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Osvaldo Budón, Tomomi Adachi, Annette Krebs

- Das Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD zu Gast im ausland -
Annette Krebs, Osvaldo Budón und Tomomi Adachi präsentieren gemeinsam entwickelte Kompositionen, bei denen ein breites Instrumentarium an Klangerzeugern und Klangverfremdern eingesetzt wird, darunter auch selbstgebaute Instrumente, Lautpoesie und Stimmakrobatik, Mikrotonalität und Gitarren sowie Live-Elektronik.
An evening with Annette Krebs, Osvaldo Budón and Tomomi Adachi, who will present compositions they've developed together - using a broad range of sound sources and devices of sound alienation: self built instruments, sound poetry and vocal performance, microtonality and guitars as well as live electronics.
Geöffnet ab 19:30 Uhr, Beginn um 20:00 Uhr. Eintritt 8 (erm. 6) EUR. | |
Sine nobilitatis (Give my regards to Helmholtzstraße)
amplified tuning forks
Two pieces from Austeras by Oscar Bazán:
Los límites
violin, electric guitar, piano
Harmonic studies
for solo laptop
Canciones del bosque oriental
pvc flutes, wine glasses, voices, violin
Salut for Jo Kondo (Microvariation on "Standing")
pvc flutes, guitar, electronics
strings, LED, voice, live electronics
Y-String for One, Two and Three People
Ancient Chinese Experimental Music No. 3
guitar, electric guitar, piano
Annette Krebs
glasses, guitar, violin, voice, tuning fork, Y-string, electronics, composition
Osvaldo Budón
pvc flutes, voice, glasses, tuning fork, Y-string, strings, guitar, piano, laptop, composition
Zur Zeit Gast des Berliner Künstlerprogramms des DAAD
Tomomi Adachi
pvc flutes, voice, glasses, tuning fork, Y-string, strings, electric guitar, piano, laptop, composition
Gast des Berliner Künstlerprogramms des DAAD in 2012