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Alberto Braida

Alberto Braida (pianist, composer) was born in 1966. He began his piano studies when he was seven years old. He obtained a diploma at the Conservatory "G. Nicolini" in Piacenza and attended jazz music seminars in Siena from 1989 to 1991. He has been focused since the beginning on improvisation and its relationship with composition.
He has collaborated and played with musicians such as Liz Albee, Ab Baars, Antonio Borghini, John Butcher, Cristiano Calcagnile, Günter Christmann, George Cremaschi, Wilbert De Joode, John Edwards, Lisle Ellis, Massimo Falascone, Wolfgang Fuchs, Ig Henneman, John Hughes, Michael Griener, Hans Koch, Peter Kowald, Giancarlo Locatelli, Paul Lovens, Paul Lytton, Edoardo Marraffa, Phil Minton, Filippo Monico, Larry Ochs, Gino Robair, Elke Shipper, Wadada Leo Smith, Fabrizio Spera, Michael Thieke, Luca Venitucci, Frances-Marie Uitti, Jack Wright and many other.
He played at Vision Festival (New York), Umbrella Festival (Chicago), Improvised and Otherwise Festival (New York), International Jazz Festival (Vancouver), Total Music Meeting (Berlino), Tasten Festival (Berlino), Uncool Festival (Poschiavo), Taktlos Festival (Zurigo), Interactivity 05 (The Haag), Music Unlimited Festival XIX (Wells), Konfrontationen (Nickelsdorf), Podring (Biel), Risonanze (Venezia), Controindicazioni (Roma), Free Radicals at the Red Rose (Londra), Festival milanese della musica d'improvvisazione (Milano), Pulsi (Milano), ContemporaneaMente and in many other venues within the United States and Europe
-1997 "trio '97” A. Braida/T. Mangialajo/C. Virzi - CMC Records 9974-2
-1999 "diciannove calefazioni" A. Braida/G. Locatelli - Takla Records 2
-2002 “tripwire” L. Scherzberg/J. Hughes/J. Arnal (Alberto Braida e Giancarlo Locatelli sono ospiti in un brano registrato durante un concerto ad Amburgo) - Generate Records
-2002 Audiology – 11 groups live in Berlin Total Music Meeting 2001” - A/l/l – A division of FMP Free Music Production
-2004 “Aria” P. Kowald/G. Locatelli/A. Braida - free elephant 004
-2004 “Oued” A. Braida piano solo - Z-rec AB 1
-2004 “Ora!” RARA ensamble (G. Locatelli/A. Braida/G.Tedeschi/F. Spera) - Z-rec RARA 1
-2004 “Due” A. Braida/G. Locatelli -Z - rec GLAB 1
-2005 “di terra” Braida/Ellis/Spera Nu Bop Records 2
-2006 “mobile” Braida/Hughes brokenresearch
-2007 “reg erg” Braida/de Joode Red Toucan records RT 9332
-2008 "re:start" M. Falascone/A. Braida/F. Monico -setola di maiale SM1470
-2009 "Talus" Alberto Braida piano solo -nuscope recordings cd 1022
-2009 "A brush with dignity" Weightless (J. Butcher/A. Braida/J. Edwards/F. Spera) Clean Feed CF154
-2010 “Seamlessly” Melly’s tree (A. Braida/A. Borghini/C. Calcagnile) setola di maiale SM1630
-2010 “Piovono bici” Smonta tutto (G. Locatelli/A. Braida/G. Robair) Rastascan BRD066
-2010 “Red shift” E. Marraffa/A. Braida setola di maiale SM1870
-2011 “Eco d’alberi” (E. Marraffa/A. Braida/A. Borghini/Fabrizio Spera) Porter Records PRCD – 4054
-2012 “in time” (A. Braida/G. Christmann) edition explico - explico 16
-2012 “nel margine” (A. Braida/G. Locatelli) Red Toucan Records – RT 9346
-2014 vario-51 “push and pull” A. Braida/G. Christmann/M. Griener/E. Schipper Edition Explico 18
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