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Martin Högström

Martin Högström is a Swedish Poet, translator, graphic designer and responsible editor of poetry-publishing house chateaux:
2014 Instängd i vattnet (Châteaux) – translation of «Enfermé dans l'eau» by French poet Jean-Marie Gleize – to be released in May
2013 Journaler (Autor)
2012 Vardagens cirklar (Châteaux)
2012 Kardia (OEI editör) – translation of the book by French poet Claude Royet-Journoud
2010 Fängelsepalatset (OEI editör)
2007 Kommande industrilandskap (OEI editör)
2006 Kluven (Vertigo) – translation of the novel Frisk by the american author Dennis Cooper
2005 Transfutura (OEI editör) – attributed the Prize “Katapultpriset” for best literary debut
Selected contributions in Anthologies and books
«Les cercles du quotidien», (des formes de vie), ed. Franck Leibovici (Questions théoriques, 2012) [France]; excerpts of poetry in 32/2011 : trettiotvå poeter tjugohundraelva, ed. J. Gassilewski, A. Hallberg, A. Nyström and K. Sundin (Bonniers, 2011), ”Omformateringsanteckningar” in Hittills samlad poesi 1983–2009 by Jörgen Gassilewski (OEI editör, 2011) and ”jpeg msh 01, jpeg ag 01 och jpeg ag 02”, Ödeläggelse, ed. Marie Silkeberg and Fredrik Arsæus Nauckhoff (Autor, 2009), etc.
Contributions in journals and magazines
Poetry, essays and critique published in Scandinavian poetry, art and philosophy magazines including OEI, BLM, Lyrikvännen, SITE, Ord & Bild, Pequod,, Rett kopi, Ratatosk, Teologi and Kunstkritikk. Translations to french of Fängelsepalatset (« Prison Palais ») has been published in the poetry magazines Nioques #12 (2013) and L'usage #3 (2013) ; a french translation of Vardagens cirklar will be published in Grumeaux #4 (2014). Other contributions have been published in PRECIPICe (Canada), Studium (Poland), etc.
Selected contributions to art exhibitions
“Vardagens cirklar”, Lofoten International Art Festival, Norway, 2013 [visual poetry]; “Att se / djurens blod”, Förbindelsehallen at the Slaughterhouse area, Stockholm, 2012 [performance / film + reading]; “What follows from taking titles literally – everyone that follows, follow suit” by Henning Lundkvist (Galleri Rostrum, Malmö, 2011) [conceptual press texts]; “Two million five hundred and sixty thousand poems”,, 2011 [sound poetry]; “Carbographs”, Textkonst IV, Galleri Huuto, Helsinki, Finland, 2008 [text animation], etc.
Member of the editorial board to OEI and editor/publisher at Châteaux small press
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