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Birgitta Wagner // Rosehill
Birgitta Wagner/Rosehill
Einlass/Entrance: 20:00
Beginn/ Start: 20:30
Birgitta Wagner ist Filmhistorikerin, Autorin und Filmemacherin. Sie schrieb das Buch ‚Berlin Replayed: Cinema and Urban Nostalgia in the Postwall Era‘ (University of Minnesota Press). Ihre Filme sind ‚Sid at 90‘ (2003), ‚We’re No Actresses‘ (2013) und ‚Rosehill’ (2015).
Wir zeigen ‚Rosehill’ , Trailer unter
Brigitta Wagner is a film historian and filmmaker. She wrote the book ‚Berlin Replayed: Cinema and Urban Nostalgia in the Postwall Era‘. Her films are Sid90 (2003), ‚We’re No Acresses’ (2013) and ‚Rosehill‘ (2015).