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Thalia Zedek Band // Rosalie Middleman

15 Jahre amSTARt! - 5.3.1999 bis heute ff. Aus diesem Anlass, ausland & amSTARt proudly present:
Thalia Zedek Band (Thrill Jockey / US)
Thalia Zedek presents her 2013 album "Via" and the brand new EP "Six" together with her outstanding band on their first European tour since 2008!
support: Rosalie Middleman
After years of performing and singing free-form in the Philadelphia based group Blood Like Mine,
and working on her solo pop project, Zillions, Rosalie will play some Vocal heavy & guitar - Songs about love and loss, mind-traps and visions from the world around.
She will be accompanied by Konrad Wilde (Kraftpost, Evelyns Pørk, Nonostar).
DJs: mfx (reboot fm) / Perlen vor die Säue (8mm /KIM)
facebook | VVK/pre-sale via koka36: 12 € | via amSTARt | door: 13 €
Doors 20:00 h, concerts 21:00 h.
Nach ihrer famosen ausland-Soloshow im letzten Sommer kommt Thalia Zedek diesmal mit Band ausgiebig zurück nach Europa, um endlich in voller Besetzung ihre aktuellen, unlängst bei Thrill Jockey erschienenen Platten vorzustellen - das Album "VIA" (2013) und die brandneue EP "SIX".
In so unterschiedlichen Bands wie "Uzi", "Live Skull" und schließlich den großartigen "Come" - gegründet 1990 zusammen mit Chris Brokaw, deren Debüt "eleven:eleven" letztes Jahr neu aufgelegt wurde - prägt Thalia mit ihrem Songwriting, ihrem Gesang und ihrer Haltung seit vielen Jahren als Pionierin auf individuellste Weise einen Sound und eine Kultur mit, die man in den 90ern wohl Underground-Rock oder Indie genannt hätte.
Seit 2001 ist ihr musikalisches Schaffen unter eigenem Namen zu einem reifen, nuancenreichen Werk von 4 solo-Alben und einigen EPs angewachsen, das traditionelle musikalische Linien wie Folk Rock, Blues, Elemente von Country oder Ballade aufgreift, atmosphärisch subtil in die Beschädigtheit und Zähigkeit einer bestimmten 90er-Jahre-Ästhetik einbettet und immer wieder mit offenen Songstrukturen und Gitarrennoise bricht: NEO-PSYCHEDELIC CHAMBER FOLK ROCK!
Energische Melancholie ohne Kraftmeierei oder Larmoyanz, Schönheit ohne Gefälligkeit, eine Live-Band von mitreißender Energie und Offenheit und dabei einladender Selbstzurücknahme - am 15. Geburtstag von amSTARt!
2013 was a notable year for Thalia Zedek. She released her first album in five years, Via, which PopMatters called a “rumbling, sweet, muscled set of tunes, as resilient as they are beautiful,” which was followed by a tour across North America with Low.
She also reunited with Come, the classic band she formed with Chris Brokaw in 1990, reissuing their classic debut Eleven: Eleven and playing their first shows in over a decade across the US and Europe. In October, following this intense flurry of activity, Thalia regrouped with her band in Boston to record an EP, harnessing the creative energy she had accumulated during her time on the road.
The resulting SIX opens with a full-band version of “Fell So Hard,” a characteristically mournful dirge that exudes a tenacious, slow-moving intensity. From there, Zedek explores the complexities of interpersonal relationships, employing some of the most sparse arrangements of her career.
The spareness of tracks like “Julie Said” and “Afloat” achieve incredible emotional heft, letting Thalia’s lyrics, delivered in her unmistakable voice, take center stage. Alongside this new material is a cover of Freakwater’s “Flathand,” which was originally released on the Plum 7” box set in 2007.
SIX is being released in advance of Thalia’s most extensive European tour in six years, and will be released in limited quantities on CD and 12” vinyl.
" Zedek specializes in thorny songs that unflinchingly address adult topics and full-grown problems, with the malleable backing of her guitar and band providing either momentary refuge or sympathetic cries of exasperation." - Pitchfork
" Hearing a new Thalia Zedek records gives me hope for music." - Dagger
" Those big open guitar cords only add to the song’s emotional thrust. If listening to Via makes you feel good, chances are Zedek is feeling good. Powerful stuff." - Paste
"But Via, like so much of Zedek’s work, fights the inclination to quit when the going gets tough. In less capable hands, a lyric like “the truth will set you free,” from leadoff track “Walk Away,” may sound shallow. Coming from Zedek, it’s a call to arms." - American Songwriter