No longer uptodate!
After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:
Yasmine Azaiez – violin
Patrick Crossland – trombone
Michel Doneda – saxophone
Alexander Frangenheim – double bass
Roger Turner – percussion
Andreas Voccia – modular synthesizer
The musicians play in a sextet formation as well as in various sub-formations.
The baked flute
Finally: the Ausland Cooking show with Hila (Fingers off!) Lahav and
Chris (Wash your hands!) Kriegerowski
Watch and find out: How will they fuck up chef Sauce Stache‘s „legit
steak“ from a ball of dough (plus some secret ingredients) and can we be
sure no blood runs when real bacon is made from rice paper?
Residency for the performance "Nested" A theatrical performance about the "German dream" and "arriving" in the country. A story at language level A2…
Residency for the performance "Nested" A theatrical performance about the "German dream" and "arriving" in the country. A story at language level A2…
Residency for the performance "Nested" A theatrical performance about the "German dream" and "arriving" in the country. A story at language level A2…
Residency for the performance "Nested" A theatrical performance about the "German dream" and "arriving" in the country. A story at language level A2…
Residency for the performance "Nested" A theatrical performance about the "German dream" and "arriving" in the country. A story at language level A2…
Residency for the performance "Nested" A theatrical performance about the "German dream" and "arriving" in the country. A story at language level A2…
Residency for the performance "Nested" A theatrical performance about the "German dream" and "arriving" in the country. A story at language level A2…
Residency for the performance "Nested" A theatrical performance about the "German dream" and "arriving" in the country. A story at language level A2…
Residency for the performance "Nested" A theatrical performance about the "German dream" and "arriving" in the country. A story at language level A2…
"Nested" A theatrical performance about the "German dream" and "arriving" in the country. A story at language level A2…
Residency for the performance "Nested" A theatrical performance about the "German dream" and "arriving" in the country. A story at language level A2…
Stimmen:Lektüren #5:
Lyriklesungen von und Gespräche zwischen
Julia Dorsch, Tim Holland & Dagmara Kraus
Geöffnet ab 19:30, Beginn 20:00 Uhr
Eintritt (Abendkasse): 5 EUR
Bei Stimmen:Lektüren lesen je Programmtermin drei Lyriker*innen aus ihrem Werk. Im Anschluss an die eigene Lesung werden sie von einer*m der anderen beiden Kolleg*innen des Abends zu ihren Gedichten befragt – und übernehmen selbst diesen Part bei einer der weiteren Lesungen.