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Haco is a composer, vocalist, electroacoustic performer, sound artist, and a founding member of After Dinner (1981-1991) and Hoahio. She has created numerous recordings both as a producer and engineer based in Kobe. In her live performances, she uses voice and self-programmed electronics as an organic method, accompanied by video images shot and edited with Mariko Tajiri. With a unique sensibility, Haco has developed her own genre of music based on the principles of post-punk, electroacoustics, the avant-garde, improvisation, post-rock, environmental sound, and technology. In 2005, her CD "Stereo Bugscope 00" was awarded a prize in the digital music category at Prix Ars Electronica in Austria. Her most recent vocal-based albums, "Riska" (2007) and "Forever and Ever" (2011) were released domestically, and highly acclaimed internationally. As a sound designer, she has also taken part in collaborations with contemporary dance choreographers in Japan, Australia, and France.

CC No.1 Corruptive Climate

8 Dec 2012 - 19:30

Billy Roisz "Walking The Monkey"
Haco "Forever and Ever"
Kaffe Matthews  "Where are the wild ones?"

DJ Nicholas Desamory

Trockenschwimmen: The Biotec Orchestra

10 Dec 2012 - 10:00
14 Dec 2012 - 00:56

a workshop-laboratory with Olivia Oyama, KH Jeron, Haco, Kaffe Matthews and Don Hill

Deadwood sings slowly. Trees rooted in the sky.  Sonified metabolism of evergreens. Plant driven musical devices. Crystal gardens.