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KH Jeron

Curriculum Vitae KH Jeron
Phenomena in contemporary life are the focal point of KH Jeron's artistic interest. He sees his work as an investigation of popular social issues. Often he collects material from public sources like Google, Wikipedia or TV. This material is enacted by small robotic vehicles or compiled into videos. Jeron is interested in shifting the recognition by subtle interventions.
1962 born in Memmingen, Germany
lives and works in Berlin.
1985-1986 Studies painting at the Art Academy Munich
1987-1988 Philosophy of Science and Logic, University Munich
1988-1989 Philosophy of Science and Logic, Freie Universität Berlin
1993-2005 working with Joachim Blank as Blank & Jeron
1999-2006 Lecturer for Multimedia Art at the University of Arts Berlin
2008 Glück gehabt, open artistic competition, NGBK, Berlin
2006 net_sight - NetWorkArt Contest 2006 2. price Graz Austria
1999 Prix Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria: honorary mention for the category interactive arts for Scanner++; Comtec Art, Dresden, 1. price in the category computer aided installation for Scanner++.
1993 Ostranenie, Bauhaus Dessau
1994 MedienBiennale Leipzig
1995 Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria
1996 European Media Art Festival Osnabrück; Telepolis, Luxemburg
1997 Documenta X, Kassel
1998 Ortsbegehung, NBK Berlin; Global Fun, Museum Schloss Morsbroich, Leverkusen
1999 Expo Destructo, London; Internet Art Exhibition, Machida City, Museum of Graphic Arts, Tokyo; Viper festival, Luzern, Switzerland; Comtec Art, Dresden; Net_condition, ZKM, Karlsruhe; Cyber Arts 99, Prix Ars Electronica, Linz
2000 Network Art Entertainment, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, USA; tech_nicks, Lux Gallery, London; Inventions, Berlin- Hongkong, HKW, Berlin; Einsperren/Aussperren/Aufsperren, Laden Lothringer 13, Munich; Open Art, Belle Etage, Munich; log. in, Institut für moderne Kunst, SchmidtBank Galerie, Nuremberg
2001 GeldLust: Modellbanking, Kunsthalle Tirol, Hall, Austria; Berlin - London, Institut of Contemporary Art, London; Trade, Fotomuseum Winterthur, Switzerland; 1st Public White Cube, Projektraum Berlin, Galerie M. Kampl;
2002 Galerie im Park, Bremen
2003 Written in Stone. A netart archaeology, The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Oslo, Norway;
2004 fa$t umson$t, NGBK Berlin; subduktive Maßnahmen, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn; Kunstverein Leipzig
2005 Boxen für den Frieden, German-Russian- Museum Karlshorst Berlin; A la recherche du temps perdu, allgirls gallery, Berlin;
2006 A la recherche du temps perdu, SPACE gallery, London; Horde, Brandenburgischer Kunstverein, Potsdam; A la recherche du temps perdu, paraflows, Vienna; Radio Vehicles, Berlin Alexanderplatz, Hydepark Art Center Chicago; dVdFaN, allgirls gallery, Berlin; MUR.KNOTEN, medienkunstlabor kunsthaus graz, austria;
2007 Will Work For Food, HTTP gallery, London; webbiennal, Istanbul Contemporary Art Museum, Turkey; KunstRaum Goethestrasse Linz, Austria; Surveillance City, Trampoline Nottingham, UK;
2008 The Whole World As A Google Image Search,; Will Work For Food, 20th Filmwinter Stuttgart, Kunstforum Hellerau, Dresden; A la recherche du temps perdu, Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana, Galerija Miklova, Slovenia; Pole Position, Kunstinvasion, Berlin; Meantime, Cheltenham, UK; 1st Public White Cube, Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco; Glück gehabt, subway station Weinmeisterstraße Berlin, NGBK;
2009 Entweder/Oder, allgirls gallery, Berlin; Will Work For Food, Dock 18, Zurich; 9-5, Alexandra Gallery Lancaster, Temporary Art Space Halifax UK; Die Verbesserung des Fernsehens am Nachmittag, I-machine/Ich-Maschine, Edith-Russ-Haus Oldenburg;
1995 Working grant Kulturfonds Berlin-Brandenburg
1998 Working grant EMARE (European Media Art in Residence Exchange) at MUU Media Base, Helsinki (Finnland)
1999 Working grant Senat for Culture, Sience and Research, Berlin
2008 Residency at Meantime Cheltenham UK
2009 Residency Pilotprojekt Gropiusstadt
since 1999 Berufsverband Bildender Künstler Berlin
since 2004 Deutscher Künstlerbund
2003 Contribution for »Software Art - Eine Reportage über den Code / Software Art - A Reportage about Source Code« published by Media Arts Lab / Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
2006 Contribution for »No such thing« published by Media Arts Lab / Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
Works in public collections
Museum for Applied Arts, Frankfurt (Main): Digital Craft;
Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie (ZKM): mediaart- net, Karlsruhe; Barbarastollen, Oberried: participation in the exhibition Subduktive Maßnahmen - 1500 Jahre UNESCO-Sonderschutz für 50 zeitgenössische Kunstwerke (Subductive measures - 1500 years special protection for 50 contemporary art works);
Kunst im Bau, GASAG Berlin;
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