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Didier Lasserre

Didier Lasserre © by Apolline Nur Goni-Lasserre

Farther along academicisms, sectarianisms and programmed violence, Didier Lasserre is a rare musician in every sense (witness his works and performances, often limited to limited editions and featuring a single cymbal and drum): a poet and a painter of the drums (both literally and figuratively), and a gourmet for idiophones, for a music which is “the unexpected and the revelatory, the daughter of moment and eternity” (Pierre Lemarchand)
Philippe Carles, Le nouveau dictionnaire du Jazz.

Umlaut Festival Berlin 2012

17 Feb 2012 - 20:00

Ensemble Hodos plays Cage, Wolff & Corner

Didier Lasserre - sur quelque surfaces vacantes

Burkhard Beins & Derek Shirley

9/6€, doors open 20:00, concert starts 21:00