No longer uptodate!
After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:
Two nights of new, spontaneous and highly organised music.
Two nights of new, spontaneous and highly organised music.
"Just Kids" verbindet Geschichten aus der 2010 erschienen Autobiographie von Patti Smith mit
Songs und Musik aus dem Umfeld der Warhol Factory und dem Chelsea Hotel.
Rike Schubert - Lesung, Schauspiel, Puppenspiel
Noel Rademacher - Musik
Die Veranstaltung „Angura – Experimentelle Kunst und Musik aus Japan“ soll Vertretern der japanischen Undergroundkultur die seltene Gelegenheit bieten, ihre Arbeiten in Berlin zu präsentieren.
Solos und Duos:
Government Alpha (aka Yasutoshi Yoshida)
Unter dem Projektnamen Government Alpha entwickelt Yasutoshi Yoshida seinen eigenen musikalischen Stil.
Reiko Azuma
Reiko Azuma ist Autorin und darstellende Künstlerin aus Tokyo. Von 1989 bis `99 war sie Mitglied des weltweit wohl bekanntesten Noisemusikprojekts „Merzbow“.
Sumihisa Arima
Umfangreiche Aktivitäten in den Bereichen Noisemusik, Electronica, Improvisierte Musik und zeitgenössische Musik mithilfe von Computern und elektronischen Instrumenten.
Carolin Bohn wird in ihrem Vortrag zeigen, dass es in Lessings "Laokoon" nicht nur um die Grenzziehung zwischen Malerei und Poesie, sondern vielmehr um ihr gemeinsames Ziel geht: Eine Illusion erschaffen.
Olaf Rupp - E-Gitarre, Jan Roder - E-Baß, Oli Steidle - Schlagzeug
Burkhard Beins / Michael Renkel / Derek Shirley
Stine Janvin Motland - voice
Ståle Liavik Solberg - drums
Diatribes: Cyril Bondi - drums, d'incise - laptop, objects + Magda Mayas - (prepared) piano, el. piano
Andrea Parkins - electric accordion, objects, electronics
Gunnar Lettow - el. bass, objects, Korhan Erel - live electronics, Chris Heenan - saxofone, doublebass clarinet
MASS APPEAL - Sounds of Gravity and Group Reflex
proudly present a reading with songs of Scene 2, Act 1 of the Operetta:
hidden gardens of neglect
congregating here and there
little islands of repair
in a world that doesn´t care
(excerpt from the Hilarias aria)
The operetta The Swan Song has been in continuous production by a stubborn staff of creators and an ever growing crowd of lovely guests since 2008 . It is performed scene by scene in various venues throughout town.
Es lesen Lyrik und Prosagedichte:
Alexander Gumz
Alban Nikolai Herbst
Orsolya Kalász
... geöffnet ab 20h, Beginn der Lesungen um 21h!
When everyone's cranking up the volume 'til their speakers start to smoke, the preachers are screaming at the top of their lungs and the same pop song is blaring out of four neighboring kiosks, you have to be kind of inventive to squat another frequency where you can really stick out. And people are...
Sonntag, 04. Dezember 2011 / 20:00 bis 21:00 Uhr oder UKW 88,4 MHz
Olaf Rupp - acoustic nylon string guitar
Joe Williamson - double bass
Tony Buck - percussion
Partizip Präsens: Talking about helping, curating, participating in ausland. Teaching the ins and outs of being an ausländer.
Drop by if you want to help at ausland, send a proposal and drop by if you want to organize events at ausland
"Improvisation mit Büchern (Bücher über Improvisation)"
lecture performance
Mathias Maschat: Bücher, Stimme, Zitationen
Michael Renkel: Gitarre, Live-Elektronik
Olaf Hochherz: book, Live-Elektronik
... & im Anschluss: Kleine Jubiläumsparty zur 25. schleuse mit Zelda Panda!
