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Meggie Schneider

Encounters / Rencontre
A documentary filmed in Berlin and Brandenburg 2012 / 2013 HD 16:9 / bw / stereo 5.1 / english subtitles / 6 min
Module 002 / Restraum
A documentary filmed in Berlin 2010
HD 16:9, colour, stereo, 19 min
Our Pride and Glory
A documentary filmed on expired S8 material in Buryn (Ukraine) 2008 Transferred to DV 4:3, colour, stereo, 12:56 min, D 2009
Filmed in Berlin in Auguststraße
DVD, colour, stereo, engl. subtitles / 13 min. 47 sec.
A documentary filmed on S8 in Warsaw 2001 Transferred to DV 4:3, colour, stereo, 16 min
68 min in all !
Meggie Schneider, born in Cologne. Studied philosophy and photography in Münster (Germany), photography and painting at the „Akademie voor Beeldende Kunst” in Enschede (Netherlands), and guest studies for one year at the “Université de Montréal” (Canada) in performance, installation, and painting. At the “Universität der Künste” in Berlin studies in experimental film design with Heinz Emigholz and Harun Farocki. Participation in numerous international festivals and exhibitions. From 2004-2006 she implemented the trilogy -private spaces in public spaces- with ich sitze gern, 4kitchens and hobbykeller in the Filmhaus in line with the International Film Festival Berlin (Berlinale). Since 2011, she has been heavily involved in projects in France, especially in Paris. This includes her project "Douze Dîners" (Twelve Dinners) realized between 2011 and 2012 in the framework of a residency at the Paris Cité Internationale des Arts, with funding from the Senate Department for Science, Research and Culture. In 2014, she was invited with her installation project Fabrique Biopic to join the Festival Hors Pistes du Centre Georges Pompidou where she has been invited again in 2016.
Meggie Schneider lives and works in Berlin as an artist, filmmaker and freelance teacher at universities in Berlin, Braunschweig, Potsdam and others.
Represented by Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art e.V.,Berlin