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Noël Rademacher

Noël Rademacher <a title="Attribution-NonCommercial License" href="">Some rights reserved</a> by <a href="">toylike</a>

There once was a small town boy that went into the big city by bus just to watch out of the back window. Singing his own songs in public has always felt strange to him. But when his favourite band needed a drummer, he claimed to be one. Though he still hides his face behind a cup of coffee sometimes, he promised himself never to sing for Starbucks.

Just Kids - Eine Lesung mit Musik

18 Nov 2011 - 20:00
Just Kids - Rike Schubert und Noel Rademacher

"Just Kids" verbindet Geschichten aus der 2010 erschienen Autobiographie von Patti Smith mit
Songs und Musik aus dem Umfeld der Warhol Factory und dem Chelsea Hotel.
Rike Schubert - Lesung, Schauspiel, Puppenspiel
Noel Rademacher - Musik