No longer uptodate!
After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:
A night of turkish Folktronica with Paye and Sensar
Doors 8pm, concert 9pm
Tickets 10euro at the door only.
Paul-Philipp Hanske und Benedikt Sarreiter sprechen über ihr Buch
»Ekstasen der Gegenwart - Über Entgrenzung, Subkulturen und Bewusstseinsindustrie«
Moderation: Laura Ewert
Informationen zum Buch:
Eintritt kostenlos (über eine Spende freuen wir uns).
Jemima Foxtrot, Chloe France & Maja Zagor
Jemima Foxtrot, Chloe France & Maja Zagor
Jemima Foxtrot, Chloe France & Maja Zagor
Jemima Foxtrot, Chloe France & Maja Zagor
Jemima Foxtrot, Chloe France & Maja Zagor
Jemima Foxtrot, Chloe France & Maja Zagor
See you end of August!
See you end of August!
See you end of August!
Our objective is to process grief and find ways to transform it into empowering practices, and generate material from a place of recognition, reflection, and acceptance.
Our objective is to process grief and find ways to transform it into empowering practices, and generate material from a place of recognition, reflection, and acceptance.
Our objective is to process grief and find ways to transform it into empowering practices, and generate material from a place of recognition, reflection, and acceptance.
Our objective is to process grief and find ways to transform it into empowering practices, and generate material from a place of recognition, reflection, and acceptance.
Our objective is to process grief and find ways to transform it into empowering practices, and generate material from a place of recognition, reflection, and acceptance.
Our objective is to process grief and find ways to transform it into empowering practices, and generate material from a place of recognition, reflection, and acceptance.
Our objective is to process grief and find ways to transform it into empowering practices, and generate material from a place of recognition, reflection, and acceptance.
Our objective is to process grief and find ways to transform it into empowering practices, and generate material from a place of recognition, reflection, and acceptance.
Our objective is to process grief and find ways to transform it into empowering practices, and generate material from a place of recognition, reflection, and acceptance.