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After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:
CC N° 1 Corruptive Climate

Dec 10th -15th @ausland, Sophiensale and
Concerts, Performance, Lab, Radio
with: Spunk(+Okkyung Lee)+++Selvhenter+++Les Femmes Savantes+++Disc Jockey eiskalt+++Billy Roisz+++Haco+++Kaffe Matthews+++DJ Nicholas Desamory+++The Swan Song+++The Sacred Travellers+++DJ DU hosted by Kylie Fagischefsky+++The Biotec Orchestra Workshop Lab+++Don Hill+++KH Jeron+++Olivia Oyama+++KH Jeron+++Martin Howse+++Derek Shirley+++The biotec Orchestra in Concert+++The Wedding Band+++Valby Vokalgruppe+++La Coral Floral+++LATEBRÖQ+++Betty Confetti y su Conjunto Tropical+++DJ Fett B2B Sabine Machine+++Grand Prix de la dépêche+++SissiFM+++
Listen to SissiFm!
CC N°1-festival tickets for the concerts at sophiensaele are already available
Tickets for the concerts of Les Femmes Savantes, Selvhenter and The Sacred Travellers are limited. To be guarenteed a place please order an online ticket.
SissiFM airs live broadcasts of the concerts, workshops, and installations interweaving conversations and interviews with the participating artists, organizers, and audiences to a finely knit web of music, art, and self-organization.
you find the stream here:
and on
Please check regularly for additional program!
CC N°1 – Corruptive Climate
CC N°1 celebrates the 10th anniversary of the collective cultural crusade of ausland. ausland is a crystal castle charity corporation for contemporary music and arts in Berlin. ausland thrives in a corruptive climate of collateral coincidences, collective complications, and chaotic creativity: Catch as catch can!
During the past 10 years, ausland mutated and mushroomed in several climatic changes of Berlin’s cultural jungle: from a squatter-like grass roots illegal bar to a high-profile though still low-budget space for the experimental arts that acclimatizes to the interests of the complimentarily curating and cleaning crew.
Although focusing mainly on experimental music of different genres, ranging from the abstract approach of improvised music to the down-to-earth attitude of avant garde rock music or non-mainstream pop, hop and electronica, ausland always was a hub of knowledge and shared artistic experience which included the performing and visual arts as well as lectures, literature and poetry. ausland is a knot in a net of interdependent artists, labels, venues, and producers. ausland offers a frame for mutualistic relationships and proto cooperations and is therefore frequently used by artists as an open work space. Residencies have become more regular in the past 2 years. Since the first radio festival “radioriff” in 2003 ausland has been involved in the Berlin free radio scene, with irregular cooperations and the monthly show “raudio aasland” on
ausland is as corrupted as any other ecosystem, balancing sudden showers of state money and self-chosen self-exploitation, windfall profits and financial deserts, closed circuits and open structures: CC N°1 offers a chance to reflect on strategies of self-conscious home production versus institutionalized high-end production. CC N°1 juxtaposes a more and more economically driven understanding of public art funding with content-related cultural networking across art genres and national borders. CC N°1 is about growing and breeding, cultivating, and running riot of artistic production. CC N°1 examines plants, weeds, and blossoms in the experimental music and art scene which keep pushing and crossing boundaries no matter how the cultural climate changes.
CC N°1 focuses on two main aspects of ausland: The interest in the independent production of creative sounds and the interest in collective learning, the wish to collect and combine knowledge and friends.
The core of the festival is a 5-day Biotec Lab (the 10th through the 14th of December) which examines plants and other organic material in regard to their undiscovered sound potentials. The Biotec Lab turns ausland into an electro-acoustic jungle of deadwood, potato oscillators, aeolian harps, mushrooms in glasses, electromagnetic fields, wind singing in leaves, piezos, wires, moss, telluric currents, sensors, cactuses, photosynthesis, and field recordings. The Biotec Lab is positioned between three nights of concerts in Sophiensæle (the 7th through the 9th of December) and two special ausland nights (the 14th and the 15th of December) which will all be live-streamed by, one of ausland’s long-standing partners. The festival radio SissiFM accompanies the festival, interweaving live streams of the concerts, performances, and the Biotec Lab with interviews with the participating artists, organizers, and audiences to a finely knit web of music, art, and self-organization.
The feast shoots off with multi-stylistic concerts in Sophiensæle. While the first two nights in Sophiensæle present a vast array of crème de la crème musicians, the third night is crowned by two exceptional productions connected to ausland through conspicuous conspiracy.
Last but not least, the best soundtrack of one of ausland´s newsletters is awarded in the “Grand Prix de la Dépêche” (check admission details!)
CC N°1 ends with the party hybrid “Astroturf Homegrown – Thrive and Prosper” and invites a critical crowd to a tropical night of vegetable and musical blossoming.
The question really is: Will these strange fruits blossom for just a fortnight, or will they eternally grow in chemical communication?
Our competence center construction crew is optimistic! Come clarity!