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Vialka/Asi Föcker

Asi Föcker
DJs The Goldmunds with Matt Elliott
The dynamic duo of Marylise Frecheville and Eric Boros have been bringing their gypsy turbofolkpunk music and lifestyle to all corners of the world for six years, originally as the rhythm section of the Swiss based performance striptease jazz-punk trio NNY, as the experimental/noise performance project Hermit, and now with Vialka. They have lived in Switzerland, Slovenia, Canada, and are currently calling France their home between tours. Vialka's music, based on the interaction between Marylise's drumming and singing and Eric's guitar playing, draws its influences from traditional and modern music from around the world – played with ecstatic energy and a sophisticated musical language all their own. They released their first two albums "Tonight I Show You Fuck" and "Republic Of The Bored & Boring" on Manufracture Recordings, and have released "Everywhere & Nowhere", a DVD documenting their work together over the first five years, and their latest album "Curiosities Of Popular Customs", recorded by Bob Drake at Studio Midi-Pyrénées; both on their newly-founded "VIA" label. Vialka is not just a musical project, but a social scientific experiment, attempting to meet and communicate with interesting and unknown musicians and artists from around the world - with particular interest in polluted dictatorships, bleak colonies, and monarchic democracies... They have toured extensively in over fourty countries (100+ concerts per year) across Europe, Africa, North America and Asia, and have collaborated with Italian saxophonist Jacopo Andreini, Macedonian artist collective OPA, French cinematographer Laurent Varlet, Swiss cinematographer Sébastien Riond, French eco-designer Cédric Carles, members of the Chinese punk band SDL, the legendary former-CAN singer Damo Suzuki, and New Zealand drummer Kieran Monaghan.
Asi Föcker's soloperformance "asiplus" is at first sight a straight forward act with guitar and voice but her way to explore and put the parts together is anything but straight forward. Her language is best described as amplified acoustic and the songs, broken melodies where the voice and the guitar playfully moves in and around the layers of the compositions. The different elements in her performance are often kept on their separate paths and the crossing points seem to happen almost at chance giving the audience a sensation of discovery.