No longer uptodate!
After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:
Nilan Perera (altered electric guitar)
Olaf Rupp (electric guitar)
The Variable Geometry Quartet
Yannick Franck (electronics)
Olivier Pé (guitar, electronics)
Jeff Gburek (guitar, electronics)
Sicker Man (cello, synths, guitar, lapsteel)
A musical commentary on war and peace, timeless sounds from the Middle East. A live radio show by Guy Dubious (Radio 100,6 Tel Aviv)
Guy Dubious:
An archivist. Compiling music, recording signals with his tape machine, making connections of sounds to s
Thomas Meadowcroft - Orgel / Electronics
Sprecher: N.N.
Ekkehard Windrich: Violin
Boris Hauf: Tenor Saxophon
Grenzgänger - Literaturbühne im Ausland > "Wenn ihr mich nicht haben wollt ..." - Manie und WahnSinn - Texte, Bilder und Musik 20 Uhr Eintritt: 5,- Euro
s t a t i c t i c s Radioworm - Delegation aus Rotterdam
Henk Bakker (Bassklarinette/Elektronik)
Lukas Simonis (E Gitarre/gadgets)