No longer uptodate!

After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:


cinque stagioni

buon giorno -

noch wissen wir nicht, wer das sagen hat. wird es beppe grillo, trapatoni,
oder steinbrueck? wieviele jahreszeiten brauchen wir, bis der vorletzte
vom karussell faellt?

Sat, 2. March 2013 - 20:30
Performance: About the Edge of a Roundabout

About the Edge of a Roundabout
A commemorative evening.

A performance about fright, horror and how to deal with our memory.

Concept: Colyne Morange,
Dramaturgie: Heike Bröckerhoff,
Video: Pierre Bouglé,
Sound: Mathias Delplanque
With Pierre Bouglé, Heike Bröckerhoff, Colyne Morange and who wants to participate
Production: Stomach Company

Sun, 3. March 2013 - 21:00
raudio aasland-Avant Gardening

with Lilith Finkenzeller/Johnny Chang (Berlin) & Radio Cegeste (Dunedin, Neuseeland)

A signal is relayed across the world. Modes of interactions and channels of communications are established between Dunedin New Zealand and Berlin Germany.

Fri, 8. March 2013 - 20:00
Beide Beide Messies

Beide Beide Messies

"Die Abwerfung des Geweihes seitens des Hirsches"
(Männerlieder und -tänze für Frauen und andere)

Sat, 9. March 2013 - 20:30
Bascovo: Barrett/Scott/Vorfeld + Krebs/Weismann
biegungen im ausland

Richard Barrett – electronics
Richard Scott – electronics
Michael Vorfeld – percussion

Steffi Weismann – composition, sound-belt, voice
Annette Krebs – composition, objects, voice

Sun, 10. March 2013 - 19:00
Koganezawa/Schneider TM/Nakasato|311FUKUSHIMA

2 short films and a special performance by Takehito Koganezawa, Schneider TM and Tomoko Nakasato

Already two years have passed since the triple catastrophy happened in Japan.

Berlin based musician Manami N. curates a solidarity event to support the people who fight against nuclear business in Japan and to commemorate the victims of the catastrophy.
The program will present 2 short documentary films from Japan and a special performance from artist Takehito Koganezawa , musician Schneider TM and dancer Tomoko Nakasato.

More details come soon!


peer hat per klartext die frage aufgeworfen, welcher titel fuer einen
politiker ehrenvoll ist. "clown" moechte anscheinden niemand.
bei den alten aegyptern gab es schoenere titel:

* faechertraeger des koenigs

* aufseher der pferde des herrn beider laender

* wirklicher koeniglicher schreiber

da waere doch fuer jeden grosskopferten was dabei in berlin und im