No longer uptodate!
After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:
Olaf Rupp - git
Rudi Fischerlehner - dr
plants vs. animals
Liz Allbee: tr, Christina Ertl/plants and empire: plants, electr, Melodie Fenez/a.melodie: plant synth, Felicity Mangan: fieldrecordings, Ute Wassermann: voice and birdwhistles
Doors: 20:00, Beginn 20:30
Music of/for Minorities
Autobiographic Songs of Women in Laos, Vietnam and China
A new monthly series at ausland presents rare recordings of ethnic music made by Laurent Jeanneau (F). Jeanneau has travelled extensively since 1999 to the remotest corners of Asia, compiling an extraordinary collection of ethnic music recordings.
Each evening will focus on a specific musical practice and will include the narratives, photos or videos of the musicians. Jeanneau will tell us the story of each recording and
he'll answer your questions. Join in for the new listening sessions at ausland!
amSTARt presents:
Golden Diskó Ship: "Invisible Bonfire" (Spezialmaterial Records)
- record release show -
+ Silje Nes - solo
Silje Nes is a Norwegian multi-instrumentalist/singer/songwriter based in Bergen & Berlin.
DJs: Spatz Habibi
Doors 21:00h, Start 22:00h
TEAQ - The Electro-Acoustic Quartet
Stefan Schultze – prepared piano
Simon Rose – baritone and alto saxophones
Richard Scott – modular synthesisers
Cole Ingraham – self designed ipad instrument and live coding
-Szenische Lesung mit Angelika Meier-
Pilotveranstaltung in der neuen offenen Diskussionsreihe zur Lyriktheorie & Poetologie.
Mit Bertram Reinecke, Tobias Roth und Lea Schneider.
Moderation: Asmus Trautsch
Geöffnet ab 20:00 Uhr, Beginn 20:30 Uhr
Matthias Müller - trombone
Michael Thieke - clarinet
Michael Vorfeld - percussion
Christopher Williams - double bass
Roy Carroll - computer, loudspeakers
Robert Beavers wurde 1949 in Massachusetts geboren und besuchte die Deerfield Academy, bevor er 1965 nach New York zog, um sich dem Filmemachen zu widmen.
Robert Beavers was born in 1949 in Massachusetts, where he attended Deerfield Academy, before he dropped out to move to New York in 1965, to focus on filmmaking.
A showing of a scene of the Fourth Act of the Operetta "The Swan Song" featuring the Snail March and a discourse on identity politics.
Doors: 20:00, Beginn: 20:30
Music of/for Minorities
Tibetan Buddhist Rituals in China
A new monthly series at ausland presents rare recordings of ethnic music made by Laurent Jeanneau (F). Jeanneau has travelled extensively since 1999 to the remotest corners of Asia, compiling an extraordinary collection of ethnic music recordings.
Each evening will focus on a specific musical practice and will include the narratives, photos or videos of the musicians. Jeanneau will tell us the story of each recording and
he'll answer your questions. Join in for the new listening sessions at ausland!
Ravenact (Wallraf / Kosack)
violin, piano, poetry, light
Udo Noll
radio aporee live streaming
Peter Cusack & Martyna Poznańska
field recordings
Gosia Lehmann
'Walking Distance' film
Israel Martinez
'Dislocation' video pieces
Doors 20:00h, Start 21:00h.
Korhan Erel (live electronics)
Judith Wegmann (piano)
Julien Mégroz (drums, objects)
Axel Dörner (tr)
Doors: 20:00, Beginn: 21:00
You want to help with running ausland? Or you have some experience as sound engineer or light designer/technician and would like to practice your skills at ausland? Or you just would like to be part of one of the longest-running collective venues in Berlin? Then drop by!
Ein Abend mit Lyriklesungen von Richard Duraj, Norbert Lange und Charlotte Warsen.
Geöffnet ab 20:00 Uhr, Beginn um 20:30 Uhr | Eintritt 5 EUR
Beide Messies werden sich an diesem Freitag den 13. ohne Geländer sehr weit ins Sein hinauslehnen, und zwar mit Liedern, Tänzen, Musik und Dingen.
Lina Allemano - trumpet
Achim Kaufmann - piano
Christian Weber - bass
Card Castle
Antonis Anissegos - piano
Mike Majkowski - bass
Christian Marien - drums
The Elks:
Liz Allbee (Berlin/USA) – trumpet, preparations & electronics
Kai Fagaschinski (Berlin/D) - clarinet
Billy Roisz (Wien/AT) – video, elektronics & e-bass
Marta Zapparoli (Berlin/IT) – tape recorders & self made device
- an audio-visual debacle -
funded by Initiative Neue Musik Berlin e.V.
Duo Hindi/Di Placido
Jassem Hindi: Broken objects, diverted machines
Olivier Di Placido: prepared guitar, pick ups
Nervous cuts and fast dynamic changes in a sea of abrasive sounds. Di Placido / Hindi perform a musique concrete sullied by a live practice and a love of danger. A territory filled by broken guitars, lo-fi field recordings, magnetic fields, scraps, idiots.
Duo Tuerlinckx/Adachi
Anaïs Tuerlinckx (inside piano)
Tomomi Adachi (live-processing, voice, outside piano)
10 contact microphones pick up noises from Tuerlinckx' inside piano and objects. Adachi transforms them into thundering electronic sounds. Harsh and dynamic interactions among piano, voice and electronics.
Shuji Terayama (1935-1983) ist der Inbegriff eines Kunst-Workaholic. In nur 47 Lebensjahren
schuf er ein gigantisches Lebenswerk an Gedichtbänden, Essays, Novellen, Romanen, Hörspielen, Theaterstücken, Drehbüchern und Drehbuchvorlagen sowie eigenen Kurz- und Langfilmen.
Das schrecklichste aus 25 Jahren Grauen oder das grauenhafteste aus 25 Jahren Schrecken.
Lesung aus den Jahrbüchern „Extremismus & Demokratie“
von "der Referent".
Mittlerweile umfassen die Bände etwa 10.000 Buchseiten - genug Text für eine Lesung, die tiefe Einblicke in die Weltsicht und politische Urteilskraft deutscher Extremismustheoretiker und deren Anhänger gibt.
Geöffnet ab 20:00 Uhr, Beginn 20:30 Uhr. Eintritt frei.
- Das Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD zu Gast im ausland -
Annette Krebs, Osvaldo Budón und Tomomi Adachi präsentieren gemeinsam entwickelte Kompositionen, bei denen ein breites Instrumentarium an Klangerzeugern und Klangverfremdern eingesetzt wird...
Annette Krebs, Osvaldo Budón and Tomomi Adachi present compositions they've developed together - using a broad range of sound sources and devices of sound alienation: self built instruments, sound poetry and vocal performance, microtonality and guitars as well as live electronics. Geöffnet ab 19:30 Uhr, Beginn um 20:00 Uhr.