No longer uptodate!

After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:



Friday August 25, 2017
Start: 23:00

ausland joins this year's edition of Pop-Kultur Festival at Kulturbrauerei for a talk about our experiences in 15 years of cultural production as a collective.
Check out details and the overall festival programme over here:

Thursday September 14, 2017
Start: 20:00

bend/break solo 1

Makiko Nishikaze –  clavics-more 1 (2017) for amplified solo clavichord and tape
Agnes Hvizdalek – abstract vocal music
Charo CalvoPhonobiographie / That Wound
Kaja Draksler – piano

Friday September 15, 2017
Start: 20:00

bend/break solo 2

Sylvia Bruckner – piano
Audrey ChenStag Song: solo for amplified voice
Silke Eberhard – alto saxophone
Charlotte Hug – viola, voice, son-icons

Saturday September 16, 2017
Start: 19:30

PARATAXE präsentiert:

Marie-Pascale Hardy und Brygida Helbig
- Lesung und Gespräch -

Moderation: Katy Derbyshire

Geöffnet ab 19:30 Uhr, Beginn 20:00 Uhr.

Friday September 22, 2017
Start: 20:00

doors: 8pm / start: 9pm

Sabine Ercklentz
RaumFahrt (UA), für Zuspiel und Trompete gefördert von der INM Berlin

Tisha Mukarji
Piano solo

Saturday September 23, 2017
Start: 20:00
Lesung und Gespräch mit Maria Stepanova (Russland) und Iunona Guruli (Georgien). Moderiert von Olga Radetzkaja.
Geöffnet ab 20:00 Uhr, Beginn 20:30 Uhr.
Sunday October 1, 2017
Start: 22:00
End: 23:00

Raudio aasland #57 *

,Am besten, man lebt in einer nicht zu schönen Gegend. Weil einem sonst nichts einfällt.”  - Thomas Bernhard

Wednesday October 4, 2017
Start: 20:00

Audrey Chen - voice/cello

Margaret Rorison - 16mm film projection/sound

After five days of working together within a small residency at ausland, Audrey Chen and Margaret Rorison will present a mutual collaborative film/sound-performance tonight.

Doors 20:00, Start 20:30


Saturday October 7, 2017
Start: 20:30

Ercklentz & Wassermann
Sabine Ercklentz – trumpet, electronics
Ute Wassermann – voice, electronics

Thembi Soddell: Love Songs – sampler

Sunday October 8, 2017
Start: 20:00

Heather Frasch
Solo for Digital Boxes
handmade digital instrument constructed from cigar boxes

Felicity Mangan
The pudding and the inputting II
a performance of sounds played through bowls of pudding.

doors: 8pm, start 8:30pm

Thursday October 12, 2017
Start: 18:00

„Aber denk doch bitte mal darüber nach!“
Titis Briefe an Margarete
(1954 - 1959)

Lesung, Hör-CD Release und Buchvorstellung

Textauswahl und Produktion: Margarete Meador
Hör-CD: Regie Tilla Kratochwil, Sprecherin Rike Schubert
Buch: Gretchen Blegen


Friday October 13, 2017
Start: 20:00

Julia Fiedorczuk und Julia Kissina

Moderation Esther Kinsky (tbc)

Saturday October 14, 2017
Start: 20:00
End: 23:59

5 Years of RAW CHICKS !


KSEN. live* + visuals by [BI:KEI]
JANOSHI Turntables

Doors 20:00 | Start 21:00 | Donation 6 ≤ 9€

Sunday October 15, 2017
Start: 20:30

Antje Vowinckel: In Places of Logic for text projection, electronic organ and amplified objects

Isabelle Duthoit – voice, clarinet
Yuko Oshima – drums, percussion
Soizic Lebrat – cello

Tuesday October 17, 2017
Start: 20:00

Rozalie Hirs: gestammelte werke. Gedichte
Mette Moestrup: Stirb, Lüge, stirb. Gedichte

Doppel-Buchpremiere mit den Gästen Cia Rinne und Rike Scheffler.
Moderation: Daniela Seel 

Geöffnet ab 20:00 Uhr, Beginn 20:30 Uhr

Wednesday October 18, 2017
Start: 20:00

series dinner and a movie.

Short films from Adele Horne.

Bridge Markland gives a talk on "Gender Media Identity."

Andrea Ermke (mini discs) performs and Anais Tuerlinckx (prepared piano) perform in duo. 


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