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obliq + takako suzuki

Third concert of the series: The Somethin Between The Nothing - OBLIQ with guests
This time with a set by obliq+Takako Suzuki, lights by Nathalie Ponneau und Ruth Waldeyer
and a solo set by Hannes Lingens
Pierre Borel - sax
Derek Shirley - bass / synth
Hannes Lingens - drums & objects
-the something between the nothing-
OBLIQ presents the third in a three part concert series featuring performer takako suzuki with light design by ruth waldeyer and nathalie ponneau. this evening represents a new step for OBLIQ’s collaboration series using movement and light instead of acoustics. each evening of the series will also feature a solo set by a member of OBLIQ. this evening hannes lingens will present a piece for snare drum.
this will also be a release party for OBLIQ’s new recording on anothertimbre
pierre borel - saxophone
hannes lingens - percussion
derek shirley - kontrabass
+ takako suzuki- performance/movement
+ ruth waldeyer / nathalie poneau - light design
doors 20.30h
music 21h
entrance: 6euros
ausland - lychenerstr.60 berlin/pberg
kindly supported by initiative neue musik and kulturamt pankow
OBLIQ is a sonic mass in constant movement. Observing the characteristics of sound in every detail, it moves in an abstract organic way, formed by three musicians on acoustic instruments in free improvisation. Solistic passages are restrained in favour of a complex interlocking group structure.
Working with a tendency towards rather quiet material opens a dynamic sprectrum with a large
potential for differentiation.
Coming from the Berlin scene of experimental music, the trio have toured varoius European countries and collaborated with artists like Christof Kurzmann (LP live at umlaut festival 2010), Michael Thieke and Miya Masaoka.
Takako Suzuki
Takako Suzuki wurde 1965 in Nara, Japan geboren. Ihre Ausbildung absolvierte sie bei Anzu Furukawa in Tokyo. Anschließend studierte sie Design an der Hochschule der Künste in Berlin und leitete ihre eigene Compagnie Hagazussa. Seit1992 arbeitet Kakao Suzuki mit Sasha Waltz und war u.a. an den Production Travelogue I-III, Alle der Kosmonauten, Zweiland, Na Zemlje, Körper, S, noBody, insideout, und Dido & Aeneas. Daruberhinaus erarbeitete sie diverse eigene Projekte u.a. mit Dietmar Diesner, Ignaz Schick und Frans Poelstra. Sie betreut ausserdem die Wiederaufnahme von Travelogue I - Twenty to eight.