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After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
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And / In / plus / invited guests: Eva-Maria Houben / Seiji Morimoto
Heather Frasch – objects, flute, voice
Koen Nutters – objects, acoustic guitar
Eva-Maria Houben – objects, piano
Seiji Morimoto – objects, electronics
Ian Douglas-Moore/Paul N. Roth
Ian Douglas-Moore – guitar, electronics
Paul N. Roth – saxophone
Anouck Genthon – violin
Anna Kaisa Meklin – gamba
Marina Tantanozi – flute
Ab Baars – tenor saxophone, clarinet, shakuhachi
Meinrad Kneer – double bass
Bill Elgart – drums
17:00 and 20:00
Take Off Sound is an audiovisual motion tracking performance. Tomoko Nakasato interprets live Jakob Gruhl's arrangements through motion tracking. She becomes a "human mixer" (Thaemlitz), combining styles from contact and street dance. A camera with depth sensor captures the entire body; sound objects and parameters are assigned to the individual limbs. The result is a session between installation and performance, incorporating spatial sound and visuals.
Doors 20:00, Start 20:30
„Krampa Part One – Tonight is the Night of of the Krampa!“ (Kerstin Cmelka & Mario Mentrup, Ger/Au, 2 min. 40 sec, 2020)
„Krampa Part Two - Rauhe Nächte“ (Kerstin Cmelka & Mario Mentrup, Ger/Au, 4 min. 30 sec, 2021)
„Life is Shlock — Krampa III“ (Kerstin Cmelka & Mario Mentrup, Ger/Au, 22 min., 2021)
Part 2 of 2023's edition of pop im ausland combines super inter's glitchy compositions with the haunted sounds of Gorgyra and an eclectic DJ-set from Marylou.
TICKETS: 10€ pre-sale, 12€ door-sale
Follow PIA on Instagram for updates.
Doors 20.30 Uhr | Concerts 21 Uhr | Tickets € 10,-
Painting (Theresa Stroetges, Sophia Trollmann, Christian Hohenbild)
Bad Stream (Martin Steer, Julian Kirchmer, Arash Akbari)
Doom & Bloom @Youtube
konkrit (Kristoffer Cornils)
EINLASS 19:00 BEGINN 20:00
Kein Vorverkauf
AK 10,00-12,00€
Ulrich Gutmair
Wir sind die Türken von morgen -
Neue Welle, neues Deutschland
Ulrich Gutmair
Wir sind die Türken von morgen
thematisch & tanzbar
Showing der Residenz zu diasporischen Fragen, intergenerationalen Träumen und Schmerzen, und Prozessen Richtung kollektives Healing. Mit Anika Baluran Schäfer,Việt Đức Phạm, Thủy-Tiên Nguyễn, Quang Nguyễn-Xuân
Doors 20 Uhr | Start 21 Uhr
VVK € 12,- (zzgl. Geb.) AK € 15,-
Schneider TM Ereignishorizont - Releaseshow!
live Crys Cole
djs Jazzcats (Kiki Bohemia & Sicker Man)
A night of turkish Folktronica with Paye and Sensar
Doors 8pm, concert 9pm
Tickets 10euro at the door only.
Paul-Philipp Hanske und Benedikt Sarreiter sprechen über ihr Buch
»Ekstasen der Gegenwart - Über Entgrenzung, Subkulturen und Bewusstseinsindustrie«
Moderation: Laura Ewert
Informationen zum Buch:
Eintritt kostenlos (über eine Spende freuen wir uns).
Jemima Foxtrot, Chloe France & Maja Zagor
Jemima Foxtrot, Chloe France & Maja Zagor
Jemima Foxtrot, Chloe France & Maja Zagor
Jemima Foxtrot, Chloe France & Maja Zagor
Jemima Foxtrot, Chloe France & Maja Zagor
Jemima Foxtrot, Chloe France & Maja Zagor