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After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
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raudio aasland in interview with Maria Chavez

3 Nov 2013 - 21:00

raudio aasland presents the New York based turntablist, sound artist and curator Maria Chavez in a personal interview where she speaks about the value of accidents in her life and work, how to release a sound work without sound, her contradictory relationship with the music business, her just past European tour ... and of course she will also play some music for us.

(interview: Raliza Nikolowa, sound: Ian Douglas -Moore, in collaboration with Manuela Benetton) : UKW 88,4 MHz in Berlin & 90,7 MHz in Potsdam.