No longer uptodate!

After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:


zahl' bis zehn

helau -

weil neun wie nein klingt, wird das neue windows zehn heissen.
es wird tolle neue faehigkeiten mitbringen wie etwa bewegliche
mauszeiger, froehliche wartemelodien oder mehrfarbige
bluescreens. wahrscheinlich kann man es auch biegen.

die unbeugsame minderheit wird in nischen verdraengt:

Thu, 2. October 2014 - 21:00
Iku Sakan // Solhorn // Günter Schickert

Doors 21:00h, Start 22:00h |


Iku Sakan is a musician, improvisor and DJ from Osaka, Japan currently based in Berlin, Germany

Solhorn is a solo project of danish artist Michael Mørkholt.


Since Schickert’s 1975 debut Samtvogel and 1979’s Überfällig (on legendary German rock labels Brain and Sky repectively) he has only released work sporadically in limited editions, though he has remained active, producing music for film and theatre and working with a number of groups.

Fri, 3. October 2014 - 20:30
Plants play music: Plants and empire + a.melodie

Plants and empire works with the sound of signals produced by plants, picked up from plants, transformed and generated by plants and is constantly researching new ways of developing plantsound

a.melodie consists of self-made synthesizers that are then hooked up to an array of different plants.

Sun, 5. October 2014 - 20:00
Jan Volker Röhnert: "Wolkenformeln" - Buchpremiere
Lyrik im ausland

Jan Volker Röhnert stellt seinen neuen Lyrikband "Wolkenformeln" vor, der frisch im ersten Programm des neugegründeten Verlags edition faust erschienen ist.

Aus diesem Anlass lesen außerdem als Gäste:

Ulrike Almut Sandig & Ron Winkler!

Moderation: Tom Schulz

Geöffnet ab 20:00 Uhr, Beginn um 20:30 Uhr.

Wed, 8. October 2014 - 20:00
Donna Regina // Molly Nilsson // + DJ Strobocop

amSTARt presents:

DONNA REGINA (Karaoke Kalk)
-with their new album "Holding the mirror for Sophia Loren"-

MOLLY NILSSON (Dark Skies Association / Night School Records)

plus: DJ Strobocop

Doors 20:00h, start 21:00h | VVK @ koka 36 | AK 10 €

Thu, 9. October 2014 - 20:00
Music of/for Minorities - Gong Orchestras

Music of/for Minorities
The Gong Orchestras in Cambodia and Laos

A new monthly series at ausland presents rare recordings of ethnic music made by Laurent Jeanneau (F). Jeanneau has travelled extensively since 1999 to the remotest corners of Asia, compiling an extraordinary collection of ethnic music recordings.
Each evening will focus on a specific musical practice and will include the narratives, photos or videos of the musicians. Jeanneau will tell us the story of each recording and
he'll answer your questions. Join in for the new listening sessions at ausland!


zehn zehen haben wir. haetten wir neun, wuerden sie neuhen heissen.
aber wir stehen eben auf zehen. daher schreiben wir lieber
listen der 10 tollsten dinge als listen der 9 pfundigsten pfundhammel.
auf der liste der 10 tollsten listen enthaelt jede liste das