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After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:
CC No.1 Corruptive Climate

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Wilder Than Some Productions and The Wedding Band proudly present:
The Swan Song (Germany, Israel, Austria)
A musical reading of the 3rd Act “The Gallery”
Keren Ida Nathan (Ida Wilde), Gili Ben-Zvi (G-Bliss Productions) Rasch & Sch’nell, Carola Caggiano, Martin Ertl (Coco Sch'nell), Ulrike Ertl (Jennifer Rasch), Eduard Mont de Palol, Conrad Noack, Johanna Olausson, Nathalie Hör-Ponneau, Ruth Waldeyer, Itay Zfira, Wassan Ali, Jenny B., Janin Bois a.k.a. Stephan Pente, Noam Gorbat, Nana Heidenreich, Pip Hill, Gerda Klingenböck, Christine Kriegerowski, Barbara Loreck, Liv Rolf Mertz, Kristin Möller, Alexandra Spencer, Jan Teiler, William Wheeler, Tommy Hilfiger, Angela Anderson
The Swan Song - an Operetta in 4 Acts, has been in continuous production by a stubborn group of artists and a crowd of lovely performers, shown scene-by-scene and year-by-year in venues throughout Berlin. The Swan Song is the story of two families; the Bar and the Gallery, and their struggle to survive economic changes, which test their commitment to community and common survival. Collaboration and independent ambitions clash! The Gallery must decide the course of its future and somehow bring the young lovers, Hannah and Hilaria together, while avoiding a hostile takeover by the city's ambition for revitalizing the neighborhood. The score follows the classical operetta structure while integrating pop music, sound installation and improvised music.
The Sacred Travellers (USA, Germany, Australia, Italy, Canada, Great Britain)
Tobias Hassels - clarinet, percussion
Rosanna Lovell - clarinet, voice
Davide Lorezon - alto sax, percussion
Maddalena Casarini – flute
Ian Douglas-Moore – guitar
T. Schlopsnies - guitar
Brian Kiel - bass
Big Daddy Mugglestone - drums, voice
Alan Thomasson - electronic percussion, dub master
Suki Osman - percussion, voice
Melanie Rost - percussion, voice
Margareth Kammerer - percussion, voice
Karina Griffith - percussion, voice
and special guests!
The Sacred Travellers (D) are a Berlin-based big band that combines many different traditions while claiming none. The melodies are often taken from northern Thai Molam music, but the instrumentation and the rhythm section falls more into Ethiopian Jazz or Cumbia feels. The repertoire has both fast-paced dance numbers as well as slow dirge-like circular melodies that some how slip between the cracks of ethno-fetishism and high-brow experimentalism. Featuring many special guests, lots of new material and the Sacred Queens singing Ghanaian Highlife classics.
Grand Prix de la Dépêche
10 years of ausland makes roundabout 450 auslandsdepeschen - the weekly ausland newsletter covering everything from credit credibility, nose chakras, disposable computers to beach fashion and the weekly ausland program. Now it´s time to set your favorite ausland newsletter to music! The only criteria: we have to recognise text fragments of the newsletter. The best soundtrack will be presented at Sophiensæle. The worst we´ll send to the tax authorities. If you did not collect your favourite depesche - here you find them all:
Send your soundtrack to:
Come to the award ceremony for the best soundtrack of the beloved auslandsdepesche!
DJ DU hosted by Kylie Fagischefsky
Bring your music to dance!
Sissi FM live from Sophiensæle
7 - 12pm live stream on
8 - 12pm on UKW 88.4 MHz and 90.7 Mhz in Potsdam
Live interviews with the participating artists on music, methods, and motifs; on dangerous stages and daring costumes, on composition and improvisation; on the musicality of collectives and on collective structures in music; on band playing and solo works; on the longevity of self-organized groups; on macho fights and Hühnerkämpfe; on collective love, pains, and asses and on the monarchy of sounds. Live streams of all concerts and perfomances, directly to your kitchen: music, music, music. After and inbetween the concerts: breathtaking impressions, voices of the audiences, insights, outlooks, and summaries
Listen here
This stream defaults to the reboot fm radio stream if there is no live broadcast. more info here