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After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:



Wednesday June 16, 2010
Thursday June 17, 2010
Start: 20:00

Die Klassifizierung von Kunst ist stets willkürlich. Agnieszka Bulak konzentriert sich in ihrem Vortrag auf die beiden Aspekte „Nachwirkung des Krieges und des Holocausts“ und „Körperlichkeit“. Die getrennte

Friday June 18, 2010
Start: 21:00
Miya Misaoka (Japan/NYC) koto and electronics
Okkyung Lee (NYC) cello
Clare Cooper, guzheng
Asi Foecker, guitar, voice & visuals
Monika Brooks (SYD) accordion
Sven Ake Johannson, percuss

Sunday June 20, 2010
Start: 21:00

A man sitting, reels of video tape slowly swallowing him, the space gets filled with random cutups, stutters and glitches from prepared CDs. A Performance by Olivier Heinry (sound, open source software) and Jean-Gérald Dorseuil (dance)

Monday June 21, 2010
Start: 10:00
Start: 21 Jun 2010 - 10:00
End: 25 Jun 2010 - 23:00

Gangplank addresses the question of networks and interdisciplinary creation processes in contemporary performance-making and the issue of technology as an evolving dramaturgic mean.

Tuesday June 22, 2010
(all day)
Start: 21 Jun 2010 - 10:00
End: 25 Jun 2010 - 23:00

Gangplank addresses the question of networks and interdisciplinary creation processes in contemporary performance-making and the issue of technology as an evolving dramaturgic mean.

Wednesday June 23, 2010
(all day)
Start: 21 Jun 2010 - 10:00
End: 25 Jun 2010 - 23:00

Gangplank addresses the question of networks and interdisciplinary creation processes in contemporary performance-making and the issue of technology as an evolving dramaturgic mean.

Start: 22:00

raudio aasland is a radio series by ausland.

the content of raudio aasland ranges from music collections, dj sets, interviews with artists and live concerts to radio plays, social interactions, abnormal features and concept art.

Thursday June 24, 2010
(all day)
Start: 21 Jun 2010 - 10:00
End: 25 Jun 2010 - 23:00

Gangplank addresses the question of networks and interdisciplinary creation processes in contemporary performance-making and the issue of technology as an evolving dramaturgic mean.

Friday June 25, 2010
End: 23:00
Start: 21 Jun 2010 - 10:00
End: 25 Jun 2010 - 23:00

Gangplank addresses the question of networks and interdisciplinary creation processes in contemporary performance-making and the issue of technology as an evolving dramaturgic mean.

Saturday July 3, 2010
Start: 17:00
Start: 3 Jul 2010 - 17:00
End: 4 Jul 2010 - 17:00

24h BRÖCKEL - the big BRÖCKEL 24 hours REUNION performance - at ausland and other locations around Berlin - keep yourself up to date on the ausland website, myspace or

Sunday July 4, 2010
End: 17:00
Start: 3 Jul 2010 - 17:00
End: 4 Jul 2010 - 17:00

24h BRÖCKEL - the big BRÖCKEL 24 hours REUNION performance - at ausland and other locations around Berlin - keep yourself up to date on the ausland website, myspace or

Monday July 5, 2010
Start: 10:00
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Tuesday July 6, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Wednesday July 7, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Thursday July 8, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Friday July 9, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Saturday July 10, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Sunday July 11, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Start: 21:00
End: 23:00


110610 : Michael Vorfeld / Chris Heenan

Monday July 12, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Tuesday July 13, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Wednesday July 14, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Thursday July 15, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Friday July 16, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Saturday July 17, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Sunday July 18, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Monday July 19, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Tuesday July 20, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Wednesday July 21, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Start: 22:00

raudio aasland is a radio series by ausland.

the content of raudio aasland ranges from music collections, dj sets, interviews with artists and live concerts to radio plays, social interactions, abnormal features and concept art.

Thursday July 22, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Friday July 23, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Saturday July 24, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Sunday July 25, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Monday July 26, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Tuesday July 27, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Wednesday July 28, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Thursday July 29, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Friday July 30, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Saturday July 31, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Sunday August 1, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Monday August 2, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Tuesday August 3, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Wednesday August 4, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Thursday August 5, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Friday August 6, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Saturday August 7, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Sunday August 8, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

Start: 18:00
Start: 8 Aug 2010 - 18:00
End: 21 Aug 2010 - 18:00

Refugium Boris Hauf

Solo-Aufnahmen, und Aufnahmen mit den Bands 'Owl & Mack', The Understated Brown sowie mit den Musikern Bo Lie, Gregoire Simon, Hilary Jeffrey & Martin Siewert

Monday August 9, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

(all day)
Start: 8 Aug 2010 - 18:00
End: 21 Aug 2010 - 18:00

Refugium Boris Hauf

Solo-Aufnahmen, und Aufnahmen mit den Bands 'Owl & Mack', The Understated Brown sowie mit den Musikern Bo Lie, Gregoire Simon, Hilary Jeffrey & Martin Siewert

Tuesday August 10, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

(all day)
Start: 8 Aug 2010 - 18:00
End: 21 Aug 2010 - 18:00

Refugium Boris Hauf

Solo-Aufnahmen, und Aufnahmen mit den Bands 'Owl & Mack', The Understated Brown sowie mit den Musikern Bo Lie, Gregoire Simon, Hilary Jeffrey & Martin Siewert

Wednesday August 11, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

(all day)
Start: 8 Aug 2010 - 18:00
End: 21 Aug 2010 - 18:00

Refugium Boris Hauf

Solo-Aufnahmen, und Aufnahmen mit den Bands 'Owl & Mack', The Understated Brown sowie mit den Musikern Bo Lie, Gregoire Simon, Hilary Jeffrey & Martin Siewert

Start: 21:00
End: 23:00


110510 : Maria Chavez / Ignaz Schick

Thursday August 12, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

(all day)
Start: 8 Aug 2010 - 18:00
End: 21 Aug 2010 - 18:00

Refugium Boris Hauf

Solo-Aufnahmen, und Aufnahmen mit den Bands 'Owl & Mack', The Understated Brown sowie mit den Musikern Bo Lie, Gregoire Simon, Hilary Jeffrey & Martin Siewert

Friday August 13, 2010
(all day)
Start: 5 Jul 2010 - 10:00
End: 1 Sep 2010 - 20:00


bis 03. September 2010

(all day)
Start: 8 Aug 2010 - 18:00
End: 21 Aug 2010 - 18:00

Refugium Boris Hauf

Solo-Aufnahmen, und Aufnahmen mit den Bands 'Owl & Mack', The Understated Brown sowie mit den Musikern Bo Lie, Gregoire Simon, Hilary Jeffrey & Martin Siewert

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