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After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
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« January 21, 2012 - March 21, 2012 »
01 / 21
Start: 21:30

Special Percussion Night:

Burkhard Beins (D)
Enrico Malatesta (I)
Michael Vorfeld (D)
Christian Wolfarth (CH)
Ingar Zach (N)

01 / 22
Start: 20:00

Zu Gast in der Radioreihe des ausland ist diesmal der Autor Tobias Herold und liest Gedichte aus seinem zweiten Lyrikband Ausfahrt, der im Herbst erschienen ist. Außerdem gibt es Musik sowie Neuigkeiten und aktuelle Infos rund ums ausland - live aus dem Studio im Haus der Kulturen der Welt und wie immer mitzuhören über UKW 88,4 Mhz in Berlin oder von überall online unter

Start: 20:00

EIN TEIL VON DIR FÜR IMMER - Kammerlieder von Zhenja Oks und Miriam Siebenstädt

01 / 23
01 / 24
Start: 20:00

Spreadsheet Intro

1) Was ist ein Spreadsheet - konzeptuelle Einführung
2) Zahlen, Texte, Formate
3) Datenbanken in Spreadsheets - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
4) Funktionen & Berechnungen in Datenbanken
5) falls die Zeit reicht: Pivottabellen zur Auswertung von größeren Datenmengen

Die einzelnen Punkte jeweils mit Übungen. Daher sind Computer mitzubringen.

01 / 25
Start: 20:00

Die "Lyrik im ausland" 2012 eröffnen mit ihren Lesungen:

Esther Dischereit, Cia Rinne & Martin Glaz Serup.

Geöffnet ab 20h, Beginn der Veranstaltung um 21h.


01 / 26
Start: 20:00

new project by Verity Susman with experimental, psychedelic, improvisational
noise art by this outstanding singer and musician of one of the best bands ever.

Verity Susman is a founding member of British all-female indie rock band Electrelane, formed in Brighton in 1998 by Verity Susman and Emma Gaze. Her first solo project during a hiatus of the band has been Vera November. With her new project as Verity Susman she performs for the first time in Berlin, at ausland.


Marzipan Marzipan

Come early, gonna be a little crowded...!

01 / 27
Start: 21:30

Special Umlaut Night:
Compositions by: Florian Bergmann, Pierre Borel, Hannes Lingens
Played by: Florian Bergmann, Pierre Borel, Johnny Chang, Alba Gentili-Tedeschi, Chris Heenan, Hui-Chun Lin, Derek Shirley, Grégoire Simon

01 / 28
01 / 29
Start: 20:00

Eine Geschichte und ein Diavortrag von Aline Benecke

"Ich bin Dein Geschichtenerzähler - Ich biete Dir den feinsten Orientalismus, Baby."

Ein Abend über und mittels der Macht der Narration, die unser Bewusstsein von jeher konstruiert und unseren Blick auf das Fremde zu unserer eigenen Geschichte macht. Stell Dir vor.... picture this...



01 / 30
01 / 31
02 / 1
02 / 2
02 / 3
02 / 4
02 / 5
02 / 6
02 / 7
02 / 8
02 / 9
02 / 10
02 / 11
Start: 21:30

Michael Thieke
Derek Shirley
Dave Bennett

Nils Ostendorf
Matthias Müller
Chris Heenan

Duo Birgit Ulher / Gregory Büttner


02 / 12
02 / 13
02 / 14
02 / 15
02 / 16
02 / 17
Start: 20:00

Ensemble Hodos plays Cage, Wolff & Corner

Didier Lasserre - sur quelque surfaces vacantes

Burkhard Beins & Derek Shirley

9/6€, doors open 20:00, concert starts 21:00

02 / 18
Start: 20:00

Philip Zoubek & Florian Bergmann
Stefan Thut - vier, 1-12
Peeping Tom

9/6€, doors open 20:00, concert starts 21:00

02 / 19
Start: 20:00

Eve Risser - solo

9/6€, doors open 20:00, concert starts 21:00!

02 / 20
02 / 21
Start: 20:00

"Noch einmal Wunde sein, staubfern und helle Nacht" - Gedichte von OlAF SCHMIDT / Am Flügel GERSOM HEROLD

02 / 22
02 / 23
Start: 20:00

Ein Abend mit Lesungen von Daniel Falb, Orsolya Kalász und Angela Sanmann.