KLANK: Reinhart Hammerschmidt – double bass, objects; Christoph Ogiermann – violin, voice, objects; Tim Schomacker – percussion, voice, objects; Hainer Wörmann – el. guitar, objects
GRIX: Floros Floridis – saxophone, clarinet, electronics; Antonis Anissegos – piano, electronics; Yorgos Dimitriadis – drums, electronics
Sophie Agnel - piano
Andrea Neumann - inside piano, mixing desk
solo / solo / duo
The International Nothing (... and something)
Kai Fagaschinski | Klarinette
Michael Thieke | Klarinette
Christian Weber | Kontrabass
Eric Schaefer | Schlagzeug, Perkussion
Konzert des Deutschen Musikrates
Moved: Spreadsheet Intro on 24th of Jan! Excel Intro
1) Was ist ein Spreadsheet - konzeptuelle Einführung
2) Zahlen, Texte, Formate
3) Datenbanken in Spreadsheets - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
4) Funktionen & Berechnungen in Datenbanken
5) falls die Zeit reicht: Pivottabellen zur Auswertung von größeren Datenmengen
Die einzelnen Punkte jeweils mit Übungen. Daher sind Computer mitzubringen
John Cage pieces
Olaf Hochherz
Francesco Cavaliere
Stefan Roigk
Felicity Mangan
Mat Pogo
Ignaz Schick
Seiji Morimoto
Cartridge Music (1960)
Fontana Mix (1958)
Branches (1976)
Telephones and Birds (1977)
Song Books (1970)
Radio Music (1956)
Konzert: Der Singender Tresen / "CD-Pre-Listening"
construye castillos en España
construye castillos en España
construye castillos en España
construye castillos en España
construye castillos en España
construye castillos en España
construye castillos en España
> 130 dB
Derek Shirley and Christina Ertl use their residency to record and rehearse with numerous projects that have two things in common: loudness and low frequency.
> 130 dB
Derek Shirley and Christina Ertl use their residency to record and rehearse with numerous projects that have two things in common: loudness and low frequency.
> 130 dB
Derek Shirley and Christina Ertl use their residency to record and rehearse with numerous projects that have two things in common: loudness and low frequency.
> 130 dB
Derek Shirley and Christina Ertl use their residency to record and rehearse with numerous projects that have two things in common: loudness and low frequency.
> 130 dB
Derek Shirley and Christina Ertl use their residency to record and rehearse with numerous projects that have two things in common: loudness and low frequency.
> 130 dB
Derek Shirley and Christina Ertl use their residency to record and rehearse with numerous projects that have two things in common: loudness and low frequency.
> 130 dB
Derek Shirley and Christina Ertl use their residency to record and rehearse with numerous projects that have two things in common: loudness and low frequency.
> 130 dB
Derek Shirley and Christina Ertl use their residency to record and rehearse with numerous projects that have two things in common: loudness and low frequency.
> 130 dB
Derek Shirley and Christina Ertl use their residency to record and rehearse with numerous projects that have two things in common: loudness and low frequency.
> 130 dB
Derek Shirley and Christina Ertl use their residency to record and rehearse with numerous projects that have two things in common: loudness and low frequency.
> 130 dB
Derek Shirley and Christina Ertl use their residency to record and rehearse with numerous projects that have two things in common: loudness and low frequency.
> 130 dB
Derek Shirley and Christina Ertl use their residency to record and rehearse with numerous projects that have two things in common: loudness and low frequency.
> 130 dB
Derek Shirley and Christina Ertl use their residency to record and rehearse with numerous projects that have two things in common: loudness and low frequency.
Neues Jahr, neuer Sendeplatz, aber nicht heute, dafür bald wieder, hier:
über UKW 88,4 MHz in Berlin oder online auf
> 130 dB
Derek Shirley and Christina Ertl use their residency to record and rehearse with numerous projects that have two things in common: loudness and low frequency.
> 130 dB
Derek Shirley and Christina Ertl use their residency to record and rehearse with numerous projects that have two things in common: loudness and low frequency.
> 130 dB
Derek Shirley and Christina Ertl use their residency to record and rehearse with numerous projects that have two things in common: loudness and low frequency.
> 130 dB
Derek Shirley and Christina Ertl use their residency to record and rehearse with numerous projects that have two things in common: loudness and low frequency.
Christopher Kline
Francesco Cavaliere
Special Piano Night:
Jürg Bariletti - prepared solo piano: knitting needles special
Paul Hubweber - trombone
Philip Zoubek - prepared piano
Julie Sassoon - piano
Klaus Kürvers - double bass