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After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:
"...better with others"
doors 20:00, start 20:30
aussicht von einem treibenden floss
search and hide
l`heure bleue
Choose Your Battles
my silver bullet
poetry of aimlessness
paeonia (floral)
Was können wir tun, um uns zu treffen: Was für Mittel gibt es, Kunst und Veranstaltungen zu erfahrbar für taube Menschen zu machen, wie geht das nicht nur in eine Richtung - und wie können wir von Anfang an so planen, dass eine “Übersetzung” gar nicht nötig ist?
Ein ´Workshop zum Thema Kunst machen und Veranstalten mit Okan Seese, dem einzigen tauben Komiker, der auch für hörende Zuschauer_innen auftritt.
LUCIA LIP electronic pop extravaganza Berlin
Eintritt: 10 Euro
Einlass: 9pm
fb event:
ra event:
Doors 20:00, Concerts 21:00 | 10 EUR
Pirx post-punk aus München | post-punk from Munich |
TEll A ViSiON loops-beats-hip-pop aus Berlin | loops-beats-hip-pop from Berlin |
tasga (davor, dazwischen, danach | before, inbetween & after)
Für Mutual Friend entwickelt das Duo INTER_SECTION - Sabine Ercklentz (Sound) und Claudia Schmitz (BewegtBild) - zusammen mit der Pianistin Magda Mayas eine raumbezogene audiovisuelle Echtzeit Performances bei der die dichotome Wahrnehmung von Klang und Bild zu Gunsten einer synästhetischen Erfahrung aufgegeben wird. Sabine Ercklentz | Trompete, Elektronik Claudia Schmitz | Live Moving Image auf Skulptur Magda Mayas | Piano
A kind of "decentralized amusement park" that can pop up anywhere in the city and provide entertaining moments. Residency with Zelda Soussan, Ana Dimitrijevic, Claire Terrien
A kind of "decentralized amusement park" that can pop up anywhere in the city and provide entertaining moments. Residency with Zelda Soussan, Ana Dimitrijevic, Claire Terrien
A kind of "decentralized amusement park" that can pop up anywhere in the city and provide entertaining moments. Residency with Zelda Soussan, Ana Dimitrijevic, Claire Terrien
A kind of "decentralized amusement park" that can pop up anywhere in the city and provide entertaining moments. Residency with Zelda Soussan, Ana Dimitrijevic, Claire Terrien
A kind of "decentralized amusement park" that can pop up anywhere in the city and provide entertaining moments. Residency with Zelda Soussan, Ana Dimitrijevic, Claire Terrien
A kind of "decentralized amusement park" that can pop up anywhere in the city and provide entertaining moments. Residency with Zelda Soussan, Ana Dimitrijevic, Claire Terrien
A kind of "decentralized amusement park" that can pop up anywhere in the city and provide entertaining moments. Residency with Zelda Soussan, Ana Dimitrijevic, Claire Terrien
A kind of "decentralized amusement park" that can pop up anywhere in the city and provide entertaining moments. Residency with Zelda Soussan, Ana Dimitrijevic, Claire Terrien
Residency Showing: The (F)UNFAIR is decentralizing amusement park and can pop up anywhere in the city and provide entertaining moments. This is one of them!!!
Cake and DJ DU - for inside please come corona tested if you can. We´ll also have tests for on site testing!
Doors: 8 PM
Shows: 9 PM
CAREBENDER experimental choir/ Berlin
EILIS FRAWLEY spoken word, solo drums/ Berlin
Feichtmair/Harnik/Polaschegg: Tanja Feichtmair – saxophone; Elisabeth Harnik – piano; Nina Polaschegg – double bass | Quatuor BRAC + Thomas Lehn: Tiziana Bertoncini – violin; Soizic Lebrat – cello; Benoît Cancoin – double bass; Vincent Royer – viola; Thomas Lehn – analogue synthesizer
TetraTon: Close-up: electro-acoustic composition for two extended & spatialized trumpets
Liz Allbee & Sabine Ercklentz | extended trumpets & electronics
In this collaborative project, Allbee and Ercklentz continue their investigations into the nature of the trumpet and its sonic and imaginative possibilities. The two experimental trumpet & electronics players from Berlin share an interest in extended techniques and multi-channel sound, having both developed their own language and tools. They use diverse strategies for sound production and diffusion.
>>Close-up<< is their first collaboration in four channels.
Die komplette Enttäuschung zum neuen Jahr ... | start into the new year with the complete disappointment ...
Doors 20:30 | Concert 21:00 | 10 EUR
Rudi Mahall - Bassklarinette, Klarinette
Axel Dörner - Trompete
Jan Roder - Bass
Michael Griener - Schlagzeug