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After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
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save the last dance for me!
25 Feb 2006 - 21:30
make me hard presents
save the last dance for me!
dance and videopieces
X DRESCHER (berlin/stabeshöhe/wien/inzing/nyc/new castle...)play „mumpitz“
* christina ertl (innenhohlundaußensteif, cheralee lemonheart,grobe chrischtl, oide):
dance, bassss, drums, video
* konrad wilde (kraftpost, nonostar and so much more hot shit!):
more drums, loops, guitar
X BRÖCKEL (berlin/tokio/weikersheim and more) play „peter und der wolf“ – the true story
X ANTENA (berlin/prague/garage) „easy talk“
* dance/movement performance
X NATHALIE CLOUDE:trilogie tristesse
X HORSTMANN:horstmann
and more
+ DJDU!(bring your own stuff!)