No longer uptodate!
After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:
kann denn speichern suende sein?
merhaba -
man haette es einfach nicht vorratsdatenspeicherung
nennen und nur auf vorbindungsprotokolle beschraenken sollen.
viel besser waere doch eine bundesdatensicherung, welche
einfach ein aktuelles backup von allen festplatten
speichert. da waeren doch alle dafuer gewesen, auch karlsruhe.
bevor jetzt alle protokolle vernichtet werden, hier
noch schnell ein paar daten auf vorrat:
Fri, 5. March 2010 - 21:00
Zangi Music Special
biegungen im ausland 02_10: Zangi Music Special
Ignaz Schick (Berlin) - turntables, objects
in duos with:
Dawid Szczesny (Wroclaw) - laptop
Sven-Åke Johansson (Berlin) - drums, percussion
Mat Pogo (Firenze/Berlin) - vocals, cd-players
DJ Sets by JD Zazie & Marzipan Marzipan
Sun, 7. March 2010 - 15:00
Play Date and the All Star Jam Band
Tobias Delius/Boris Hauf - sax
Axel Dörner - trump
Marcello Busato - drums
Derek Shirley - bass
Els Vandeweyer - vibraphone
Thu, 11. March 2010 - 20:00
schleusen #13: Kapitalismus ohne Überfluss.
Sun, 14. March 2010 - 21:00
Brian Harnetty / Birdcage Tomboloa
Brian Harnetty
Brian Harnetty is a musician and artist from Ohio, and his work
involves overlooked elements of sound. Many of his pieces transform
found material - including field recordings, transcriptions, and
historic recordings - into personal sound worlds. Harnetty juxtaposes
archive recordings with his own piano, banjo and accordion, and this
odd co-existence generates a new poetic context for the bygone voices.
At this concert, he plays with Jeremy Woodruff, an american
flutist/saxophonist now living in Berlin.
Birdcage Tombola
Birdcage Tombola is a solo, pop music project for voice, keyboards,
canned strings, and electronic noodling from Thomas Meadowcroft (The
Understated Brown). Separate speakers are used for each string part
when playing live to produce a rich spatialised sound of discounted,
canned strings. More we cannot afford. Sometimes, physical help
permitting, leslie and organ also come to the show. The electronic
noodling is done with a knob box.
DJ : The Goldmunds
wenn unsere BVG und unsere BSR genauso wuselig wären wie die
argentinische fussballnationalmannschaft, muessten wir nicht
staendig traeumen vom
Lychener Str. 60
10437 Berlin
S + U Bahn Schoenhauser Allee
Tram 12 Raumer Strasse
N 52 Eberswalder Str.
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+49 (0)30 44 77 008
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