Geöffnet ab 20 Uhr, Beginn der Veranstaltung um 21 Uhr.

02 / 24
02 / 25
Start: 21:30

Two improvising trios!

Achim Kaufmann - piano
Matthias Bauer - double bass
Andrea Sanzvela - viola

Floros Floridis - contrabass clarinet
Sebastian Maschat - drums
George Donchev - double bass

02 / 26
Start: 20:30

Live in concert...


Pär Thörn (tape recorders /sine waves / electronics / voice)  


Andrea Ermke (mini discs & mixing board) 

Arthur Rother (guitar)

02 / 27
Start: 10:00
Start: 27 Feb 2012 - 10:00
End: 11 Mar 2012 - 20:00

A series of numbers and a couple of dots. Perhaps, the whole thing represents the demand for coal. From those numbers and a couple of dots, we will develop our own story of seminal and concurrent moments in the history of political economy entitled The Wilful Undertaking of Serious Chances.

A residency from 02/27/2012 until 03/11/2012 by Richard Ibghy and Marilou Lemmens.

02 / 28
(all day)
Start: 27 Feb 2012 - 10:00
End: 11 Mar 2012 - 20:00

A series of numbers and a couple of dots. Perhaps, the whole thing represents the demand for coal. From those numbers and a couple of dots, we will develop our own story of seminal and concurrent moments in the history of political economy entitled The Wilful Undertaking of Serious Chances.

A residency from 02/27/2012 until 03/11/2012 by Richard Ibghy and Marilou Lemmens.

02 / 29
(all day)
Start: 27 Feb 2012 - 10:00
End: 11 Mar 2012 - 20:00

A series of numbers and a couple of dots. Perhaps, the whole thing represents the demand for coal. From those numbers and a couple of dots, we will develop our own story of seminal and concurrent moments in the history of political economy entitled The Wilful Undertaking of Serious Chances.

A residency from 02/27/2012 until 03/11/2012 by Richard Ibghy and Marilou Lemmens.

03 / 1
(all day)
Start: 27 Feb 2012 - 10:00
End: 11 Mar 2012 - 20:00

A series of numbers and a couple of dots. Perhaps, the whole thing represents the demand for coal. From those numbers and a couple of dots, we will develop our own story of seminal and concurrent moments in the history of political economy entitled The Wilful Undertaking of Serious Chances.

A residency from 02/27/2012 until 03/11/2012 by Richard Ibghy and Marilou Lemmens.

03 / 2
(all day)
Start: 27 Feb 2012 - 10:00
End: 11 Mar 2012 - 20:00

A series of numbers and a couple of dots. Perhaps, the whole thing represents the demand for coal. From those numbers and a couple of dots, we will develop our own story of seminal and concurrent moments in the history of political economy entitled The Wilful Undertaking of Serious Chances.

A residency from 02/27/2012 until 03/11/2012 by Richard Ibghy and Marilou Lemmens.

03 / 3
(all day)
Start: 27 Feb 2012 - 10:00
End: 11 Mar 2012 - 20:00

A series of numbers and a couple of dots. Perhaps, the whole thing represents the demand for coal. From those numbers and a couple of dots, we will develop our own story of seminal and concurrent moments in the history of political economy entitled The Wilful Undertaking of Serious Chances.

A residency from 02/27/2012 until 03/11/2012 by Richard Ibghy and Marilou Lemmens.

Start: 21:00
End: 23:59

Church Car: slow rhythmic drones, dark country songs, and layers of fractured melodies, from Big Daddy Mugglestone & Ian Douglas-Moore

 vompleud: Delay / Dissonance / Electronics // Slowness

03 / 4
(all day)
Start: 27 Feb 2012 - 10:00
End: 11 Mar 2012 - 20:00

A series of numbers and a couple of dots. Perhaps, the whole thing represents the demand for coal. From those numbers and a couple of dots, we will develop our own story of seminal and concurrent moments in the history of political economy entitled The Wilful Undertaking of Serious Chances.

A residency from 02/27/2012 until 03/11/2012 by Richard Ibghy and Marilou Lemmens.

