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After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:
verstrahlte sunblocker -
die partielle sonnenfinsternis morgen wird unsere wirtschaft
in schwung bringen. millionen digitalkameras werden kaputt gehen
bei dem versuch, die halb verdeckte sonnenscheibe ohne filter
zu knipsen. und wenn der strom wackeln sollte, werden noch mehr
geräte kaputt gehen. dann stuermen wir am samstag in die laeden
und kaufen als ob's kein morgen gaebe!
aus der asche entsteigt:
Thu, 19. March 2015 - 20:00
Lyriklesung: Gause, Ostashevsky, Tóth
Lyrik im ausland
Ein Abend mit Lyriklesungen von Moritz Gause, Kinga Tóth und Eugene Ostashevsky.
Geöffnet ab 20:00 Uhr, Beginn 20:30 Uhr.
Fri, 20. March 2015 - 21:00
Monkey Plot + Thörn |Ian Douglas-Moore + Paul Roth
- animals acting human # 3 -
... an evolutionary concert night with:
Berlin premiere & tape release concert: "Osvensk Stämning" (Unswedish Atmosphere)
Ian Douglas Moore: electric guitar
Paul Roth: saxophone
- Doors 21:00h, start 22:00h -
Sat, 21. March 2015 - 20:30
LehnBertoncini BanerjiMaxineAllbeeJeffery Ivanović
biegungen im ausland
Tiziana Bertoncini / Thomas Lehn
Ritwik Banerji / Liz Allbee / Hilary Jeffery / Maxine
Luka Ivanović / Lukatoyboy: Outing for walkie-talkies
Fri, 27. March 2015 - 20:00
The Fall of the House of Usher
An interdisciplinary performance in gothic style based Edgar Allan Poe’s classic tale of decay, demise and doom. Lindy Annis (concept, text version; the Narrator ) / Nicholas Bussmann (sound and atmospheric composition; Roderick Usher) / Lucile Desamory (visual concept and realisation; Madeline Usher)
Limited admittance! Please reserve tickets at:
doors 20:00, start 20:30
Sat, 28. March 2015 - 20:00
The Fall of the House of Usher
An interdisciplinary performance in gothic style based Edgar Allan Poe’s classic tale of decay, demise and doom. Lindy Annis (concept, text version; the Narrator ) / Nicholas Bussmann (sound and atmospheric composition; Roderick Usher) / Lucile Desamory (visual concept and realisation; Madeline Usher)
Limited admittance! Please reserve tickets at:
doors 20:00, start 20:30
Sun, 29. March 2015 - 20:00
The Fall of the House of Usher
An interdisciplinary performance in gothic style based Edgar Allan Poe’s classic tale of decay, demise and doom. Lindy Annis (concept, text version; the Narrator ) / Nicholas Bussmann (sound and atmospheric composition; Roderick Usher) / Lucile Desamory (visual concept and realisation; Madeline Usher)
Limited admittance! Please reserve tickets at:
doors 20:00, start 20:30
Tue, 31. March 2015 - 21:00
ゲルマニウムの夜 | The Whispering of the Gods
Throw away your books and rally in the streets
"THE WHISPERING OF THE GODS is, I believe, the most powerful Japanese film I have seen during 2005." (Donald Richie)
2005, 107 min | Dir. Tasushi Ohmori
der altgrieche laokoon musste sterben, damit troja sterben konnte.
troja musste sterben, damit rom entstehen konnte. ohne die
alten griechen saehe es ganz anders aus im