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After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
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kohle aus den kolonien

besinnliche besinner -

in der fastenzeit wird nicht getanzt, geschunkelt oder sonstwie
gute laune gehabt. denn jesus hing nur rum. wir sind solidarisch
und pflegen die unfroehlichen umstaende:

Fri, 27. March 2015 - 20:00
The Fall of the House of Usher

An interdisciplinary performance in gothic style based Edgar Allan Poe’s classic tale of decay, demise and doom. Lindy Annis (concept, text version; the Narrator ) / Nicholas Bussmann (sound and atmospheric composition; Roderick Usher) / Lucile Desamory (visual concept and realisation; Madeline Usher)

Please note: We can no longer accept reservations for the premiere. Please reserve tickets for the performances on either the 28th or the 29th.

Tickets: 12.00 / 9.00 €

doors 20:00, start 20:30

Sat, 28. March 2015 - 20:00
The Fall of the House of Usher

An interdisciplinary performance in gothic style based Edgar Allan Poe’s classic tale of decay, demise and doom. Lindy Annis (concept, text version; the Narrator ) / Nicholas Bussmann (sound and atmospheric composition; Roderick Usher) / Lucile Desamory (visual concept and realisation; Madeline Usher)

Limited admittance! Please reserve tickets at:

doors 20:00, start 20:30

Tickets: 12.00 / 9.00 €

Sun, 29. March 2015 - 20:00
The Fall of the House of Usher

An interdisciplinary performance in gothic style based Edgar Allan Poe’s classic tale of decay, demise and doom. Lindy Annis (concept, text version; the Narrator ) / Nicholas Bussmann (sound and atmospheric composition; Roderick Usher) / Lucile Desamory (visual concept and realisation; Madeline Usher)

Limited admittance! Please reserve tickets at:

doors 20:00, start 20:30

Tickets: 12.00 / 9.00 €

Tue, 31. March 2015 - 21:00
ゲルマニウムの夜 | The Whispering of the Gods
Throw away your books and rally in the streets

"THE WHISPERING OF THE GODS is, I believe, the most powerful Japanese film I have seen during 2005." (Donald Richie)
2005, 107 min | Dir. Tasushi Ohmori

Thu, 2. April 2015 - 20:00
Bohman & Caddy // Mayas & Stamou & Parkins
biegungen im ausland

Adam Bohman (amplified table, objects, text)
Anthea Caddy (amplified cello)
Tasos Stamou (prepared zither & handmade electronics)
Andrea Parkins (acc/electronics)
Magda Mayas (p)

doors: 20:00, start: 21:00

Fri, 10. April 2015 - 20:00
Zerang / Wassermann / Uchihashi / Zazie
biegungen im ausland

Ute Wassermann - voice, birdcalls
Kazuhisa Uchihashi - daxophone, guitar
JD Zazie - electronics, turntables
Michael Zerang - percussion

doors: 20:00, beginn: 21:00


der bundesverkehrsminister feiert heute die einfuehrung der PKW-maut.
sein ziel ist die vollstaendige ueberwachung wer wann wo war.
dabei greift er auf eine idee zurueck, die schon im alten aegypten
populaer war: das eigene volk zahlt nix. stattdessen raubt man
regelmaessig die nachbarn aus aeh belegt sie mit abgaben, um auf
deren kosten in saus zu brausen. das finden alle pfiffig bis auf das