03 / 5
(all day)
Start: 27 Feb 2012 - 10:00
End: 11 Mar 2012 - 20:00

A series of numbers and a couple of dots. Perhaps, the whole thing represents the demand for coal. From those numbers and a couple of dots, we will develop our own story of seminal and concurrent moments in the history of political economy entitled The Wilful Undertaking of Serious Chances.

A residency from 02/27/2012 until 03/11/2012 by Richard Ibghy and Marilou Lemmens.

03 / 6
(all day)
Start: 27 Feb 2012 - 10:00
End: 11 Mar 2012 - 20:00

A series of numbers and a couple of dots. Perhaps, the whole thing represents the demand for coal. From those numbers and a couple of dots, we will develop our own story of seminal and concurrent moments in the history of political economy entitled The Wilful Undertaking of Serious Chances.

A residency from 02/27/2012 until 03/11/2012 by Richard Ibghy and Marilou Lemmens.

03 / 7
(all day)
Start: 27 Feb 2012 - 10:00
End: 11 Mar 2012 - 20:00

A series of numbers and a couple of dots. Perhaps, the whole thing represents the demand for coal. From those numbers and a couple of dots, we will develop our own story of seminal and concurrent moments in the history of political economy entitled The Wilful Undertaking of Serious Chances.

A residency from 02/27/2012 until 03/11/2012 by Richard Ibghy and Marilou Lemmens.

03 / 8
(all day)
Start: 27 Feb 2012 - 10:00
End: 11 Mar 2012 - 20:00

A series of numbers and a couple of dots. Perhaps, the whole thing represents the demand for coal. From those numbers and a couple of dots, we will develop our own story of seminal and concurrent moments in the history of political economy entitled The Wilful Undertaking of Serious Chances.

A residency from 02/27/2012 until 03/11/2012 by Richard Ibghy and Marilou Lemmens.

03 / 9
(all day)
Start: 27 Feb 2012 - 10:00
End: 11 Mar 2012 - 20:00

A series of numbers and a couple of dots. Perhaps, the whole thing represents the demand for coal. From those numbers and a couple of dots, we will develop our own story of seminal and concurrent moments in the history of political economy entitled The Wilful Undertaking of Serious Chances.

A residency from 02/27/2012 until 03/11/2012 by Richard Ibghy and Marilou Lemmens.

03 / 10
(all day)
Start: 27 Feb 2012 - 10:00
End: 11 Mar 2012 - 20:00

A series of numbers and a couple of dots. Perhaps, the whole thing represents the demand for coal. From those numbers and a couple of dots, we will develop our own story of seminal and concurrent moments in the history of political economy entitled The Wilful Undertaking of Serious Chances.

A residency from 02/27/2012 until 03/11/2012 by Richard Ibghy and Marilou Lemmens.

Start: 21:00

A live projection/performance by Richard Ibghy & Marilou Lemmens

The Wilful Undertaking of Serious Chances will transform anecdotes and historical details into reflections on the role of observation in political economy, the domestication of chance, the development of statistics, and the art of boxing. It aim to actively re-theorize economic action and reclaim economy as a site of human invention and intervention.

03 / 11
End: 20:00
Start: 27 Feb 2012 - 10:00
End: 11 Mar 2012 - 20:00

A series of numbers and a couple of dots. Perhaps, the whole thing represents the demand for coal. From those numbers and a couple of dots, we will develop our own story of seminal and concurrent moments in the history of political economy entitled The Wilful Undertaking of Serious Chances.

A residency from 02/27/2012 until 03/11/2012 by Richard Ibghy and Marilou Lemmens.

03 / 12
03 / 13
Start: 10:41
Start: 13 Mar 2012 - 10:41
End: 20 Mar 2012 - 23:59

Squid Libets is born in the middle of the 2000ies, always been an all-girls-band with different line-ups. Now Squid Libets is Janja Pervan (dr), Zelda Panda (g), Raliza Nikolowa (voc&g), Johanna Olausson (b). They let their heartbeats and emotions flow into melody and rythms, working weekly on songs to develope an unique sound that comes with influences from ballads to noise. As ausland residents they will spend time on their first album, followed by a release show sometime in late spring. 

