No longer uptodate!

After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:


brause durch die pause

servus -

alles verschwimmt, die koordinaten werden unklar, nichts ist wie es war.
die sommerpause zum beispiel ist irgendwie da aber auch wieder nicht, so
wie das higgs-boson. wir messen die zerfallsprodukte:

Mon, 9. July 2012 - 10:00
Pierce Warnecke - Textures

Modification, deterioration and eventually disappearance - An audiovisual study of the effect of time on matter - An exploration of granular surfaces, aged objects and deteriorated materials collected for their rich textures.
Pierce Warnecke’s audiovisual performance Textures uses found objects, field recordings and video samples.

Fri, 20. July 2012 - 21:00
Ankersmit/ de Campo/ Warnecke/ Laurain-Ostendorf

An evening of audio-visual performance, 4 channel electronic pieces and improvised acoustic sets, ending a 2 weeks residency at ausland by Pierce Warnecke for the project 'Textures'.

Thomas Ankersmit: solo Serge analog modular synthesizer

Alberto de Campo

Pierce Warnecke: objects, electronic

Duo Louis Laurain/Nils Ostendorf: trumpets

Fri, 27. July 2012 - 21:00
Duple Deuce // Bob Ostertag // Anaïs Tuerlinckx
ausland sommerloch festival July 27th-29th 2012

... first day of ausland's sommerloch festival 2012, featuring:

Anaïs Tuerlinckx (piano solo)

Duple Deuce: Tony Buck (drums) & Øyvind Skarbø (drums)

Bob Ostertag (solo performance)

Doors 21:00 h, concert starts 22:00 h / fee: 9 EUR.

Sat, 28. July 2012 - 15:30
outdoor stage: Cotten, Kammerer, Mukarji, Thörn...
ausland sommerloch festival July 27th-29th 2012

... save the date: On this 2nd day of ausland's sommerloch festival, there'll be outdoor concerts & readings to be enjoyed in the yard of Lychenerstr. 60 throughout the afternoon and evening - along with cool drinks, sunshine and Pandita's choice of tunes. Programme already starts at about 16:00 Uhr (!) in the afternoon, featuring: Ann Cotten (poetry reading), Margareth Kammerer (songs), duo Carl Lindh & Pär Thörn (electronics improvisation), Tisha Mukarji (Tuning #1 / composition) & TODOSCH ("Delaware" / songs). Come and celebrate 10 years of ausland with us...

Sun, 29. July 2012 - 20:00
1982 // Golden Fur: M. Feldman // Kurzmann/Zerang
ausland sommerloch festival July 27th-29th 2012

On the 3rd and last night of its' sommerloch festival, ausland is happy to present:

Judith Hamann (cello) & James Rushford (piano), performing
Morton Feldman's "Patterns In A Chromatic Field"

Nils Økland: Hardanger fiddle, violin
Sigbjørn Apeland: harmonium
Øyvind Skarbø: drums

& the duo:
Christof Kurzmann (laptop)
Michael Zerang (drums)

Doors open 20:00 Uhr, concert starts 21:00 Uhr sharp. 9 EUR.


in cern lassen sie absichtlich staatsanleihen kollidieren, um den kleinsten
gemeinsamen nenner zu finden. die risiken werden ignoriert. keiner weiss,
ob dabei ein schwarzes loch entsteht, oder ein tunnel in ein anderes universum,
oder eine neuer sozialisums. am besten alles gleichzeitig, dann beamen wir
den murks fort aus unserer jetzigen realitaet und lassen nur noch rosa watte uebrig im