No longer uptodate!
After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:
Trockenschwimmen 4
Trockenschwimmen4: Veranstaltungstechnik-Workshop mit Dummies
Diesmal: LICHT
für Veranstaltungen
1) Elektrotechnisches Überlebensgrundwissen
2) shortly Scheinwerfer
3) Hängen, Befestigen
4) beleuchten: Positionen, Farben, Farbmischung
und andere visionen
Scroll down for english version!
Anmeldung bis zum 15.10. - wie immer sind eigene Projekte herzlich willkommen!
Wenn ihr Fragen zu Trockenschwimmen habt, ruft an: 44 77 00 8 oder schreibt an
This is a free stage-technic do-it-yourself workshop.
(Eletronicbasics, Colours, lot of Trying-Out)
You can learn basic things about sound&light - we help realize your small project !
Please contact us to participate - until 15.9.04
We find out together how it works, you will have the chance to try allot by yourself.
We like to solve problems, so if you need to do something, and you dont know how, please write us with your problem.
And if you just want to take part - write us.
Rut -
Elisabeth -