03 / 14
(all day)
Start: 13 Mar 2012 - 10:41
End: 20 Mar 2012 - 23:59

Squid Libets is born in the middle of the 2000ies, always been an all-girls-band with different line-ups. Now Squid Libets is Janja Pervan (dr), Zelda Panda (g), Raliza Nikolowa (voc&g), Johanna Olausson (b). They let their heartbeats and emotions flow into melody and rythms, working weekly on songs to develope an unique sound that comes with influences from ballads to noise. As ausland residents they will spend time on their first album, followed by a release show sometime in late spring. 

03 / 15
(all day)
Start: 13 Mar 2012 - 10:41
End: 20 Mar 2012 - 23:59

Squid Libets is born in the middle of the 2000ies, always been an all-girls-band with different line-ups. Now Squid Libets is Janja Pervan (dr), Zelda Panda (g), Raliza Nikolowa (voc&g), Johanna Olausson (b). They let their heartbeats and emotions flow into melody and rythms, working weekly on songs to develope an unique sound that comes with influences from ballads to noise. As ausland residents they will spend time on their first album, followed by a release show sometime in late spring. 

03 / 16
(all day)
Start: 13 Mar 2012 - 10:41
End: 20 Mar 2012 - 23:59

Squid Libets is born in the middle of the 2000ies, always been an all-girls-band with different line-ups. Now Squid Libets is Janja Pervan (dr), Zelda Panda (g), Raliza Nikolowa (voc&g), Johanna Olausson (b). They let their heartbeats and emotions flow into melody and rythms, working weekly on songs to develope an unique sound that comes with influences from ballads to noise. As ausland residents they will spend time on their first album, followed by a release show sometime in late spring. 

03 / 17
(all day)
Start: 13 Mar 2012 - 10:41
End: 20 Mar 2012 - 23:59

Squid Libets is born in the middle of the 2000ies, always been an all-girls-band with different line-ups. Now Squid Libets is Janja Pervan (dr), Zelda Panda (g), Raliza Nikolowa (voc&g), Johanna Olausson (b). They let their heartbeats and emotions flow into melody and rythms, working weekly on songs to develope an unique sound that comes with influences from ballads to noise. As ausland residents they will spend time on their first album, followed by a release show sometime in late spring. 

03 / 18
(all day)
Start: 13 Mar 2012 - 10:41
End: 20 Mar 2012 - 23:59

Squid Libets is born in the middle of the 2000ies, always been an all-girls-band with different line-ups. Now Squid Libets is Janja Pervan (dr), Zelda Panda (g), Raliza Nikolowa (voc&g), Johanna Olausson (b). They let their heartbeats and emotions flow into melody and rythms, working weekly on songs to develope an unique sound that comes with influences from ballads to noise. As ausland residents they will spend time on their first album, followed by a release show sometime in late spring. 

Start: 20:00

Liebe, Stinktiere und andere Katastrophen: Auf seiner Lesereise anlässlich der Leipziger Buchmesse macht der New Yorker Autor Justin Courter Halt im ausland und liest aus seinem Romandebüt Skunk, das kürzlich auch auf Deutsch erschienen ist. Aus Stephan Glietschs Übersetzung trägt Nagel, Autor von "Was kostet die Welt" und früher Sänger der Band Muff Potter, vor.
Eine Veranstaltung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Hablizel Verlag.  




03 / 19
(all day)
Start: 13 Mar 2012 - 10:41
End: 20 Mar 2012 - 23:59

Squid Libets is born in the middle of the 2000ies, always been an all-girls-band with different line-ups. Now Squid Libets is Janja Pervan (dr), Zelda Panda (g), Raliza Nikolowa (voc&g), Johanna Olausson (b). They let their heartbeats and emotions flow into melody and rythms, working weekly on songs to develope an unique sound that comes with influences from ballads to noise. As ausland residents they will spend time on their first album, followed by a release show sometime in late spring. 

03 / 20
End: 23:59
Start: 13 Mar 2012 - 10:41
End: 20 Mar 2012 - 23:59

Squid Libets is born in the middle of the 2000ies, always been an all-girls-band with different line-ups. Now Squid Libets is Janja Pervan (dr), Zelda Panda (g), Raliza Nikolowa (voc&g), Johanna Olausson (b). They let their heartbeats and emotions flow into melody and rythms, working weekly on songs to develope an unique sound that comes with influences from ballads to noise. As ausland residents they will spend time on their first album, followed by a release show sometime in late spring. 

03 / 21
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