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Yu Miyashita

Debuted from German Mille Plateaux in 2011. Miyashita is also known for his releases from Japanese labels such as mAtter, original context art label run by Yukitomo Hamasaki and SIGNAL_DADA, alternative-electronic music record label run by shotahirama. The music video "Lucio Arese | Yu Miyashita - Mimic" (2012) has been selected, nominated and screened at various festivals across the world to include Ars Electronica Animation Festival (Linz, Austria), Athens Video Art Festival (Athens, Greece), International Film Festival Of Cinematic Arts (Los Angeles, USA), Saatchi New Director's Showcase (Cannes, France), SIGGRAPH (Singapore). Miyashita has released a CD album "Homage" from SIGNAL_DADA in September 2015.
ドイツMille Plateauxより2011年にデビューを果たし逆輸入された電子音楽家Yu Miyashita。国内のオリジナルコンテクストアートレーベルmAtterや、オルタナティブエレクトロニクスを標榜し既存の概念から逸脱した革新的な電子音楽作品を発表するCDレーベルSIGNAL_DADAからのリリースでも知られている。2012年に発表された映像作品"Lucio Arese | Yu Miyashita - Mimic"は、Ars Electronica Animation Festival (オーストリア)、Athens Video Art Festival (ギリシャ)、International Film Festival Of Cinematic Arts (アメリカ)、Saatchi New Director's Showcase (フランス)、SIGGRAPH (シンガポール)等、世界各国の多数のフェスティバルで選出、ノミネート、上映され続ける事となる。2015年9月、shotahirama主宰するSIGNAL_DADAより国内初フルCDアルバム"Homage"をリリース。
"Miyashita plays Jekyll and Hyde"
- Bleep
"While the glitch pioneers tended to favour a stripped down minimalism, Miyashita takes advantage of advances in processing power to create maximalist symphonies of jittery orchestral samples, granular synthesis and dense textural wash. --- his complex creations are well crafted and worth checking."
- Cyclic Defrost
"Esoteric excursion"
- Igloo Magazine
"A jarring mix of ethereal soundscapes and abrasive noise."
- The Quietus
"Yu Miyashita's music hits you like a wave, in which each droplet of water is replaced by a string of digitized code. When first hit, it is impossible to decipher anything but raw emotion and sound, such is the seemingly impenetrable structure of it, resplendent in white noise mutated by the human hand."
- Silent Ballet
"Haunting the listener in short bursts of deathly hymns."
- Stray Landings
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