19:30 | Maria Karamoutsiou Natalie Giannopoulos

What is perception and what is real? How does perception distort what we see? How do I perceive my surrounding and myself? How do we perceive each other?An introspection on perception and distorted reality, guiding the self through a process of metamorphosis. Using the body, movement, and video art we explore these questions, and we experiment with multiplied reflections, distortions, divisions, diffusions. The reflection distorts and is being distorted, while the performer is transformed during the process. Let the metamorphosis begin.

05 / 5
Start: 20:30
End: 23:59

Katharina Ernst/Luis Lopes
Katharina Ernst – drums
Luis Lopes – guitar

Michael Renkel – semi-acoustic guitar, objects, electronics
Nicolas Wiese – sampling, feedback mixer, oscillators

05 / 6
Start: 20:00
End: 23:59

Doors 20.00 Uhr | Concerts 21 Uhr | Presale € 10,- | Box Office € 15,-

Pili Coït - Grungige, wunderschöne Songs auf schrägen rhythmischen Bahnen, verstimmte 12-saitige Gitarre, elektronisch-trashige Percussion | Grungy but beautiful songs on weird rhythmic orbits, using a detuned 12-string guitar and electro-junk percussion

Witch 'n' Monk - Radikal manipulierter Flöten-Sound, anarchischer Soprangesang, analoge Elektronik | Radically manipulated flutes, anarchic soprano vocals, analogue electronics

Klara Ravat - Live-Duftgestaltung | Live scent design


05 / 7
05 / 8
05 / 9
05 / 10
Start: 20:30
End: 23:59

Hora Lunga (Switzerland) + Articide + Ronja

Doors 8.30
Concert 9.00

Tickets 10 - 15 €
at the door only



05 / 11
05 / 12
05 / 13
Start: 18:00
End: 23:59

42 ist vielleicht nicht die Antwort auf die endgültige Frage nach dem Leben, dem Universum und dem ganzen Rest, aber ...

42 is maybe not the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything, but ... 

Big Daddy Mugglestone
Alexa D!Saster
Fee Kürten
Eleni Poulou

05 / 14
05 / 15
05 / 16
05 / 17
05 / 18
05 / 19
Start: 20:00
// /A\ Felix Schuster (3’03")
It keeps dawning Rocío Diaz Freire (5’18“)
Schlaf Julian Schmitt (5’)
Deus Sive Natura Raban Friedrich (12’)
Butterfly Karl Neubart (2’)
A Score of Years Gone By Jozefien van der Aelst (13’))
Krokodil Constantin Cossi Campean (7’)
05 / 20
05 / 21
05 / 22
05 / 23
05 / 24
05 / 25
05 / 26
Start: 20:00
End: 23:32

Tom Djll - trumpet, electronics

Sabine Erklentz - trumpet, electronics


Bryan Eubanks - saxophone electronics
Anaïs Tuerlinckx - piano, preparations
Andrea Ermke - minidisc recordings


05 / 27
Start: 20:30
End: 23:59

And / In / plus / invited guests: Eva-Maria Houben / Seiji Morimoto
Heather Frasch – objects, flute, voice
Koen Nutters – objects, acoustic guitar
Eva-Maria Houben – objects, piano
Seiji Morimoto – objects, electronics

Ian Douglas-Moore/Paul N. Roth
Ian Douglas-Moore – guitar, electronics
Paul N. Roth – saxophone

05 / 28
05 / 29
05 / 30
05 / 31
06 / 1
06 / 2
06 / 3
06 / 4
06 / 5
06 / 6
06 / 7
06 / 8
06 / 9
Start: 20:30
End: 23:59

Anouck Genthon – violin
Anna Kaisa Meklin – gamba
Marina Tantanozi – flute

Ab Baars – tenor saxophone, clarinet, shakuhachi
Meinrad Kneer – double bass
Bill Elgart – drums

06 / 10
Start: 17:00
End: 23:00

17:00 and 20:00

Take Off Sound is an audiovisual motion tracking performance. Tomoko Nakasato interprets live Jakob Gruhl's arrangements through motion tracking. She becomes a "human mixer" (Thaemlitz), combining styles from contact and street dance. A camera with depth sensor captures the entire body; sound objects and parameters are assigned to the individual limbs. The result is a session between installation and performance, incorporating spatial sound and visuals.


06 / 11
Start: 20:00
End: 23:59

Doors 20:00, Start 20:30

„Krampa Part One –  Tonight is the Night of of the Krampa!“ (Kerstin Cmelka & Mario Mentrup, Ger/Au, 2 min. 40 sec, 2020) 
„Krampa Part Two - Rauhe Nächte“ (Kerstin Cmelka & Mario Mentrup, Ger/Au, 4 min. 30 sec, 2021) 
„Life is Shlock — Krampa III“ (Kerstin Cmelka & Mario Mentrup, Ger/Au, 22 min., 2021)

06 / 12
06 / 13
06 / 14
06 / 15
06 / 16
Start: 20:00
End: 23:59

Part 2 of 2023's edition of pop im ausland combines super inter's glitchy compositions with the haunted sounds of Gorgyra and an eclectic DJ-set from Marylou.

TICKETS: 10€ pre-sale, 12€ door-sale

Follow PIA on Instagram for updates.


06 / 17
Start: 20:30
End: 23:59

Doors 20.30 Uhr | Concerts 21 Uhr | Tickets € 10,-

Painting (Theresa Stroetges, Sophia Trollmann, Christian Hohenbild)

Bad Stream (Martin Steer, Julian Kirchmer, Arash Akbari)
Doom & Bloom @Youtube

konkrit (Kristoffer Cornils)


06 / 18
Start: 19:00

EINLASS 19:00 BEGINN 20:00
Kein Vorverkauf
AK 10,00-12,00€


Ulrich Gutmair
Wir sind die Türken von morgen -
Neue Welle, neues Deutschland


Ulrich Gutmair
Wir sind die Türken von morgen
thematisch & tanzbar




06 / 19
06 / 20
Start: 14:50
Start: 20 Jun 2023 - 14:50
End: 29 Jun 2023 - 14:50
Eine Residenz zu diasporischen Fragen, intergenerationalen Träumen und Schmerzen, und Prozessen Richtung kollektives Healing.
Anika Baluran Schäfer, Việt Đức Phạm, Thủy-Tiên Nguyễn, Quang Nguyễn-Xuân
06 / 21
(all day)
Start: 20 Jun 2023 - 14:50
End: 29 Jun 2023 - 14:50
Eine Residenz zu diasporischen Fragen, intergenerationalen Träumen und Schmerzen, und Prozessen Richtung kollektives Healing.
Anika Baluran Schäfer, Việt Đức Phạm, Thủy-Tiên Nguyễn, Quang Nguyễn-Xuân
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