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Koboku Senju

Koboku Senju
Martin Taxt - tuba
Tetuzi Akiyama - guitar
Eivind Lønning - trumpet
Espen Reinertsen - saxophone
Toshimaru Nakamura - no input mixingboard
Koboku Senju, meaning something like «Selection of Dead Trees», is a continuation of the music developed on the album with the same name, Varianter av døde trær, released on SOFA in 2008. Since then, the ensemble has performed numerous concerts in Japan and Europe, finding a particular way of making music together. Their new release «Selektiv hogst» sees the former quartet of Tetuzi Akiyama, Martin Taxt, Eivind Lønning and Espen Reinertsen joined by the no-input mixing board of Toshimaru Nakamura, who is adding yet another level of timbral ambiguity to the group, creating a rich ensemble sound. Akiyama and Nakamura have both long been two of the leading improvisers from the Tokyo scene, and Lønning, Reinertsen and Taxt, are three young and active improvisers from Norway with an increasing reputation for their adventurous yet mature musicality. The ensemble now performs as a quintet.
"...this is one of the most intriguing and downright exciting releases I’ve heard in some time. It promises to make converts of even the most stubborn doubters, and if there’s any sense in this universe it will break free of the associations of its genre to reach the wider audience it deserves."
Sam Ludford, Scrolldust (about "Joining the queue...")