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SPOR festival 2011

The programme for SPOR festival 2011: TOUCH ME is launched.
From Thursday the 5th to Sunday the 8th of May the city of Aarhus, Denmark, will be touched by music and sound art. See the full programme here.
SPOR 2011: TOUCH ME places focus on physicality in contemporary music and sound art and presents a number of sensuous and touching experiences. Look forward to:
::Musical wellness, klang-massage and underwater concerts
::Noisy, dancing and beautiful Audio Ballerinas in the streets of Aarhus
::The multi avantgarde artist Sven Åke Johansson and his works for falling cucumbers, a bath tub and cardboard cymbals
::A number of premieres by international and Danish composers: from ensemble pieces by Pelle Gudmundsen-Holmgren and Bent Sørensen to Joanna Bailie’s camera obscura piece and Simon Steen-Andersen’s site specific video work
SPOR 2011 will take place at various venues in Aarhus, the beautiful former Mission House Granhøj Dans will function as main venue.
Read more about artists, performances, the theme of 2011 and find addresses at:
The guest curators for SPOR 2011 are 3 leading art institutions from Berlin: Kammerensemble Neue Musik, Singuhr Hörgalerie and ausland. The collaborations between them and SPOR have led to a challenging and an experimental program. The three partners are each, with their point of departure, important players within the international art scene’s tension-field between music, art, media and performance.
Welcome to SPOR 2011!
Partners and sponsors SPOR 2011:
Aarhus Kommune, Aarhus University, Augustinus Fondation, ausland, Region Midtjylland, Danish Art Council, Danish Co mposers Society and KODA's Fund for Social and Cultural Purposes", Danish Conductors Association, Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfond, Ingwerenske Fondation, DIEM, Entre Scenen, Exhibition Space Spanien 19C, Goethe-Institut Dänemark, Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, Kammerensemble Neue Musik Berlin, Kongelig Norsk Ambassade, Culture fondation for Danmark and Finland, Kulturgesellschaft Aarhus, Lyseng Svømmebad, Pappagallo, Scenatet, Singuhr Hörgalerie, Sonning-Fondation, SNYK, Wilhelm Hansen Fondation, World Music Denmark.
SPOR info:
Festival and artistic directors: Anna Berit Asp Christensen and Anne Marqvardsen
Production manager: Anne Bøgh
Production assistant: Nina Kuntz
Communication: Janne Bjørsted
Technic: Pappagallo
PR: Have Kommunikation
Visuel identity and design: Christian Leifelt
SPOR festival
Prøvestensbroen 3, 2.
DK – 2300 Copenhagen S
SPOR at Facebook: Get updated about SPOR 2011 at our facebook profile