No longer uptodate!
After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:
mit linux ware das nicht passiert
kali mera -
der oscar fuer die beste nebenrolle geht dieses jahr an hertha bsc,
die bei der inszenierung von guenter wallraffs werk "ganz unten"
wie kein anderer zeigen, dass man ohne ueberfluss auskommen kann.
von schleusen bekommen wir nie zuviel:
Thu, 11. March 2010 - 20:00
schleusen #13: Kapitalismus ohne Ueberfluss.
Zur Kritik krisenbedingte Askeserhetorik und wachstumsskeptischer Anlageberatung
Vortrag von Jens Beckmann
Nach einer einleitenden Skizze der wichtigsten ökonomischen und
diskursiven Verschiebungen im Zuge der Weltwirtschaftskrise wird
Jens Beckmann in seinem Vortrag einen kurzweiligen Streifzug
durch ausgewählte wachstumsskeptische Ratgeberliteratur
unternehmen und den Sumpf trockenlegen, aus dem sich solche
Expertisen versuchen, am eigenen Schopf zu ziehen.
Sun, 14. March 2010 - 21:00
Brian Harnetty / Birdcage Tombola
Brian Harnetty
Brian Harnetty is a musician and artist from Ohio. His pieces
transform found material (field recordings, transcriptions and
historic recordings) into personal sound worlds. Harnetty
juxtaposes archive recordings with his own piano, banjo and
accordion and this odd co-existence generates a new poetic
context for the bygone voices.
At this concert, he plays with Jeremy Woodruff, an american
flutist/saxophonist now living in Berlin.
Birdcage Tombola
Birdcage Tombola is a solo, pop music project for voice,
keyboards, canned strings, and electronic noodling from Thomas
Meadowcroft (The Understated Brown). Separate speakers are used
for each string part when playing live to produce a rich
spatialised sound of discounted, canned strings.
Thomas has recently made some string arrangements also for the
german group Tocotronic, which you should check out. As for this
beautiful side project of his.
DJ : The Goldmunds
Fri, 19. March 2010 - 20:30
PROCESS Festival
PROCESS is a 2 day festival focusing on the sound of systems.
Terms like 'process-driven' and 'generative' are expanded to
include live performances based on breath, a train-yard video
that generates rhythms dynamically, and a large metal 'drop
machine' which emulates electronics, with no electronics. The
program features two evenings of live performances and new-media
works, a workshop and a special internet commission.
Both evenings start at 8:30 sharp. Live performances alternate
with new-media works available on laptop.
Curated by Luke Munn and Will Gresson
Sat, 20. March 2010 - 20:30
PROCESS Festival
siehe oben
hoffentlich kommt nicht der herr ruetgers zu einer dieser
veranstaltung sonst muessen wir 20.000 euro
eintrittspreis verlangen im
Lychener Str. 60
10437 Berlin
S + U Bahn Schoenhauser Allee
Tram 12 Raumer Strasse
N 52 Eberswalder Str.
[ [ ] ]
+49 (0)30 44 77 008
achso: mit linux: löst man alle probleme, auch umlaute in emails.
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