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Almost - Keith Hennessy + Jassem hindi

von: Keith Hennessy + Jassem Hindi
Punk und Performance-Art, körperliche Zuckungen und soziale Protestbewegungen, die allgemeine Entfremdung, Queer-Kultur... – inspiriert von ganz unterschiedlichen Einflüssen nehmen der Tänzer/Performer Keith Hennessy und der Musiker/Performer Jassem Hindi Improvisation als künstlerische Praxis in Angriff. Und machen dabei aus ihr ein Opferritual: Sie vernichten alles, was sie schon kennen, immer in der Hoffnung, dabei etwas voller Verbindlichkeit und, ja, Liebe entstehen zu lassen. Hennessy und Hindi lernten sich in Mexiko kennen und sind seither vielorts weltweit zusammen aufgetreten. Ihre rigorose Vorstellung von improvisatorischer Performance-Art kondensiert live zu rauschhaften Interventionen ins soziale Gefüge.
With a wide range of influences from punk to performance, from bodily twitches to social movements, from alienation to queer, Hennessy & Hindi attack improvisation as a ritual sacrifice. They kill what they know and hope to reveal something that inspires engagement and love. Hennessy and Hindi met in Mexico and have improvised all over the world. A rigorous approach to improvisation in performance grounds their drunken interventions in social contexts that they can’t avoid.
Keith Hennessy
Keith Hennessy was born in a mining town in Northern Ontario, Canada, lives in San Francisco, and works regularly in Europe. He is a performer, choreographer, teacher, and organizer. Hennessy directs Circo Zero Performance, a laboratory for live performance that defies genre and expectation. Rooted in dance, Hennessy’s work embodies a unique hybrid of performance art, music, visual and conceptual art, circus, and ritual. He is the instigator of the Turbulence (a dance about the economy) project. Hennessy's performances are embedded in leftist and anarchist social movements; his career began in anti-nuclear juggling, acrobatics, and vaudevillian comedy.
Jassem Hindi
Saudi Arabia/France
Performer / sound maker. Diverted machines, lo-fi field recordings and feedbacks.
He participates to the construction of political poems, using broken bodies, broken objects and broken sounds.
The strategy is: knowing, not knowing, pretending.
His last projects (Murder Dance, Zombies) are an exploration of the political subconscious, inspired by anarchist queer strategies and works about environmental violence.
He is a collaborator of the Turbulence (a dance about the economy) project. This year he is working, among others, with Keith Hennessy, Axel Dörner, Magda Mayas, Mia Habib, Ruairi Donovan and Keyon Gaskin.