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After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:



Friday May 30, 2014
Start: 21:00

- animals acting human # 2 -

Duo: Tobias Kirstein & Pär Thörn - sinewaves, feedback and screaming between brutal sound poetry, noise and psychedelic electronic music.

Solo: Ignaz Schick - turntables

Doors 21:00 - Start 22:00



Saturday May 31, 2014
Start: 20:00

Susanne Zapf,Wojciech Garbowski: Violinen
Nikolaus Schlierf: Viola
Cosima Gerhardt: Violoncello
and special guest Olaf Rupp: Guitar

Sebastian Smolyn: E-Posaune
Artur Smolyn: Elektronik
feat. Maxime Hänsenberger: Schlagzeug
and special guest: Jerzy Mazzoll

doors 20:00, start 21:00

Monday June 2, 2014
Start: 20:00

Dorothea Rosa Herliany und Afrizal Malna in Lesung und Gespräch mit Ulrike Draesner
(Lesungen auf Indonesisch und Deutsch)

Geöffnet ab 20:00 Uhr, Beginn um 20:30 Uhr | Eintritt frei

Eine Veranstaltung des
Berliner Künstlerprogramms des DAAD in Kooperation mit ausland.

Tuesday June 3, 2014
Start: 20:00

A message from Clayton Thomas:

After 7 years of rocking this sweet beautiful continent, I'm leaving to rock Sydney one more time.

The relocation would not be right without a 2 day party where i can hug and kiss you all and dance like a maniac and play a marathon of awesome music. As you do.

Wednesday June 4, 2014
Start: 20:00

A message from Clayton Thomas:

After 7 years of rocking this sweet beautiful continent, I'm leaving to rock Sydney one more time.

The relocation would not be right without a 2 day party where i can hug and kiss you all and dance like a maniac and play a marathon of awesome music. As you do.

Thursday June 5, 2014
Start: 20:00

Andrea Ermke: mini discs, mixing board
Anaïs Tuerlinckx: piano

Mike Bullock: analog synthesizer
Bertrand Gauguet: amplified alto & soprano saxophones

Riding the line between instrumental free improvisation and electronic soundscape, Bullock & Gauguet trade roles back and forth: at times the saxophone acts as the nebulous ground to the synth’s figurations.

Friday June 6, 2014
Start: 20:00

Joel Grip - double bass, Martin Küchen - saxophone // No Input Ensemble (Paris): Mario Garcia Hurtado - guitar, Andrés Castellani - sax, Emma Richards - viola, Fanny Vicens - accordion, Noam Bierstone - percussion, Florian Bergmann - bass clarinet

Doors: 20:00, Beginn 20:30

Saturday June 7, 2014
Start: 20:30

Reidemeister Move
Robin Hayward – microtonal tuba, Hayward Tuning Vine
Christopher Williams – double bass

Olaf Hochherz - Synthesizer
Ute Wassermann - Voice and Birdwhistles
Felicity Mangan - Fieldrecordings

Sunday June 8, 2014
Start: 21:00

...die 2.Show über Miracles: Flüchtige Momente der schönen Musik. Heute mit Live-Aufnahmen vom Konzertabend

Wednesday June 11, 2014
Start: 20:30

 Release concert of the Album “Komplex” by Roger Döring & Konrad Korabiewski (Grünrekorder): Roger Döring (cl, sax, acc and more) / Konrad Korabiewski (live elec)


Saturday June 14, 2014
Start: 20:30
End: 23:59

Hans Koch (CH)/Gaudenz Badrutt (CH) /Frank Gratkowski (DE) & Seijiro Murayama Solo (JP/FR)

Sunday June 15, 2014
Start: 20:00
End: 23:00

Zweimal / einmal Zwei

Gustavo Costa / Anthony Pateras and Erkki Veltheim (duo) / Alexander Garsden

doors: 20h | start: 20.30h


Thursday June 19, 2014
Start: 20:30

Extended duration performance with

Akio Onda,  Akio Suzuki and Takehito Koganezawa

Friday June 20, 2014
Start: 21:00

Triple Record Release night:
Mensch Mensch Mensch (12" vinyl LP out on alt.vinyl, UK)
Stine Janvin Motland
presents her new albums "Ok, Wow" (out on +3dB Records) and "In Labour" (out on Pica Disk)

Doors 21:00, concerts 21:30

Saturday June 21, 2014
Start: 20:30

Corvo Records present:
Ingrid Schmoliner: карлицы сюита
(prepared piano / record release gig) 

JD Zazie
(Turntables, CD players, Mixer)

Alessandra Eramo
(Voice, Field Recordings, Electronics)

Doors 20:30, concerts 21:00.

Tuesday June 24, 2014
Start: 20:00

Konzert Minimal plays: Koen Nutters: New work (2014) Johnny Chang: New work from Background series (2014) Peter Ablinger: Wachstum und Massenmord for Title, String Quartet and Program Note (2009/10) Michael Pisaro: an unrhymed chord (2003) Konzert Minimal: Lucio Capece / Johnny Chang / Cat Lamb / Hannes Lingens / Mike Majkowski / Koen Nutters / Hector Rey / Derek Shirley

Thursday June 26, 2014
Start: 20:30

eine Komposition von und mit:  possible.movement

Die Differenz zwischen synchronen und asynchronen Sequenzen ist für die KünstlerInnen von besonderem Interesse...

geöffnet: 20.30h, Beginn: 21h

Saturday June 28, 2014
Start: 12:00
End: 23:59

Karl-Heinz Jeron is back at ausland, this time he's a Robot Race Bookie!

There will be a workshop, a betting office and a variety of race courses … and hey, it’s open hardware. Take part, build a robot, make a bet and have fun.

No previous skills are needed.

Sunday June 29, 2014
Start: 20:30

The International Nothing plays The Dark Side Of Success (Ftarri, 2014)

The International Nothing
Kai Fagaschinski | clarinet, composition
Michael Thieke | clarinet, composition

record release concert incl. Bockwurst, Whiskey & DJ
Eintritt: 5,- €

Gefördert durch die i.n.m., doors 20:30, beginn 21:00

Wednesday July 2, 2014
Start: 21:00
End: 21:30

OBLIQ: Pierre Borel (sax), Hannes Lingens (dr & objects), Derek Shirley (b/synth) + Klaus Filip (sin waves) /// Solo by Pierre Borel

supported by INM and Kulturamt Pankow

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